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Posts posted by paladin

  1. Wow.... never know that there is chalkboard paint / spray... hehe...

    Oh, and the ply wood can be bought from there too!

    Art Friend offers 2years membership for $10. Members got 10% discount for non-promotional items.


  2. Hi Paladin,

    I suppose the key question is, the $800 savings and the sense of satisfaction - is it worth the time and the effort and the pains taken?

    I understand that the answer to that is personal to each and everyone.. I remember painting my parents house with my friends when I was a teen.. We did a horrible job.. There were patches at places we deemed not impt, eg behind the door in my room and what nots.. It was lots of fun and my parents din mind it..

    I believe for people who paint their place frequently (I know a family that does every year), DIY will def be the way to go..

    But for those who plan to do it once for a decade, you might wannna note that a pro(real pro) job will last that 10yrs and the extra spent, will be a nominal amount when u look at it as a yearly thing.

    Hi, yah, its up to that individual to paint themselves or engage professionals.

    But as for me, there are 2 things that i cannot win... 1) My liking for DIY and 2) Really under a tight budget for my renovation. So trying to save abit loh...

  3. Hi, this is a very good idea! I love to DIY too!

    Currently DIY-ing my water fountain, and when my bamboo poles arrives, i will do my own bench.

    And yes, its difficult when we don't have a proper place to do all these and i don't have my own transport to transport the material too!

    But if anyone wanted to setup a DIY club, i'm in for sure! Let me know what i can contribute to the club! =)

  4. I've asked my colleague who studied Fengshui and he told me its the fear that the frame will drop and hit your head when you're sleeping.

    However, i do believe there are other meanings on not to place it above your headboard...

    It does resemble of the funeral photo of 2 corpse lying just infront of it right?

    This is what i guess only... i personally dun like to put it there too....

    too old fashion to me...

  5. Hi all,

    I recently made the major mistake of drilling into my ceiling at the wrong place

    Now, there is a gaping hole there and I have absolutely no idea how to recover from the faux pas.

    One of the solution that I have is...

    $9.90 epoxy sold at Shell. Seems to be easy enough. Simlpy mix, and patch... Then paint over the patched hole.

    Any better suggestions?

    If the hole is big and deep, then you can buy cement and mix with water and sand. The mixture should be like 1 part of cement, 2 parts of water and 3 parts of sand.

    If the hold is only a small one, then you may want to buy those ready made patty to cover it. It cost only $2 plus per container....

  6. Hi there, I have came across at some retail shop with industrial look design, especially fashion store. Upon closer look at their cement screed wall,it seems to be apply thinly onto a plywood panel and then secure onto wall. Or is it some kind of cement board? I am interested to get that effect but doesn't want to go to an extent of roughing the existing wall and screed the wall with cement by contractor.( too messy). Instead if can be diy using the panel method or maybe contractor can prepare it in the factory and install it after will be ideal. Have anyone done that before can advise, or maybe some building profession pop can give some advise? Thank you.

    Hi, not sure if you mean gympson board?

    Its those kind of white powery board that have the texture of a wall. Can be easily cut, colour or repair...

  7. I'm DIY-ing my own house painting too! Managed to buy left-over sealers about 10L for $20.

    Then the paints and brushes, all-in-all cost about $450.... total of 8 colours

    Most contractor quoted me $1250 for a 4 room flat and limited to 4 - 6 colours, no sealers.

    So, its definately great savings when you DIY your own painting! =)

  8. Wah yours is as exp as mine. i was quoted $540 for 9ft by 2ft. Any idea if i dont use glass "backsplash" for study area, what can I use? so exp just for glass. Thanks

    Oh, so the price is roughly there... i thought my contractor purposely want to chop carrot head... hehe...

    Erm... what is backsplash? You want to consider using Acrylic to replace the expensive glass? =)

  9. Hi marshmallow

    May I know the measurement of your glass and price? Also are they able to cut a hole (for the wire to go thru) on the glass?

    I was quoted $500+ for tempered glass top for study table of 9ft long (50cm depth) , almost fainted (or is it the normal price?)..also the wall backing between the study table and top hung cabinet same 9ft..another $500+..meaning i have to spend $1k+ just for the glass. Thanks!

    Hi, i was quoted by my contractor about $720 for 9ft by 100cm too... Not sure of the market rate for that..

  10. Hello guys...currently i have a Ethernet point outside my room...but i would like to relocate into my room...i not sure who should i call...anyone here got contacts for people who can deal with cat 5 e cables? i heard some electrician do not know cat5e cables...

    thanks in advance

    Hi, you may call Eugene Heng @ 9060 6839

    His company is EMS Cabling Systems and i used to work with him often when installing network access points for schools.

    He installs Cat5e, Cat6 and i think fiber optics as well.

    Hope this helps!

  11. i got my fountain pump from ebay. qmax is 1.3m. there are more varieties though. pretty cheap with shipping. china product, same as those sold here in SG shops

    Hi, thanks for recommending!

    I've never buy things from ebay before, is it reliable?

    I did read up on pumps and do you have any idea if fountain pumps is similar to aquarium pumps but only specs different?

    If so, i can go to aquarium and buy the powerful pumps.

  12. u can try carlton glass (just google for it)

    quality is good.

    i bought tempered glass elsewhere before, cheaper but finishing not good. So shall not recommend.

    Hi, thanks!

    I will ask Carlton Glass to quote me.

    By the way, can you also share with me the contact on the cheaper alternative?

    Cos i am trying to DIY my fountain, thus the finishing can be compromise abit. Most importantly, it is durable and can save me $$ abit.

    My kind of fountain looks like this...glass-fountain.jpg?Fountain

  13. Hi everyone,

    My hubby just got a water feature at home and I was thinking to get the wooden stack / base that is display in the store for the indoor water feature. Anyone had any idea where to get it? I attach a sample picture as I don't really know what is that called, thank you :D


    Hi, i think you can use ply wood for that.

    I'm not so sure where to buy but maybe you can find it from those furniture workshop. They might have some small pieces which they threw away. Since you posted in DIY, i believe you are prepared to self-cut the wood, lacquer it?

    I do have a suggestion here. The houses in Punggol Damai Grove have wooden skirtings. Some owners removes the skirtings and thus thrown it away. You might want to check with them and ask if they can give you?

    You can signup an account in www.punggol.org forum and communicate with the community.

    Hope this helps! =)

  14. Hi, i did saw some wall decals at Self-Fix DIY store. Theres a few branches island wide.

    Alternatively, you can look for Goodrich. They specialise in wall papers but at their branch in Plaza Sing, you can find some decals there too. I'm also looking into wall decals. Some are really nice!

    And you can check out at the Modern Home Exhibition. Its from 4th to 12th June, Expo Hall 6A. Opening from 12pm to 10pm.

    Hope these infos help. =)

  15. Hi all,

    Not sure where else to vent so here I am.

    My family and I have been looking at houses for the past 3 months. We have been with our fsm for quite a number of years now and this is the first time we are shifting since we got to know him and are consulting him for pre-selection. Before we started house-hunting, we were told to look specifically for NW facing houses (main door facing NW). Since then, we have gone to him with 5 different layouts, in different towns and now when we have finally decided on this one unit that we absolutely adore and love, he slaps us with another "No, toilets will affect health and wealth". In all the 5 different layouts, we always had problems with the toilets. Always.

    My question, to all the experienced forumers here, is whether there is a possible remedy if the "toilets affect the health and wealth" or should we just continue our arduous task of searching for yet another house and set ourselves up for another round of rejection?

    Will appreciate any insights to this problem that doesn't seem to go away for us. Sigh....


    Hi, i suggest that you can read up on Flying Star and know abit more or change another FSM.

    In your case, i don't believe a definite no. Wealth position can also be in the toilet and if these places has the good star in it, it depends on how you bring out the stars. Same for, if a good place had bad stars, you can do things to keep out the bad stars.

    I am currently reading a book by Lilian Too for my own interest. She claimed that year Feb 2004 to Feb 2024 is the Period 8. Thus houses built during this period that faces SW or NE direction, will be auspicious. If you're looking at resale flats that were built in Period 7, then it may have some constraints.

    My FSM walk through with me in my newly built flat, he did not look into the toilet at all. Only tell us to close the toilet door everytime to prevent bad "qi" from leaking out.
