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Everything posted by karen77sg

  1. When wil the Akira sale ends? Or already ended? at Toh Guan?
  2. Hmm...wat I heard is 1 couple....anyone else cares to comment?
  3. Wah....u r a great PI man.....
  4. I just click to reply u ma...so u shd be able to receive it... Related to claims lor....I am doing claims for automotive line now...Oops...cannot reveal much....later ppl noes where I am working...haa....
  5. Most important is healthy and not give u much problems...
  6. I sent liao...u check... Tuas ulu enuff or not??? Haa....Ya, v near and my transport up till JE...so I onli tok 1 stop back home... Hmm...tinking of getting a town job, so tat I can hang ard with my friends aft work instead of going bk. I hang ard in West in weekdays...and central in wkends...sometimes lazy to go out...so just laze in West area too...
  7. Somteimes can be off topic la...forums are like tat...
  8. Mace, dun make me laff can?
  9. Dun "Suan" me la....Ahnah...check yr e-mail... I am working in Tuas...y?
  10. Oops....so sorri...tort u driving....he he.... Ya la...my understanding of rot is watching TV at home...feels like wasting my time... Bt sometimes bo pian lor...
  11. An Chuan is a procedure whereby u get a pair of elderly couple, with good life and a lot of children to shift the bed to the original position where u wan the bed to be... An Chuan date and time has to be chosen in this aspect....
  12. Scoria76...dun get so stressed! All these will be over soon and u hv my respect over yr decision....
  13. Tat is at the point when u buy house ma...after tat, all the increments are not make known unless they auto tell us la...for me and my HB, we always auto tel each other, cos we so eager to bring the other party out for a sumptous meal...gluttons...haaa....
  14. Haha...we are on the same boat....bt u r driving ma..so can go anywhere u like.. unlike us...if work in ulu places, sometimes the thought of travelling to town and back home puts us off liao.....so go back and rot lor...
  15. Ya...sort of...anyway we managed to sort out the differences these few weeks and I dun tink he will leave the job now as he just got a promotion.... So I got to adjust at my side....
  16. Ahnah....who are u referring to? Btw, will reply u on yr e-mail soon cos lately quite bz...
  17. Yes...cos my initial concern is abt my problem ma...which evolves my hubby!
  18. Wel well...seems like I shouldn't start this thread....seems like a warzone now.. lol...
  19. Heard from old ppl tat u can oni sleep on yr new bed after yr actual wedding - customary or ROM (if no customary). Meanwhile, just slp on the old bed and then buy a new one before yr wedding. U also hv to pick auspicious date to "An Chuan" and some traditional things to do... maybbe the experts can advise u betta?
  20. Hahaha....when they forgotten to keep their pay slips...then everything will be out of the bag liao...
  21. Like wat I say tis is very subjective and up to individual... There is no need to get so worked up just bcos we have different perceptions/tinking... As long as we are happy and comfortable abt it, then is ok.... There is no right or wrong here...just some personal opinions of ours.... Rare species!
  22. Bt if we were to ask them to change jobs jus becos we are not comfortable with it. Are we being too much and overbearing? Skali, in futue, he will blame me for messing up his career, then how? I tink yr hubby is near extinct liao....u shd cherish him...as for the 80% and 20% rule, it is still up to individual....