simplyme, I pray that you have yet to make any hasty move and gone ahead and signed anything. This will be a short and sweet one: The sales persons are nice, yes, I agree. But only at first because they're after your hard-earned money. Upon signing, drama begins and you'll feel like your life's a living ****. The sweet and charming ID becomes the evil devil who'll treat you like dirt and when you ask to speak to his superior, you'll come to understand why your ID is an azz because the superior himself is a bigger one (like father like son). Go ahead and engage Chew ONLY if you (1) have a tight budget (always ask for discounts as you go along because Chew is handing them out freely); (2) are in no rush to move into your renovated home; (3) seriously don't mind living in a second-rate done-up home; (4) possess high tolerance for endless bull from the time you sign till the end of time; (5) don't mind having sleepless nightmare-induced nights for as long as you live in the home they renovated.
P.S. Ever wonder why Chew advertises so much? It is because they aren't getting referrals, period.