Hi everyone I am looking at square downlights and its not common in taobao . Can advise whether this one is good ? http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220m.1000858.1000725.1.BjWQyq&id=16145182778&is_b=1&cat_id=50105504&q=led+%C9%E4%B5%C6&rn=e293bd0214c3955643cb0d392b380389 thanks
Hi beejeebee there isnt any extra charges , just the rates which bank charged is slightly lower than market rate .... RMB : 1: 5 , but dbs charged me 1:4.95
Hi May I am new to renotalk , can you please email me your contractor Andrew mobile number . If I didnt mistaken , did u mention another contractor Alan in you blog before ? my email address is : crystal_tiong@yahoo.com.sg Thanks in advance.