Thanks for all the replies.
Theory says that it is supposed to be harmful. Whether harm will occur or not in reality, I better not take the risk, because certain harms eg. accident or even death, once happened, cannot be undone. Better to be safe than sorry, so maybe the idea of "just ignore it" not so good. Even though other people might experience the same kind of "poking" and nothing happens to them, it is a question of whether we want to take the risk. Many heavy smokers are smoking for years, and nothing happen to them, but we cannot assume that nothing happens to them, therefore, nothing will happen to us if we smoke like the way they do, so we can go ahead and smoke freely.
The use of mirrors & talisman is quite common. Whether effective or not, i am not sure. But looks like those are the only known cures.
I will think hard about what is the best approach.