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    Ultimate Idol of RenoTalk

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  1. I've a platform in my living room that I want to hack and perhaps just do an acid wash on the floor tiles underneath. Is it possible? Is there any recommendation for contractor who is willing to perform such a small job?
  2. haha u got same problem as me, when we were looking for a flat, we recee the place then surveyed abit...my opposite neighbour facing me used to be a chinese family, their corridor outside veyr clean...my adjacent malay neighbours hung a lot of clothes along the corridor (recently started to hang underwear ) ...but we thought ok since our opposite one is clean then ok le......who knows....during reno, the chinese family moved out....an indian family moved in......then a few days after they started to move in, they too started to hang their clothes outside their unit.....so now my floor looks like kampung.....so pai seh to invite friends to my place....very fed up with inconsiderate ppl.... as for the smoke, i suggest speaking to your neighbour about it.....being religious is one thing...being considerate to your neighbours is another......
  3. morning! how is everybody??? got miss me?? been busy lately.....no time to come in..... lately also very fed up with my neighbours....mine is point block so each floor only 4 units.....lately my diagonal unit neighbour started to hang underwear outside the flat....too da*n much....they already hung a lot of clothes on the corridor, the underwears suddenly appeared....so imagine u go home, lift dorr open, you are confronted by their underwear......da*n suay and the neighbour facing me recently got a huge dog, kept barking non-stop early in the morning and there was a foul smell emitting from their flat.....duno if they bathe the dog or not......and since we are facing them, sometimes when we open the door, the smell da*n horrible..... very fed up of such inconsiderate ppl......feel like complaining to town council about the clothes and the dog......
  4. long time neber go mah....and my friends got free passes otherwise u think i wil fork out the money to go meh?!
  5. haha.....interesting weekend...... me going zoo tmr... hopefully dun rain....long time neber see animal
  6. morning! ya long weekend again....enjoy this break...the next public holiday will be in august liao
  7. which level are you at now?
  8. y so busy lately? i didn't ask you lar....i'm just typing my thoughts out loud...of course i'll call and ask lar....
  9. good morning! short week this week! sourcing for place to bring my parents out for dinner this weekend to celebrate mother's day.....uob like got a lot of promo but duno fully booked or not....
  10. it's ok......friday.....faster finish work, faster leave office....
  11. Good morning! Finally Friday liao!
  12. *tsk*tsk* zek ark leh......our poor national pride bo dai bo ji stand there pui water nia dio zapped, u all so happy.......*tsk*tsk*