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Everything posted by adidaem

  1. Hi Patsy, I'll share the name of my IDs and contractor when my reno is over k? In fact, I'll probably share my experiences in dealing with the 10 (or issit 11?) IDs/contractors we approached. If things work out well for my place, then I think you can definitely consider my IDs if you do move again/build a house cos they are both trained architects. I would love to see what they can do with a clean slate, or with a more interesting space like an old shophouse. I think we paid a fair price for the design/concept and amount of work that has to be done. We are hacking away 4 major walls after all... Now all up to contractor to work their makeover magic lar. Fingers crossed. We engaged them not cos they are high class but cos we felt the most 'chemistry' with them and liked their initial ideas. As for getting into mags, it's a bonus if we do, but think most important is that the reno process goes well and that we have a nice and comfortable home to go back to. ----- Btw, when is the most ideal time to go back to the apartment and take a pic of the messy WIP hacked state (with broken bits all over the place)? Feel like getting some pics to blog about and also to update my SO since he is overseas for work.
  2. Vodka cranberry sorbet? Or for something with more kick, vodka redbull?
  3. Oh dear, I can imagine this is all very headachy/frustrating for you and hb. Sayang. Hope you have a good agent who can help to settle this, call the HDB officer to check etc.
  4. I rem that among all the blogs I read, yours stood out in terms of how smoothly the reno process went. So happy for you that it all went well and it gives the rest of us hope that our reno can/will be like yours too. Not sure how much DehTM power contributed to that tho, cos I'm not so good at that. Haiz.
  5. Me too! So excited. So we'll probably complete around the same time and move in after 7th month too. Hee, we'll visit each other's place when done up k? Can't wait to see how your purchases will come together cos I really like many of the stuff you got. Good deals too! Happy for you both. Err... I've reno mags since 2008? And I keep them... I even brought one really old one to my IDs to let them know what's the look that we want to go for and they were quite surprised that I've such old mags. Found the mags to be helpful when I needed to check what dark toilets or white kitchens will look like etc. Plus I just enjoy reading them. I even bought a tonne of books during the last Page One sale. Even now that the design is finalised, I still find myself picking up those home design n furnishing mags and lusting after the latest Milan fair products etc...
  6. Thanks dear! Yes I hope so too. My IDs hv mentioned that they want to submit our apartment to design mags after completion and we think they are sincere cos they want to establish a name for themselves. Even the contractor they are working with is sorta 'branded' one, which greatly amused us when we found out... n our in-charge/supervisor is a well educated uni grad who speaks excellent english. As unlike a typical PCK-type contractor as you can find I think. If anything, our IDs can be more finicky than me about the finishing and feel, which is great cos I am very finicky and I (they) know it. But end of the day, it's the final results that matters (rather than words) so we'll see. Guess you guys will be around to share in my reno joy (or angst!). (Suddenly feel so excited again that reno will start soon when I start thinking about it, LOL)
  7. My reno will start on Monday instead of last Fri. IDs said no change to the delivery schedule. Think I'll pop by next week n have a look at the destruction process since the permit to hack all the walls we wanted was granted on Fri (yippee!). IDs said our HDB officer is quite efficient and even chased the contractor for the PE submissions, which is a nice change from another that they'd encountered. So we spent Saturday morning at our place going thru the 19 pages of CAD that our IDs have prepared for us. After that we both went on a sorta fun 'date' at the Red Dot Design Museum. Thought to share some of the nice stuff we saw at the museum. I've blogged about our visit to the museum n MAAD (clicky HERE) if anyone is interested to read, and for iPhone users to pan n zoom the pics.
  8. Oh I see, thanks! We want a metal sink cos less maintenance I think. Solid top material may stain and I don't want to worry about pouring the leftover curry away n stuff. We have also decided to let our IDs pick the kitchen sink for us. Quite comfortable working/shopping with them so far and trust their taste. Yes, after reading so many horror stories on renotalk, m really keeping my fingers crossed my reno process is smooth. Yep, even the contractor said so when he saw the steps. But he gave us a surprise. He suggested to my IDs to salvage/recycle the steps and put them at the balcony ledge. Can't quite imagine how it'll look but I felt it's a very nice gesture. Not sure if it's cos I told him that the steps were the only thing we wanted to retain and that I like the feel of the aged wood etc.
  9. Yes Established & Sons do have such lovely stuff. I love their... Concrete cast benches (if I ever get a landed property with garden - such a dreamer I am...) - esp the Nekton by Zaha Hadid http://www.establishedandsons.com/forcehtml/Collection-ShowAllProducts-Nekton/#1 Butt stools: http://www.establishedandsons.com/forcehtml/Collection-ShowAllProducts-Butt/#1 Table, Bench, Chair (the one on display at Pomelo): http://www.establishedandsons.com/forcehtml/Collection-ShowAllProducts-TableBenchChair/#1 Two Timer Clock: http://www.establishedandsons.com/forcehtml/Collection-ShowAllProducts-TwoTimer/#1 We are hoping to move in after the ghost month too. So much in common huh? We cheer each other on k?
  10. Ely dear, I'm looking for nice wall prints... so far I think what suits my apartment design are stuff like the Bold & Noble prints. (http://boldandnoble.com/prints ) I like the posters cos they fit to Ikea frames. Any suggestions for others? I tried to look at Etsy but the selection was just mind-boggling... or any tips on how to search in Etsy or other stores you'll recommend?
  11. Omg... all these reno blogs turned into food blogs are bad for late night reading. Suddenly feel hungry n wanna eat chocolate ice cream. Arghh...
  12. Haha Ely, I did the same. Not 5 times but I think at least 3 thinking that I prob missed it the 1st 2 times.
  13. Thanks Hafiizh. We are keeping to the 'bright & airy' theme. Not the most creative idea but my IDs have managed to stay true to our initial brief to them and designed a place that we both think we'll love. Now it all depends on the construction phase. I would say kudos to our IDs for their design and ideas. I still have the first initial (so cute!) drawing that they did for us.
  14. Love love love your toilet! The tiles, the DIY holders, mmm... n the matching sink & (Ikea?) mirror. Hope my black toilet will look nice too. Is the light enough at night or do you have other lights? Can't tell from the pic. Only thing that concerns me is the tiling... erm... cos that means grout... and plus water/wet means mold? Umm, it's just my 'grout' thing acting up again. Bad gal.
  15. Oh thanks! Heading over to your blog to tell you how much I like your toilet now. And your photo skills are perfectly fine. Dun make the rest of us look so bad k?
  16. Almost done! Here's 2BR & toilets. Not 100% sure if I want to do up the miscellaneous bits n blobs but perhaps I should just to 'finish up' this pre-reno series. Plus you guys seem to enjoy the pics. For those on iPhone, do click to see the pics via my WP blog: Wordpress blog
  17. Hey cheer up! Let's all keep a lookout for better deals k? There are always sales in Singapore and that's what makes shopping fun. Besides, I think it's the 'thrill of the chase' rather than the 'kill' that makes shopping fun for me.
  18. Oh! I love the light! Even suggested to my SO to get one for my place but he was so unimpressed. I may have considered getting the line console if it can be wall mounted but... anyway also happy to have my ID design the console for us lar. Your buys all look great so far. Looking forward to see how your place will turn out. Btw mind sharing how much for your side table? PM me if you prefer not to state the price in public? TIA!
  19. Wow, you are so brave to DIY. I would never trust myself to install stuff properly (accident waiting to happen man). Good luck and hope it works out well!
  20. Unfortunately the offer seems to be over. Been to a few Cold Storage and no longer spot the bins/offer.
  21. Still thinking... errrr... The pics/captions should be ok to read if u rotate your iPhone horizontally? If not pop by my Wordpress blog to see the pics k? Think the (same) pics there u can pinch n zoom on iPhone: http://emrenoblog.wordpress.com Thanks babe. Not really obsessing, it's just in me to do tonnes of research for whatever I do. Part of my personality DNA n hard to change. Actually so far my IDs give us pretty good suggestions lar. They will explain to us 'why not/cannot' if they really disagree. But they are quite receptive to our ideas too. Happy working relationship so far. Can I go over to your place when my SO is not around? Sigh, he is going away for a few weeks on biz trip soon. Gonna miss him. Imagine me singing the Bridget Jones song (allllll byyy myselfffff...). Just kidding lar. So we are trying to finalise everything before he goes off (plus I'll prob be travelling soon too). Hey I'm the vietnamese bride remember? Even less "bridey". Not even going to book a reception for my ROM I think (am I supposed to?). "Win" or what? Hi SR! Yay, thanks for dropping by. My ID will design a TV console like the line one, but hanging instead of on the floor. Need one catered to the tonnes of electronics that we have (3 game consoles, starhub box, router, dvico, etc). Thanks for the kind offer. Since I don't really plan to post many interim pics during the reno process (hacked tiles dun make for very interesting captions IMO), mabbe this can be my wedding discussion blog too? Looking forward to the pics! Take care of your health. Love the mix n match of modern (Kartell) n mid-modern pieces (TV console) I see from your sneak peek so far. Thanks Soichiro. Actually quite fun to do the 'before' pics. Helps me to visualise the changes too. Nope the entire wall including the door will go (if HDB approves). We will put in full length sliding partitions to open up the space if we want to, or close it up to be a room when we need one. It's really a big open space for my LEGO collection. Am so lucky that my SO is so supportive of my (geeky) hobby that I even get a room for it. He did mention tho that we could have used the LEGO room as a WIW... Not sure how many feet that would be. Probably big enough for a fantasy WIW with middle display counter for jewellery etc. Oh well... Thanks JS. I will check out the B&B Italia shots tonite. Yeah my IDs keep assuring me it'll look fine. I must have mentioned that I really hate the floor almost everytime I met them the 1st few design/planning sessions that we had. "+1"? Any prices for high scores?
  22. Am too tired to complete the rest of the 'before' pics today, so the 2nd BR and toilets will follow another day. Here are the stairs/corridor one and MBR for now. Hope you like it too.
  23. Thanks for all the encouraging words! Glad you guys like the pics. I will post more soon. Hi Kobe bro: Been following your progress on your T-blog too. Glad to see that your reno is going well. Have you found a good date to "mini move in" already? Hi Frigginfuchsia: Congrats on your move-in! Seems like you had a fairly smooth reno? (No news is good news mah). Yes, you know what we want... Pics! Can I special request to see more pics of your dark toilet? Can't wait to see the final results!
  24. Oh dear, hope everything works out for you. Cannot back out one right? They already signed the OTP what.