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Everything posted by indira

  1. agree with nimm12, So many wood products in the market that already been improved to be more durable and stronger. Vacuum and Wipe the clear oil onto the surface, you can erase almost all the scratch (for bamboo flooring),
  2. If you a big fan of woody kitchen, why not using the real wood instead of material look like wood? There are many options now in the market, have you seen bamboo flooring finishing? the finishing looks like wood (there are 8 different color), and the quality is much better than wood after treatment (low moisture content, harder and more durable), some of the features you can see below; Cheers,
  3. Usually ppl will build a terrace, portico or verandah, coz its more tropical design...
  4. HI Guys, Does anyone know where is the halal chinese food that good and not pricey? ANd one more thing, is there any place beside Lau Pa Sat in Singapore? Cheers,
  5. Hi Ansmania, As far as I know laminate flooring will always absorb water (warpage is quite high). It is easy to get bubbles and crumbles, because of the core is particle board. And usually the manufacturer recommend not to install them in the room with high moisture such as bathroom and kitchen. Are you going to change your kitchen floor? There are many other options of flooring that give you a warm and natural ambient (teak, parquet, wood composite, bamboo flooring)
  6. Thats why you have to find out more in details..... Cheers,
  7. nice choice ..... have you found your ID yet?
  8. Hi, Just curious...why it has to be from Burmese? any specialty?
  9. Is this murthy doing landscape like decking, terrace or portico?
  10. Hi Vinchoy, Just curious, why dont you hack all the floor and change to the new one rather than glue vinyl tile? since the existing tile cannot be cleaned up Cheers
  11. that's what we afraid of....we still have to look for some other areas (prefered areas I have to say )..
  12. Hi Flashlight, Bamboo flooring also can overlay on your existing floor without hacking them, And it is also has a natural finishes, may u want to consider? Cheers
  13. Hi Guys, It is natural for all material under exposure of humidity and sun will discoloration. Even Plastic will get stain (because of mould). In this case (roof terrace deck), strand woven bamboo is not using varnish but natural oil. So when discoloration happens, the owner only need to put oil but do not have to do re-sand like any other wood material. So maintenance is easy. SOme of the bamboo deck also able to withstand close to the wet area like the above picture Cheers,
  14. Is that high? I am not sure what it the mode, just hear about that briefly from my friend who is the manager in walton. If u interested, i can give u her details, just pm me... sorry if i am not much helping...
  15. Hi samsamwch, I have one contact that able to do the roof terrace reno, this is the picture after reno; If you think u like the concept, just pm me, btw the material is strand woven bamboo, it is stronger, more durable and healthier than hardwood.. Cheers,
  16. Hi Tuts, I dont think Bamboo flooring is a new material, there are many HDB and private houses using this material and from what I know they are quite satisfied. And bamboo flooring can overlay of your existing marble floor so you can save up the cost for hacking all the floors, Bamboo flooring has so many range of colors, below just several that I can find so far, you can see the some of the pictures that I show you here, If you need more info you can pm me ..... Cheers
  17. Hi Guys, Just see the thread today, I thought renotalk is only for renovation and property only.... Have you heard about walton, they invest in solid ground and never lose money of their clients even in the worst day, The return is 15-20% per year, thats all I know. I can give you the contact number of one of the manager in Walton, she is my friend and she is very nice and poise lady. Just pm me .... Cheers,
  18. Hi Maverick, Just curious, why do u need to do greenhouse? Singapore is hot and humid , you can grow any plants here without greenhouse, and one more thing, why do you concern about BCA rules bout this? Sorry Maverick.....just curious... Cheers
  19. I always thought that flooring is impossible job to do unless you are a handy man...
  20. Hi Poseidon gal, You might one to check this link www.styleline.com.sg Some of the photos I found ; They have a good quality of bamboo products (for flooring, ceiling, decking and furniture board) Cheers,