Hi Tiler Seng, I hope this is the right channel for me to seek some advice from you. I have completed my reno with one of the so-called "established" interior design company. Unfortunately the workmanship was very bad. I have some problems with the groutings at the kitchen area. I am using coloured groutings and i notice that the colour of the groutings are uneven. Some part of the groutings appear darker (wet) and some parts appear the original colour. It is throughout the whole kitchen and my kitchen floor look ugly. On top of that, some grout seems to be sunken in. (Not the same level as the tiles) therefore feels uncomfortable when stepping. When I ask the tilers, they told me its normal and depends on the tiles i chose. Is it possible to regrout everything to white? Is it normal for the grout to be sunken in? How can i overcome this problem? Attach is the picture I have currently, After mopping and dry, grouting will look the same. Please advice as I am really upset by their workmanship. Thank you http://www.flickr.com/photos/91614022@N05/8926014919/