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Everything posted by karen77sg

  1. Hi raincole, so how do u celebrate his birthday? Care to share?
  2. I tort it is more of "bo pian" since our HB dun help out? kekeke Ya ya....I have a friend....dunno whether she does her hsewk every week.... Cos her HB also bo chap and there is one CNY we actually went her house and she tok out her dusty fan out for us as it is very hot... And guess wat, when the fan starts blowing, the dust also starts flying....My friend's son actually picks the dust from the floor and play with it, scared the wits out of her... Then in the end, she bo pian gt to vacuum the fan! Pengz.... Wah....I dun tink I can tahan tis....I like cleaniless one....Phew! I also hate iroing...especially when ironing my HB's shirt! Then now I scrub the shirt first, throw into the machine, take out and iron when it is still wet. Then hang the half dry shirt back to dry....and keep into the wardrobe when it is dry. Wet shirts are easy to iron. And I iron the shirts every day after dinner so tat I will not have so much to iron during weekends! At the same time, i can keep slim so tat I dun sit down after eating...Killing 2 birds in one stone! There was once I even quarrel with my HB on ironing...its really frustrating lor... My Hb attempts to buy 1 for me when I was making a fuss on ironing at 1 time. Then I stop him cos it is quite expensive and my arm aches when I try on the vertical type! cos the handle quite heavy....dun tink is practical leh.... Still prefers the old types!
  3. Ya....tis is wat I heard too....seems like it is true...scary...anyone I dun buy things from them.. They are v expensive...
  4. Generally, round or oval tables are the best. Bt if u r asking at FS based on yr Bazi and hse....its best to seek professional help.
  5. I fly by Tiger Air and hotel is Best Ao Nang resort and spa... Wah...to me the price is ok if the food is nice...bt if the food is not nice..then it is not worth.... Anyway...u get to feel the ambience and view... Ok la...
  6. kensanctuary, thanks a lot....bt wanna ask a stupid qn...the date should be lunar or english birth date? Sorry for my ignorance...
  7. Oic...my friend was there during June and nvr heard her mentioning abt monsoon... Anyway, I can't swim...so mabbe will just go enjoy the massage, spa and day tour... Warrior88, u seems v familiar with Krabi...any things to take note / must bring there? Thanks in advance!
  8. Ya true, best to hold all payments now till completion and rectification done. Good Luck!
  9. Hi hot298, nicely done up flat! Swee! Is this a 3I flat? If it is, u hv renovated so well tat it does does not seems so small... Congrats!
  10. Cos I go during holidays period so more exp ba...spent $600 on resort and air tickets... Oni Tiger Airways go krabi.... I stay at Ao Nang Spa and Beach resort. Okok...thanks... La Playa all fully booked...Initially I tried tat hotel... Issit? Bt my friend say early Aug not affected by monsoon leh... When is the Monsoon season har? Then is Phuket affected by monsoon?
  11. Yup...confirmed going..we spent $600 on resorts and air tickets...4 days 3 nites And I heard u dun spend much there....so ok la.... Issit? My colleague just told me no assign one leh... hmm....He just tok it months bk...mabbe just change ba... HSH21 - glad tat u enjoyed yr trip....where is Mebara KL and how expensive? The ambience must b v nice ba since it is so high up... I dun like chicken rice balls...prefer the normal loose ones...I tink S'pore chix rice nicer than Malacca's...
  12. So now is wat? I am confused!
  13. Did u state the date of completion in the quotation? For me, I told my contractor before I signed the agreement tat I need the place badly and any delays, they will pay for me for my rented place and storage of furniture... Of cos I gv them a reasonable time frame la...6 weeks for a 5 room is enuff...and in the end, they complete within 5 weeks!
  14. I voted for someone else to paint for me... Its not worth to save the money and in the end, I gt to sacrfice my leaves and aching body at the end of it... And I might not do a good job too... I tink my leaves are more expensive than paying the painters...keke...
  15. The change of foto does not mean tat u need to take a new foto with the gown again....it can be a normal foto with both of u hugging together.... 7 years is from the customary date.... I dunno how true...bt tis is wat my friend claims... Hmmm....wat do u mean by 3rd party mean another "shadow" in your photo??
  16. karen77sg


    Hi All, I am going Krabi next month...during National Day Week. Trying to gather wat I can do there since I can't swim. Is there any nice places to go? Wat is the charges for the taxi from Airport to Ao Nang Beach? Any inputs welcome! Thanks.
  17. 7 years is from the day u 2 married NOT from the day u position the photo.... Actually I dun really believes too...bt my HB does... Luckily we still hv budget to go neighbouring country for a short trip tis year, else how to take new photo?? I also dunno gt time to take foto not?
  18. And when u deal with the agent....remember to ask whether GST wil be absorbed or we need to pay. My sales transaction is handled by ERA and they actually charged a 5% GST. I oni knew tat on payment time! And now GST is 7% and this could be a lot especially for huge amount transactions.
  19. Kai Guang on the ducks????? Dun tink so... The time and date is not chosen, it is a convenient date for us oni... And the FS master also nvr say anything...he just hang there on the follow up session. Tat is the 3rd time....he came my hse 3 times. 1st time - open door, 2nd time - An Sheng, 3rd time - follow up after reno finished... The ducks is a pair of transparent ones, facing each other - tighten by a red string... I am always the one starting the fight and he is the one tolerating....bt things seem to take a change recently already...we stop the fights...and I learn to understand and accomodate... Photos in SW? ok...I will go figure out. Btw, heard from one of my friends whom is learning FS now tat a couple shd change their wedding photos after 7 years of marriage rite? Tat is go overseas - M'sia also can, take a photo, enlarge it and replace the old wedding photo...so tat there will not be a 3rd party? is tis true? hmmmmm.....
  20. Oic...sorri tat I do not noe tat u intends to stay wif yr parents... Then it is advisable to get a 4 room....bt get 1 tat is renovated...so tat u will not over stretch yr finance... And getting a reno loan may not be approved...do consider wat if it is not approved? Still tink tat 200k with a well renovated 4 room flat in Bukit Batok is quite impossible. Perhaps u can try Bukit Gombak or CCK?
  21. Korea....then I am just like yr HB man...I dun like branded goods too...unless I am filthy rich and gt no place to spend money on.... I prefer the money to be in my bank a/c...keke Tats y my friends always tease me tat whenever I step into a LV shop, the purpose is to buy my HB a present and not for myself...I dunno y leh...I "bu se de" to buy for myself one...even my HB wants to buy for me, I will scold him too...hahahaha...
  22. My FS master hang 1 pair in my MBR wardrobe... Bt we still quarrel leh...seems like no power...wahahahaha
  23. Haa....it happens to me tat time when I bought tis flat. Bt my condition is different, the seller back out the very next day. My agent refused to let go (maybe he also lazy to find another unit for us), he offer to follow up for us, asking for compensation from the seller, threathen to sue them...etc and even refused to let the seller talk to us....Very tough agent! In the end, the seller bo pian gt to sell to us...bt anyway everything is settled. I ever called HDB before, they say the seller cannot back out during the cool off period (I dunno whether is the term correct). Bt the buyer can choose not to buy during this period...we can sue them if they really back out.. So sorry to hear abt yr plight....bt seems like they are outright to cheat u! And I hate such ppl....bt on the hindsight, they also very "cham"! Pay the deposit back in installments.... I tink if really go to court, u definitely will win the case, then they will die lor...cos they will compensate like mad! Hope things will work out fine for both of u!