Hi bennzi, thanks for your reply.
I have called them last mth and was quoted around $80-$90k .... for a resale 4 room (same as yours 30 yrs old) but of cos this is just a estimation. Likely will visit them next mth for a detail quotation once received my house key. =)
BTW care to share any pics of your new home? =)
jus did my moving end feb, I used Uber service. Very professional, punctual, capable and swift. You may contact Mr Chua 93265554, a straightforward and efficient guy. Price is very reasonable. http://www.uberservice.com.sg/
Hope it helps!
Hi bennzi, able to share what was done & cost of your new reno or you may pm me?
I'm getting my re-sale 4 rm flat end Apr and whole house need to reno.... Many thanks in advance.