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Everything posted by Simontsh

  1. IMO the most important thing to decide first is your budget!
  2. after yesterday, confidence in ID increased by a significant amount. left them alone a few days after the last meetup and glad to see quite a few things done without us having to do anything i think now they are going to put some some of the lightboxes and false ceilings. sidenote the LEDs i ordered from the link recommended by bro Centrino arrived. the stuff that i have chance to test all working. certain stuff haven get to test. aircon guy also delivered the compressors. no need to pay anything until everything is fixed.
  3. ID also arranged for citygas to come and settle the gas pipe pipe come in, out to service yard service yard go back in to the other side ending point of gas pipe
  4. During last visit, I mentioned one of the shower kerbs like not straight. ID said will settle. so it was hacked.... redo and then measure again kitchen bases also added the covers for the i-don't-know-what-you-call-it this is the wm base.
  5. trunking at main door area also redone. master bathroom also prepared for lightshow. the only regret is we had no way of wiring to the bottom of the vanity top without using a trunking.
  6. Hoho yesterday had an update from ID. also went to take some pictures myself. basically, most of the rewiring are complete. with all the mistakes we pointed out rectified. the opennet provision. daytime is ID take one. the trunkings that i have been unhappy with rewired. common toilet prepared for light show
  7. You can try Totts. I saw cheaper one at courts tampines also. foldable some more!
  8. nah i am just the average joe. my knowledge is limited to whatever is available from other users' experience or whatever information that is made available by suppliers. imo lightings have to be decided base on many factors, like user preference (see already must be shiok or at least comfortable), physical limitations like height of apartment/floor area, cost concerns like electrical usage and even environmental differences for e.g. if u are living on high floor, and have a windy apartment, or u are polar bear and forever switch on aircon one, then probably halogen bulbs can be used since they provide the best ambiance at the expense of high electrical cost. but if you low floor, and dun use aircon....even if u are okay with spending alot on electricity, the halogen bulbs will blow faster since the temperature is going to be much higher. worse if the design of the light fitting is absymal Alot of the lights we see from EU/US, take note their weather is much much different from ours. usually they have much cooler weather. thus what works there might not work here. (this is the exact case for IKEA) which was the case for some downlights that I saw along balestier. the vendor say design from EU/US. branded blah blah. the downlight is almost enclosed yet the vendor suggested using normal incandescent bulbs.
  9. Changi style means like changi airport lor, super bright. Night time also bright like day LOL For me i have less than 20 downlights wor 4 for dining 5 for lighting 2 for corridor 6 for mbr Use aquafit for bathrooms. Cheapo light for store kitchen and bedrooms haha. Going to compliment with floor lamps for brightness. E27 is the type of base. For g9 g10 g24 etc etc Plc is the type of bulbs. Got plc, halogen LED So theres E27 halogen, energy saving and led bulb. If using bulbs that operate with considerable heat, better to observe if the enclosed area for the bulb is good enough to regulate the heat Most bulbs blow because of overheating
  10. fwah so many downlights but depends on floor area ba. you two going for changi style lightings huh? must be super bright? agree.....look liao very tempting.
  11. today met electrician and IDs. clarified that its done by their guys. ID also at the errors. went through the electrical requirements again. hopefully this time all the mistakes will be rectified
  12. Is this the brighter strip for the kitchen? if yes then looks bright enough....if this is the old strip....then OMG the new strip is going to be very bright.....
  13. mine all will be done by SC...their own brand kitchen....good or not i dunno. i think only the 2 steel profiles are from blum the rest all own brand one. now alot of copycats in the market....just need to check on the quality.... for IKEA....u need to read....already alot of reviews. IMO things that you are going to use a long time and dun want to keep replacing, better skip IKEA. the problem might not be because of quality....rather the conditions that the product was made for. For e.g. alot of ang moh brands in EU/US very good....but come here all chui....because of weather problems. Have to take into consideration our environment is more humid than EU/US....
  14. its the trust issue ma....if already have instructions and yet electrician cannot follow....obviously its time to get another electrician
  15. yeah she's checking with the electrician i agree only me ID and subcon should have access.... but in this case, I already know who else have access. also from the same ID firm.
  16. That's my suspicion too. Its either A) another staff from s k y c r e a t i o n came to give instructions Or B) electrician didn't give proper instructions That's my 2 logical guess since the number lock only a few ppl know ma But since all deny and if i assume everyone telling the truth It becomes a mata case lor
  17. good quality plus lifetime warranty if i remember correctly. definitely a good choice if u have the cash
  18. it might be a genuine case of vandalism see the small trucking leading from the hole to the right. was not planned at all by any one of us.
  19. DRAMA UPDATE: 2 days ago, I went to the flat to do a quick check. Very very very when I saw a hole that is drilled on the wall at the tv console area into my bedroom. and someone laid a long fat trunking in the bedroom, at a position that is IMPOSSIBLE to be hidden by the wardrobe. i immediately took photo and sent a msg to both my IDs. both unable to answer what happened. I gave them a day to check. Next day, both still have no clues about the hole. I arranged to meet one of them in the evening. but somehow he no show. explained that his phone was low batt and failed to contact me. nevermind, but the fact that both still dunno who is responsible made me fumed. I immediately locked the gates and changed the lock number. called authorities immediately today. advice received was that the works must be done by someone in charge. either the electrician, who is under instructions from ID, therefore ID is responsible. but since all claim to dunno what happened, it means someone has ILLEGALLY entered my premises and VANDALIZED my unit. relayed the info to ID. she said she will investigate and contact me again. cannot believe a simple reno can become a mata case.
  20. its funny that the same shop Everjoint but everyone got varying experience. read this one http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41641&view=findpost&p=678347 dunno to order from everjoint or not............................... :bangwall: