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Everything posted by Lauer

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BMUzCBWacM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8smO4VS9134&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
  3. Why not ask the question of why a foreigner is so keen on investing in a Singapore property? For the monied, finding returns for the moneys they have could be a real challenge in today's investment environment (how much interest do you get in your saving account?). Moreover, the government is most probably anticipating an inflationary surge in private property prices; Eurozone has lower its rate, China to follow soon. For a qualified foreigner, the cost of applying for SPR is $100. The added benefit now is a potential saving of 10% stamp duty of a property he has been eyeing. Deal or no deal?
  4. I tried to find an article that could present & summarize, in a concise way, how sovereign debt financing actually works. I think the following article should be good enough? http://modernsurvivalblog.com/the-economy/colossal-government-debt-prepare-for-inflation/ In addition to the sound advice given in its last paragraph 'Prepare', I might add that it is ironically advantageous to carry relatively larger debts such as a new housing loan etc in an inflationary environment. (Maybe this is the 'reason' that why everyone seems to be zealously buying new launches without fear of the impending implosion of Euro?) With this done, I would like to wish all a happy renovation & prosperous 2012. To all who celebrate it, a joyous and merry Christmas. Enjoy!
  5. Nothing new. Don't take 'Occupy Wall Street' seriously, they are staged.
  6. China would be doing OK economically, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. Unless of course, the Chinese government loses control and allows internal strifes to multiply. US should be able to recover as well, and most probably is already well on its way (not in the news yet). The future of Euro is very dim. In my view, there is a public version of history, and then there is the non-public version. One has to look at the public version from a healthy distance. For example, what is the real purpose of European Union? Historically, the Europeans were fighting amongst themselves; the Vikings, Turks, Romans, WW I, WW II etc. Why a federation of European countries? Why having Euro and then without a common Treasury? Who benefits from having a Euro? It is not difficult to see; which countries today are trying to keep Euro alive? The German & French economies still have not collapsed as per last reported GDP growth figures. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuiGol0M02o&feature=youtube_gdata_player (Who say that young people don't like old songs?) Enjoy!
  7. It is not important how long one has been involved in stock markets. Often, long does not mean that the investor is good in investment. I have encountered a number of young investors/traders that are gifted as well. But one thing that is universally true with the stock markets, every beginner paid a tuition fee resulting in some kind of losses. To be sustainable in the stock market, one has to approach it with respect, with humility, with a healthy dose of fear. In many ways, investing in stock market is like playing a round of golf. In golf, an individual sport, one is actually playing against himself mentally. The same with an investor/trader from a psychology aspect; one has to be very honest with himself to do well. In 2008, because of the unique happenings in the stock markets worldwide, I started an advertising free blog to provide readers with some ideas how a trader approaches the market, which is technically driven and very rarely news driven. (When one spent times understanding how the stock markets actualy work, one would realize that news flows are controlled/managed by the big interests. In other words, before the news reached the public, via newspapers or even twits, an astute trader would have detected it in the stock's or index's chart). If you are interested, the blog is at knowyourrisk.wordpress.com; it is no longer updated since I lost my notebook computer/password while in London. It was a lot of works maintaining the posting, and also because I was busy with building a house after returning from London. The original landed house, purchased at a bargain price in late 2009, was re-constructed. That was when I came to know about Renotalk. I am grateful to contributors who generously shared their experiences in house re-constructions. There are many of them, but I would like to particularly thank the authors of Our Living Spaces (Facebook) and Leechaorui. Like I posted before, I am here to return the favors in a small way. I have no idea how long I would be posting here, perhaps until I feel that there is nothing more I could add to the resources here? Meanwhile, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRNTQvXSsfA&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
  8. Mae, Thanks for the lead. As Mr. Raymond Lo has been mentioned, I have attached the following link to his website regarding 2012 prognosis. http://www.raymond-lo.com/article_details.php?id=45 For those who are interested in stock markets prediction, the most prominent (arguably) analysis freely available is as linked below: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article31591.html (Regarding stock markets, we are currently seeing unprecedented intervention by governments throughout the world. QEs, Germany/France in Greek etc. How would these end up?)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edRnjGPJGo0&feature=youtube_gdata_player Another legend. Enjoy!
  10. Aiyoh...paiseh ah. I found ancient China history fascinating, one area is related to ancient scholars. Of course, most of these scholars studied for the Imperial Exam - become a court official upon passage, bringing honor to the family. But to study in a good school, to be accepted by a good teacher, a scholar had to go through stringent character reference. No teacher would want his name tarnished by a rogue. But some scholars would forego the chance to sit for the Imperial Exam, because they refused to be associated with a corrupt Imperial Court. And a few of these really brilliant scholars would end up as the so-called military strategists for warlords (I mentioned before, countless battles were waged in ancient China). Liu Bowen, strategist for Zhu Yuanchang (later became Hongwu Emperor, the founder of Ming Dynasty); Zhu Keliang, strategist for Liu Bei (Three Kingdom, with the famous Kuan Gong, Zhang Fei, Zhau Yun); Fan Li, strategist for the famous Ye Wang etc. All of them developed successful military strategies/battle formations that broadly speaking, could bear similarity to some applications in modern Feng Shui principle. If you are a businessman, then you should know who was Fan Li (who became Tao Chu Gong).
  11. I wouldnt say they are BS, but it should be very difficult to find true masters. (How do you learn to read face or palm?). Probably much more difficult than say, finding a true FSM. My knowledge of Bazi, FS is really beginner, newbie. But one would discover that for Bazi, FS, TCM, they have the same unifying principle based on wuxing and the complementary/conflicting nature of its elements. In this way, the starting point (to accept the validity of Bazi, FS) becomes easier to accept. The ancient chinese social structure seemed to allow the development of Bazi as well. Do you know that in ancient china, each individual was classified (& registered as) into the 4 broad category of 士农工商 (in reality, much more than four, like civil servant etc). Within each category, rules were very rigid too. For example, a person registered as 商 was not permitted to sit for the Imperial Exam, and therefore could never be upgraded. Notice that 商 was the lowest of this broad grouping. Even today in modern China, one needs to register his residency. A person living into the city but not registered as its resident faces a lot of disadvantages; in housing, healthcare, child education etc. So, the ancient Bazi scholars did have a way to gather empirical evidence for Bazi development (so & so is born with this Bazi, classified under this social group etc). Over thousands of years. Same with TCM's development, based on empirical evidence of this kind of herb produced that kind of Ying or Yang effect. Bepgof already illustrated how one's Bazi (the eight characters) could be formed. Very structural, isn't it. No if, no but. The IF & BUT are in the Bazi analysis.
  12. Speaking of playback, in the journey to Bazi, FS enlightenment... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC9Vt1xQ5Kw&sns=em Enjoy!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQzqzSCzlm4&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
  14. It looks like also following the Wuxing principle. For example, 1 represents Water, referring to kidney, bladder etc of human body. And (really) pushing this ahead, it also looks like the Luo Shu grids could also accomplish what the Gan Zhi method in Bazi in deciphering a person attributes, including mapping out his luck cycles. Anyone please affirm? Or I talk rubbish? TIA!
  15. I agree with Leecharui on understanding one's preliminary requirements. Those who experienced the process of constructing a new house, whether via the New Erection approach or A&A etc, would know the learning curve that an owner has had to go through. Having an architect or builder that fits one's requirement profile would make the journey much more constructive, for both sides. Cheers!
  16. Not hurricane la, which is an air occurrence. Before Han Dynasty, the ancient scholars related Qi to wind, air, breath etc. After, Qi was referring to the so-called life force. FS was first about, well, the feng shui of a burial ground. The Book of Burial described the Earth Qi mah. From Bagua, Loushu etc, some other scholars developed the Time-Space dimension of FS, tio bo? Probably the application had more to do with the countless military battles fought then than for household FS. Open discussion mah. Cheers!
  17. I think that I know why some, as you said, would apply XKFX only for ground level of landed. However, I am curious to know if they would apply XKFX to HDB flats? Cheers!
  18. Aiyah, remember Steven Covey's woh. Anyway, open book discussion for today's self study. There is indeed the Earth Qi that travels along the geography's so-called Dragon Veins. Nothing top secret or proprietary, one could google for "Singapore Dragon Veins" to see where they are claimed to be. The Earth Qi (Ti Qi) is one of the two FS Qi. The other is called Heaven Qi, literally Tien Qi but the way I understood, not 100% referring to a weather. This Heaven Qi carries the time dimension referred to in XKFX. This Qi has been described as like a "beam" of Qi, referred as the central qrid of XKFX, which should be located at the Ming Tang of the house (as I suspected earlier that the grids have a relationship with the ancient Chinese architecture). The Earth Qi "moves" clockwise upwards, whereas the Heaven Qi "moves" counter-clockwise downwards from the star constellation. These Qi then interacts with the Qi of the house occupants to form the trinity of Tien Ti Ren. OK, let discuss. Cheers!
  19. Did you mean bull markets ahead?

    Share more leh...

  20. Nothing reasonable or unreasonable about asking for the VO details. Don't think too much. Cheers!
  21. The contract allows a retention of 10% until successful handover, so you could retain the $4.7K. In other words, the next payment should be $(47K - 30K - 4.7K) = $12.3K, where $50K x 60% gives you the $30K. Cheers!