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Everything posted by Lauer

  1. This is an example of the pollution in 风水.But it is also creative, for it amplifies the meaning of 一路发. 什么都会发, 一路冲啊. But 风水 basically is about understanding the advantages and disadvantages of a landscape formation. And for a music break. Enjoy!
  2. Probably the closest where you could find the answers is in Buddism.什么是心? It is not the 'heart', nor the 'consceince'. It is more of an abstract, a state; like the 气 described in FS, or TCM. I think the Buddhist speaks of 真心, 妄心, a state to be achieved in order to see the truth; it means that if one practices a religion in the wrong state, one couldn't possibly attain enlightenment. 什么是性? As in 人之初, 性本善. 什么是本性? The Chinese wisdoms, in their original state, are profound. 易经, even 风水 etc are very good read; 风水practice today, in my view, is pretty much contaminated; especially the practice of using 八卦 mirror, sword etc. I am not saying that these are not effective, but adopters of this kind practice should at least understand what they are getting into. Understand what is 正. Just my 2-cents thoughts. Cheers!
  3. And for the music break. A young Elvis Presley. And a young Jim Carrey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2JXsTtN02U&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
  4. 什么意思?什么什么 behavioral science, 什么什么 an opportunity to press price downward. This is what, how the Bible taught you to be a person? This kind of posting, 不回也罢. The moment you take, is also the moment you would carry a debt for the remainder of your life. I am not Buddhist, but my life experience is that it is better to give than take. I was once given the opportunity to buy a landed, the old dwelling had been left vacant for more than 20-years, completely derelict. The owner, already 75-years old chose to stay in an HDB all the years while having the landed. All prospective buyers siam, saying haunted blah blah. Agents said press down the offer. I looked at the old man, and offered the price he wanted. The house has since been redeveloped and sold. Just my 2-cents thoughts. Cheers!
  5. You think too much liao... But I am not FSM. Cheers!
  6. Very different thing; Bazi destiny could be foreseen, God's will couldn't. Yet, Bazi could be considered a hacking attempt at God's will. (I am not bothered if people wish to call God as 天, Yahweh, Allah etc etc).I think that the question in the mind of most people, is there such as thing called destiny. Unless one has foreseen his destiny, that he has been given flashes of future event affecting or involving him. Even when another is able to foresee his destiny, the doubt remained. Chees!
  7. 我以为是.I have no problem if you insisted that a date is neutral, that it could be auspicious or not. Relatively minor issue, I don't take it seriously too. But. The God in the Bible is Yahweh, the God in the Quran is Allah. (Historically, the name Yahweh originated as one of the Isreali gods). Yahweh (or Jehovah) is Allah, Allah is Yahweh, they are one and the same. 不管白猫黑猫, why God allows the atrocity of ISIS today (not to mention other atrocities witnessed in the human history)? We have Jihadi John etc, you know what is the meaning of Jihad? It means Allah directed, Allah commanded. But Allah is Yahweh. So what is going on? Cheers!
  8. Haha, but why bother?Today, the only way to 得好死 is to die while asleep. Think about it, with the advance in medical life sustenance system, there are all kind of ways to sustain or prolong life. But with tubes going through the nostrils, through the urethra etc how could one gets 好死? Like LKY, he has written and spoken about the wish of a quick exit, he signed the AMD. But people decided to put him under life sustenance for about a month. If he was totally unconscious throughout the ordeal, never mind. If he was conscious but immobile and couldn't speak, in his mind it must had been "WTF!, I signed the AMD liao la". (Of course I am dramatizing to just make a point, I have all the respects for LKY). Cheers!
  9. In the broader picture, religion had lost its innocent long ago liao... Today, there is no more 真人.I have nothing against a believer of any religion, sometimes it is good to have a way to resolve an inner conflict with religion. Historically, religion had evolved into the scope of political or government control; whether the control is blatant (as in the case of ISIS, or the Hudud law in Malaysia) or covert (as in the case of United States). Take Christianity as an example, without the Roman Emperor Constante it is debatable that there is Christianity today. After Jesus, the disciple split, Peter went to Rome and with the support of Constante established what is today The Vatican. James (brother of Jesus) stayed in Jerusalem, he continued to preach Jesus' teachings but the organization couldnt match the machinery of the Roman Empire. This is history. But who was the Roman, but the murderer of Jesus Christ? I venture if Jesus were Chinese, this arrangement would never had happened. A contradiction as you said. Cheers!
  10. It was the luck of his draw; genetic. In other words, a destiny sparked the moment he left the cocoon of his mother. There is no answer to the question "why him, and no others?". I think Buddha tried to answer this kind of question and offered 因果, but not a good answer in this case.I think we should celebrate his lifetime achievement and contribution instead. Death came in various ways, it is just a process. I am sure that the church elder felt contented of what he did in his lifetime. To me, life is a journey. What is important is the type of journey one takes, not where it started or how it ends. The Jews as a tribe existed way before the time of Jesus Christ, so they are not Christian. Then they were persecuted, WWII and even now. I think the way to understand the persistent persecution is not via the religious angle, but the political and economic angle. Jews as a relatively smaller group of people, it has a far bigger lever of influence in especially the banking industry. This is the problem to many people, not necessarily only to the Nazi or the Muslims. But historians have been saying that Jesus is Jewish, a descendent of David no less. Just my 2-cents thoughts. Cheers!
  11. Not at all, because it belongs to the occult or conspiracy category. But in times of big market events, such as the 2008's, some numbers would be thrown around in the markets. For example, the SPX hit 666 which is the symbol of Lucifer.I was then more interested in the founding of United States, its history, the federal system of government (which followed the Freemason hierarchy of government) and sort of veered into its numerology. For those also interested. Cheers!
  12. I don't see how a discussion like this could be sensitive.To the Muslims, there is the God in the Old Testament. To the Christians, God is the Trinity described in he New Testament. And the Old vs New debate (in fact, much more than debates but bloodsheds as well) since 2,000 years ago. This is a part of human history. To me, it is an irony in human history that a (or two) religion(s) killed. Just my 2-cents thought. Cheers!
  13. I think that when the debate gets to the point of why is "甲" is "甲" and is not "乙", then the debate is pointless liao. Might as well ask why the ancients started the alphabet sequence using "A" but not "B", the numbering system using "1" but not "2". To me, they are just codes. It is the meaning attached to the codes that is important mah. How to progress with this kind of mindset? Just my 2-cents thought. Cheers!
  14. Just google for "numerology" can liao... There are Freemason (some called Illuminati) numerology etc, but my favorite is Fibonacci Sequence. An introduction video: I won't get into the details of how traders apply Fibonacci in the markets; Google is your friend as they said. Cheers!
  15. Wah jackpot...Why must reset le? Actually 八字 calculation is 数理, I have nothing against 数理论. In fact, if one is a trader there are very wide application of 数理 in the markets; not from 八字, angmoh has his own repertoire of 数理. 很神奇喔, Tia!
  16. Tio la. I also say that the 2-hours 时辰, and especially the 60-years cycle 八字 calculation are really problematic lo. Cheers!
  17. 是啊,什么什么天时地利人和。 没有天,地以何来。 没有地,人又以何来。 一切一切以天开始. Not saying that 天时地利人和 is not true, but saying 天 is the dominant factor in the equation. 没有天, 那来上帝😭😭. Cheers!
  18. Date is not neutral la... Your birthday is not auspicious to you meh? If there is no 冬至, then when is 立舂. If there was no Good Friday, then where is Christinity. Why US stock markets crashes happened in the month of October. According to 易经, the ebb and flow of 阴阳 contributed to the so-called auspiciousness of a date. The thing is, according to destiny or determinism theory, basically 天命难违. But according to some FSMs, basically they say 人定胜天. "Let's apply some formations to change your 运, if not 命." I have no problem with this claim, but practitioner should understand the maths of 一命二运三风水 lo. Just my 2-cents thought. Cheers!
  19. If you could invest and generate a return that is higher than the mortgage rate, then invest lo. Cheers!
  20. Don't be like that le...share share mahHow to tell if a piece is a natural or one injected with polymer? TIA!
  21. Hoseh liao bo KC?Knowing you, I had expected your postings. Well done. While I have nothing against FS, but be careful because there are too many falsehoods there, online or not. Lately, there are also the spams from JY Team from Renotalk. I once told off a specialist I was seeing, saying that the Fortune Cat and 财神爷 don't belong in his clinic. Cheers!
  22. "don't know who you are" is 168 = 一路发 le. Huat arh!
  23. For the semi-believers, may be it is more effective to improve the FS of a house, by donating the $1000 fee to the needy instead of to the FSM. Just saying. Cheers!