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Everything posted by workofgrace

  1. having a baby shouldnt be a result of an 'accident'. it should be a conscious and responsible decision made by the couple. Nobody can be truly prepared for their first child.. i mean how can anyone be prepared if they have no prior experience? The thing is you must know and undertand the responsibility that comes with a baby... financially, emotionally and practically and then decide to have one. Being financially secure first is important but not essential as it is subjective. how much is enough? im sure we have seen pple survive with big families but with little income. Recently the papers published articles on living a simple life, which is a good read. I guess it all boils down to sound financial planning. If one party fears that having a baby will mean that they cannot go travel or buy that BMW, then that couple is not ready. a baby should be a bonus to life, if the attitude is right, the responsibilities that come along should be well embraced. this can come at any stage of life (erm.. minus teenagehood i guess). my 1 cent worth.
  2. hey guys, thanks for all the help, really appreciate it. So i gather a rough estimate for diapers, milk powder and misc would be about $500 a month.. haha, its actually more than what i thought it would be.
  3. Hi guys, i have a baby coming and I am trying to do my sums.. How much more money do you spend now after having a baby.. say monthly.. and where does this money go to? any advice appreciated. Thanks!