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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Watch out folks, its been "confirmed by a reliable source" that Sillyporeans will get to enjoy 5 years of F1 Racing.. Likely to be around Sept every year, what does that mean for us? -Road closures around City area -More Traffic Jams -Likelihood that ppl traffic will be high before and after the event as tourists come early to shop and holiday or stay back to do so after the F1 -Rentals of hotel rooms to go up -Likelihood of ppl booking hotel rooms to watch the F1 -Weddings at affected areas to get affected by price increases (i won't be surprise if its a 10% increase onwards) -Please try not to hold weddings around Sept. (If you still need to ask why.. please knock your head and read from the top again)
  2. wah lao.. thats a very decent price for the quality.
  3. Phantom xinyi_reiko Naughty.. lol... but spending 2k on a 1 day PG.. lol.. can ask lah
  4. He should, but can he? And realize that prices have gone up so much that he buys a new place at the same price or more? Ah Beng will realize he cannot stop working just to pay off the new loan... and realize that at the age of 55 that he will have most likely a fully paid house and not much CPF..
  5. i never book .. yet... lol.. but its good right?
  6. .. quite nice mah your pics.. will tell wife we can try gowns.. lol..
  7. i think u are right.. must at least see the high end one how.. then can compare.. eh yah.. cig increase quite a bit.. anyway.. dont really smoke so much.. little bit nia.. i'm talking abt by june next year settle on BS.. most likely my AD on jan/feb 09
  8. ha ha ha.. my wife scared to try gowns.. later cannot come out. got pics boh? see see leh.
  9. wah rao.. not cheap my flen.. better skip.. lol... eh.. i think 1.2 for 2.. could be quite tough.. maybe 1.5 to 1.8 for 2.. still can.. quit ah...lol.. see how lah.. recently up again.. very bored.. eh.. we need to sign up latest by June i think.. so still got time lah.
  10. U can pay mah.. lol.. maybe if this job pays.. ted wu also no problem. lol.. maybe only.. lol... The PG.. Gary from Little Wedding Day. I like his phototaking style..
  11. yah... i know.. lol.. they are very nice.. actuallly i also thinking of going down one.. then i read alot of reviews... and the reviews are quite recent ones.. not 1 or 2 years old.. i also scared.. its not really me.. but must find a place can make wife happy .. lol.. if not.. trouble man..
  12. ha ha.. we should go together.. you wives could see see.. and me and your ah lao smoke outside.. lol.. need to be careful mah.. few k leh.. lol.. money not easy to earn..
  13. Sophia price range around what you know anot? where is it? Yah... cheesecake has a point. yo cheesecake.. i've got PG.. i've heard very good.. but price is like 2k to 3k range leh. for 1 day.. i think should change the thread title.. now we talking abt PGs.. ADs... VGs.. BSs...
  14. i dun think club chinos is worth it also. -Prima Tower Revolving Restaurant -88 Restuarant probably might fit a cheaper package.. but if its 500++ i would second the Furama Riverfront venue. ballroom is nice. i've heard the food is not too bad.. i think Devilaz holding there..
  15. I'm going for the GCW one. Wife and I had discussion on fullerton.. we don't like the ballroom actually.. Oct and Nov 08 quite booked up.. i've enquired.. DEC ppl go for leave and holidays.. early part is safer. Check the SingaporeBrides Forum thread on this BS.. I do agree the photography very "dreamy" ..
  16. What abt Tung Lok. Looks very nice also.. price also not too bad?
  17. wahahah... you really walking wedding guide leh.. everything also know.
  18. Loft. Great place you have there. Check the height though.. Loft might not look nice if not enough space.. i think you might need 7-8ft to be comfortable.. dun forget the thickness for the "floor".
  19. Fair point. We also bought what we like.. actually its what "I" like.. lol.. wife is happy that we are getting lcd/plasma already.. as long as 40" and above..
  20. Yup.. i don't think its crucial. Try asking a doctor in singapore to certify that you will die within a year. Won't happen.
  21. very likely. 5 years less coverage and mortality charges cheaper for women, Men die younger due to constant nagging.. lol.. just kidding lah..
  22. lol... maybe ministers pay scale went up? lol.. i'm most likely wrong.
  23. that is also quite true, which is why maybe most companies have the mentality that referred candidates will also be somewhat pressured to succeed? I know alot of ppl don't go by headhunters but I told my friend that the headhunter got me the job and i thought that the package negotiated very decent for me.. so its ok for other ppl to earn abit sometimes for the work they've put in.