my room got infested too abt 1.5 years ago. yes, i have a HARD TIME getting rid of them. they hide in between the bedframe and also in our cupboards. u can locate them by looking for their ****(black spots) if there's black spots e.g like at the side of your mattress or bedframe, high chances theres bed bugs hiding somewhere there. i tried using cans of BAYGONS/SHIELDTOX etc,etc. these insectisides dont kill them effectively as in, they can still crawl and die after saying their prayers. i got myself a bugs spray from a floral shop, its in a white can. its actually for aphids (if i remembers correctly). it works wonders. the bed bugs literally fall dead after being sprayed by this. unlike using the normal insecticides. 1 can cozt about $7. the can is smaller than a normal Baygon can. what i did is, i basically close my room door and get personal with this bugs. machine wash my entire bed sheet and pillow case, overturn my bedframe and spray every corner. u can see them crawling in pain and die (sweetness) they got so bold till they even stay at the corner of my bedroom wall. so i was spraying in every corners in my room. guess i kill abt 75% of them that day. i repeat the process again the next day and kill the left overs. still see 1 or 2 of them the next few days, but thats all. no more bed bugs. till now. =)