Hi Sis Mae, I'm v new to this blog... spent hours reading thru your blog and your reno process! Your place is indeed nicely done! I'll be receiving my keys end Oct and initially wanted to appoint my previous ID who did quite a good job for my last reno but after reading yours, v tempted to check Donnie out. Haven't really appointed an ID yet but have gone thru the initial discussion with my ID who is also a friend now. However, my ID came out and set up her own company(using own HDB as office). In the past, she was working for quite a reputable ID firm but now, she is OMO(one man operation). I'm a little concerned abt this and if I were to appoint her, its because of trust. Don't know if I should be sentimental abt this... on one hand, want to support her since she is starting out on her own, on the other, concerned that OMO may mean higher cost, no backup, little support and etc. I can see that most of the regular forummers are here and I really like the friendly nature and free sharing nature of this place. Kindly feel free to give me your 2cents. Thank you very much!