Hi Mr Chong, need your advise urgently. We have already asked a master to chose a wedding date for us based on our Bazi and our parents Sheng Xiao. The date chosen is 4 Oct 2008, Sat. (eng calendar date) However recently my sis visted another master who happen to comment that the above date is generally no good for marriage as he quote from the tong shu " 3 nian liang zai, yi bei shang" which implys if we were to get marry on this date, our marriage will be shortlive. I have further consult with my master who mention that above pointers do not matter as he have chosen it base on our bazi.. and that above is only a very general comment. So now we are confused and we like a 3rd opinion. Can you kindly advise us. We are at a lost now as we have already confirm our venue and stuff etc. many thanks in advance.