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Everything posted by MingzhuAng

  1. And we finally bought our elkay brand of kitchen sink. And we bought a few items at the same time too. Ellane hob and hood. Wasn't sure of the brand etc, and took a leap of faith and bought Ellane's hob and hood based on my feel at that time. Actually, we went twice and my heart is always telling me to buy that hob. Hope its good. Initially, was planning to get izola, which is not popular in SG. My parents bought it 11 years ago, and they are made in England. The izola now is made in china if i'm not wrong. Might be a mistake that they are referring that the brand is made in England. We also bought a sink for our common bath, but i forgot to take a pic. And we almost bought the pull out sink tap, and suddenly i remembered that hb showed me the catalog of faucet that they are carrying. And i remembered the brand pozzi, luckily i remembered. It will save us quite a bit, as he can get it at supplier price. keke..
  2. Tomorrow, we will be buying our kitchen sink, as we need the measurement for our sink concrete support. So, most probably we will be buying our hob and hood as well. The other sunday, I was looking at a kitchen sink from Elkay's brand, but i'm having doubt now. Seriously, i'm quite an indecisive person, i'm so scared that after i bought the items, i might regret it. Reason that i choose Elkay because it has the suitable accessories for this sink. E.g a chopping board, wire basket etc.. let's see what i will choose tomorrow again. Actually, we went sim siang choon and seen something similar, and it comes with accessories, but at our latest visit we don't see the display set anymore. The good news is... Rain shower, shower hand set, mixer, storage heater, chrome or stainless steel basin bottom trap, basin tap all can get from hb's hardware shop. haha.. big savings i mean to him... Anyway reno fee all paid by him.. i'll do all the plannings, with his bo chap attitude i have hard time planning, as he don't give me very good suggestion or comments... For storage heater, we will order together with his father, as their house needs to change the storage heater too. Have to wait for his father to make the phone call. Think his father quite kan chiong, just now asked us need to order the storage heater already. Hb told me the stock will come in 2 days after making order, so we thought should have enough time then. If we order now their shop will not have sufficient storage to put them. Hb officially confirmed the brand, its......... Ariston.. Hope its good.. For the hand shower set, rainshower, basin taps they are not very branded la, showy brand lo.. I saw the catalog and shortlisted some of the items i'm interested in. Should be not bad ba..
  3. This side will be where the mirrors will be at. And this side, as mentioned the shower area. Lastly, the service balcony. How i wish i do not have to install any window to the bottom window, but can't. As i do not want the rain to wet the floor and my washing machine.
  4. The partition of the walk in wardrobe is not being hacked yet. Today went, its gone, and it feels much bigger then before. Finally, the wall tiles are up in the kitchen. So happy. Too bad i can't take photo of the common toilet, as i can't access the common bath since there were cement on the floor which is yet to dry. MBR toilet, left side will be the shower area, which had different colored tile. No proper pic as the angles are hard to achieve using my mobile.
  5. Just some updates, photo not well taken as i'm using my mobile. 3 days after hacking, the debris are cleared, compared to when we visited on the first day. All is super messy and the hacking happened very fast where all the floor and wall tiles are down, except 2 bedrooms. We visited on Sunday, some of the materials arrived. And my hb commented about the mop, its like a flag during war when one party won the war.
  6. Passage way to rooms. The other 2 room has the same design, as it is an empty room. The common room that is combined with the MBR. MBR that the previous owner convert to study room and walk in wardrobe the walk in wardrobe Forgot to take pictures of the toilet.
  7. Current condition of the house before hacking will happen tomorrow. This metal gate will go, since our flooring will increase in height, and there will be a kerb at the entrance. It will be changed since hb hate this kind of door. Upon entrance of the house, actually its a little dark though. View from balcony Kitchen entrance. Kitchen, its really dark as the cabinets are in dark colors. And hb really hate this kitchen, and this style is not to our likings.
  8. its up to you. My house we only intend to do for living room and MBR. Anyway, its your house, so long you felt comfortable with it.
  9. it can be done, but you will need to properly remove your laminated panel. This requires skill. And to relaminate require skill as well..
  10. Previously i was curious of how the arrangement of the furniture will look like, so at my free time, did a sketch of drawing. It's not well drawn, but since i had done it, then i shall post it up for my record. Drawn for living room only. We are not going to do a tv feature wall for living for the time being or maybe not anymore. As i'm playing with the idea of doing a diy tv feature. Just a simple one. I think my hands are getting itchy to do some diy. I google and found a link for diy-ing a tv feature: Groove's new lounge with floating wall build. The problem for this feature wall is the material used to diy. I have no idea where to get the mdf board and the wood block for the skeleton support. No problem to the tools as hb hardware store can get them and my dad has them too. Perhaps will try searching it or ask my dad since he always diy stuff as well. Hopefully i can get them. And the tv feature wall looks simple and decent as what i have in mind.
  11. Today went for marble tiles dry laying, but i forgot to take pictures. Forgetful me.. After viewing, 70% of the tiles are alright. Still 30% of the tiles are not alright, since it is a natural stone, there are cracks line obvious to the hand touch. Also, some tiles, the sides are broken. Since my parents are there, they actually helped us to have a look. So, we realized a couple of them are not up to our standard. So, Alan assured us he will do a quality check for us when the tiles reached and he said it many times. I guess he is trying hard to emphasize as my father kept mumbling. And i also heard him asking the staff at Hua Khian not to give us those defective marble tiles. And he reminded them many times. So i'm more or less a little more assured. We'll see as it goes by. And since we still had a little time, before Hafary closes. We make a trip down to choose another similar colored MBR toilet floor tile. And the forgetful me, again forgot to get a sample from them. Haiz.. What a forgetful day.. And Alan confirmed with us that we got our renovation permit approved. So we can get our renovation started on wed.. yayness.. Finally get something moving.. Initially, i was thinking we need to buy some cakes and visit our future neighbor and notify them of our renovation. Just before i say anything, Alan already told us that he will visit our future neighbor and notify them of our renovation. And he said it is his job to get this thing done, and we do not have to do anything. So 1 less thing to worry. Alan also told us hacking will be done in 3 days, meaning by next sat all the hacking will be done and will be clearing of debris on sat. While tiling work will take 1 week. Since it is marble, it will not be an easy task and it is done by the specialist who lays marble. And we were told if laying of homogeneous tiles it will only take 3 days for our living room and bedrooms.
  12. Well, for some of the customized carpentry such as wardrobe, when the side wasn't covered, you can clearly see if there are any skirting. Sometimes, with experience people looking at resale unit, in order to cut down on COV, they will find faults. Don't be surprised if you ever met such people. For my parent's place, we have marble skirting covered fully for our house. And no problem on the carpentry, the gaps are really small between the cupboards and the skirting and it is filled with silicone. Customized carpentry is supposed to do that for you. Unless the carpenter has poor workmanship that resulted in big gaps. What i can say is follow your feeling, whichever you feel comfortable with. Once decided, don't look back. When this issue arrives then decide.
  13. i know some induction cooker can't use clay material pot to cook. Like my mum likes to use claypot to boil soup, so can't use induction cooker.
  14. You need to let us know what items are you doing. Like hack where and what. And do what? since we do not know what items are involved we can't comment much. As different items will have different price and charges, plus type of unit. 3 rm, 5 rm, size?
  15. eh, i guess some of my quote may not be suitable for you. As we have different size area of things to be done, and different things and material to do. Things like haulage service and debris can be comparable, and some other basic items, such as plumbing work, paint work, rewiring work, etc. Just to note, my quote is from a contractor not an ID. If the quote is from ID, of course it will be roughly 10% more then contractor. Reason is that, ID will look for contractors to get the jobs done. So, IDs will get their cut of comm. They can't possibly do work for you for free. So you can't expect the ID to charge the same price as contractor. And if hiring contractor, you should know what you want. Will PM you in a while.
  16. taking away the built in wardrobe with you of course is not possible. The thing is, in near future, lets say in 3 to 5 years time, you are going to move. And future owner seeing that there is no skirting at certain area, yet still wanting to retain flooring. They will ask for discount. That would affect your cov. And thinking into the future, resale unit may not be as popular as now, because there may not be as much demand as now. If having wardrobe flushing nicely against the wall is what you want, then follow your feeling. No hard and fast rule, plus if you are going to just do timber skirting, they may not last that long either if they are going to get in touch with water very often, so you may need to remove them and do it again at that time.
  17. I'm using a contractor and mine is a resale unit and we are going to hack all the floor and wall tiles includes the toilets plus a door sized wall. And it is $300, that is for the haulage service and clear all debris off site. Maybe you want to check with him again..
  18. I think it depends on individual. If you would want the skirting to be up, just tell the wood floor contractor to do as you have requested. It is possible for the carpenter to custom make the wardrobe to fit nicely to your wall with skirting and beams etc. Of course, by not having the skirting the wardrobe will flush nicely against the wall, by doing this it will look neat and nice. You have to think long term as well, what if you need to tear down the old wardrobe and relocate the wardrobe to other corners one day, or selling off the unit.
  19. A link to share to help to decide the door bell. http://www.doorbellfaq.com/wiredvswirelessdoorbells.html I would prefer wireless door bell, less hassle and do not have to worry about the cables. For my parents house, we used wireless door bell. And we have stayed for 11 years and we have changed the battery once only. So the battery consumption is really little.
  20. i did thought of that, but if that is the case we would need to shift our WC and basin, since the place where we would want to open a door is actually the shower area. And i know that shifting the WC requires HDB approval. Hence, we decided to give up the idea. Thank for your suggestion.
  21. Yeap, so still considering if i should change the color of this floor tile to suit the darker colored wall tile, and another floor tile for the lighter toned ones. I'll check with my contractor if we can still change the floor tile this coming Friday when i meet him. The longer i look at it, the more i felt that the floor tile color doesn't suit the wall tiles. Actually, after bringing home the tiles, i kept thinking if i should have changed the floor tile. Anyway, thanks for your comment.
  22. Hi, You may want to call to inquire first, as there might be possibility that there is no available safe deposit box. I used to work in bank, and for that bank they always have people inquiring for availability. And if the queue list is not too long, they will put you on queue list.
  23. This is the tile for our living room, and 3 bedrooms. Actually, this is not our first choice, or rather not mine. hb chose this, i prefer another that is slightly more brownish, but they do not have enough stock. Hence, i'll accommodate on this lo...... haiz... Else i can be sure that the tile will look much better... And this is the tiles for our kitchen. The standing tile would be for our wall tile and the other is the floor tile. Below would be for our Master bathroom. The standing ones on the left would be the wall tiles where the rainshower is. As for the rest of the wall tiles would be the one on the right. Anyway, for the darker colored wall tile they do not have enough stock. Hence i guess we are quite lucky. And the lying tile will be for the floor. My dad mentioned that it is too dark. So i'm still considering to change it to a lighter tone ones, or should i stick to it. And lastly, for our common toilet. The brown tile will be for wall tile where the door is and the opposite wall. And the white ones will cover all the rest of the wall. And of course, the tile lying down will be floor tile.
  24. Well, based on our bazi, hb has to face that wall to do things, as it will do him good. For the bed, we will have a full height tv feature wall right infront of the bed, so there is something blocking the toilet entrance. Beside, due to our bazi, placing bed over there will be much better for us. And the wardrobe portion, i need to face that side of the wall to do things as it will do me good too, since my dresser will be there too. As for the distance of the wardrobe and the toilet, i feel its still acceptable since it is still not too far between them.