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Posts posted by LinaLee

  1. Sometimes I felt this industry is full of dishonest & greed. It's really a matter of luck whether you got a right person you have engaged. Even relatives or friends also can con you!!

    However, I know quite a bit friends around doing property, renovation & servicing lines. Just think.. they have no high educational papers, most started from low up, or perhaps from the family's biz. They can be friends sitting in the coffeeshop, cafe or pub for drinks together.. but not engage them for service :no:

    They have told me it's better that I source for myself by taking some advises from them, whereas they know that we could may have conflict along the way & we would not want that eventually.

    So I have been DIY for all of my stuff.. including renovation recently. And I guess RenoTalk community is the only forum I can find many info & contacts. The contractor cum ID also recommended by one of the Renotalkers here :good:


    Fully agreed with your reasoning.

    I will be more careful next time...

  2. But we may be charged interest or be issued letter if dun pay to the ID the last payment right? btw LinaLee, are those final touch up that your ID didnt finish very very big issues? care to share some details insights into the works u mentioned earlier? I have paid to my ID the full sum as well.. though they did come to rectify what I mention as defects/ touch up, but the hollow tiles are 'salvaged with bonding chemicals' as much as possible only. no extended warranty or whatsoever, i just have to accept it.

    It is not very big issue. Basically I already move-in to stay. Things like powerpoint not fixed up, lighting is missing. floor still got alot of paint mark which need chemical wash lor..

  3. never ever pay up in full even if work is 100% completed and handed over

    leave a 10% balance to be payable 1month after the handover - for rectification works

    upfront, just pay 10% for designs and drawings

    the other 80% can be split into stages during the reno proper

    eg 40% upon completion of hacking, wet works, flooring, and the other 40% upon completion of carpentry, glass works, etc

    Yes, You are right. Is my greatest mistake in my life now.

    I hope my experience will serve as a warning to the rest of the forumers here.

    Even CASE, police, MP won't help much in renovation work.

    Is the laws protecting us as a consumers or this kind of renovation company which keep change their name to cheat us money....

  4. Hi,

    Anyway I don't care... Just want to make sure those who read this do not use this ID...

    the company name is YI VOGUE DESIGN located at SIM MING

    The designer name is DERRICK CHONG.

    It was introduce by someone. Before sign, he is very friendly and attentive to your request and question. Offer nice advice on deisgn.. After signing, work progress is rather slow. However, I thought this is normal. Anyway as there are some progress on the renovation I'm ok. However, he keep asking me to pay up all the money. After paying, he don't bother to answer his hp, dont bother to reply my SMS. And don't even bother to come to finish the rest of the touch up.

    Now I need to get some other contractor to finish up the touch up. Please help...
