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Everything posted by Odielim

  1. there u are devilaz.. hey i am no expert... i just have some experience with my own place devilaz better expert then me
  2. hmm what i think GMC trying to say is that is advisable to change the wiring after 20 years? as you will not know whether inside have any problems in the future.. maybe something loose or not working properly.. for home owners we cant be sure.. anyway, usually electricians can advise you on that better? sorry if i take this wrongly GMC... this is what i think u mean...
  3. interesting info there... weird thing is.. i gave them 2 months (everytime two weeks later) also no reply only tai chi here and there until have to be fierce to them then they react.. seriously not sure which method is the best to work with them... good that ur TO give things that u are happy with
  4. oops sorry.. alamak.. keep thinking of new standard flats.. sorry my fault should be able to start early... hahaha erh yeah but must let ur contractor know u got a deadline lor... reno sometimes can delay because of some things on site.. try to get him to give u black and white if he says can be 3 weeks, later more then 3 weeks, then .. hard to argue lor..
  5. erh u need to give some time for HDB defect list.. it may take a month and hard to rush them to do ur rectifications fast << many forumers have feedback on the delay of rectifications from HBD... somemore if u consult fengshui master, its better to see the place with the fengshui master before going with ID/contractor... at least u will know what can be done or not.. and the ID/contractor can advise u later.. ur deadline quite tight also... i think those forumers with fengshui background for their place can advise better.. forgot to add, reno fastest also can be 4 working weeks to 2 months... faster then that i dont really see many forumers had feedback for less then a month unless not much works done..
  6. hello, hmm yeah just post ur questions and we try to help out.. welcome to renotalk
  7. erh what is I ching? blur liao...
  8. mace - u mean ur teacher? ooooo the bishan park leh? how far is true? and the say also the one dollar coin is "gold" also have a reason right? anyone hear about it before? odie having history lesson (btw i failed history!) anyway, something nice to share to all enjoy! heh heh heh the rest of the pictures will be much later... !! thanks to YC our ROM photographer and Soma (soma where is ur pictures!!?? if he still reading my blog..)
  9. Part 2 NBC Here's another thing for you to think about whether you believe it or not. Please reach into your pocket and search for a one-dollar coin, and take a good look at it. It is round, no doubt, but it also has a unique Octagonal design - which is an imporant symbol in Chinese Geomancy or feng shui. This is where the story of this coin begins. On the island of Singapore lived a very influential man named Lee. He is very particular about feng shui, i.e. man's balance with nature. There is a particular day and also time of day to inaugurate any important event. There is also a particular colour of dress, when it comes to important occasions, and so on. He has a feng shui mentor - a famous monk, a particular Venerable who died recently. Lee would seek the advice of this Venerable, whenever he had to make an important decision. The one-dollar coin came into circulation at the time of the MRT construction on the island (check the date if you don't believe me). The story goes that the Venerable had advised Lee that MRT tunnelling work would be bad for the feng shui of the island, its prosperity, etc. Firm however on pushing ahead with the project, Lee asked if there was anything that could be done to circumvent the bad feng shui. "Yes", replied the Venerable, "but it may be impossible to implement". Said Lee to the Venerable - please speak. The Venerable then said that EVERY household on this island must have or must display a 'pak kwa' or symbolic octagonal (8-sided) object. Oh no, there would definitely be racial riots. How could Lee force every household to have a 'pak kwa' then at home? Hehheh... said the wise Lee - I have an idea. I know how to make EVERYBODY like to have as many 'pak kwas' as possible and so,the Singapore one-dollar coin was born. But then, the economy didn't do quite as well as expected after the circulation of the one-dollar coin. Remember the '85/86 recession?? So the Honorary Venerable was consulted again. He said that whilst the one-dollar coin did symbolise the pak kwa, it was of no use if everyone had it in his pocket and failed to DISPLAY it. So the next novel idea was born - the ROAD TAX LABEL If you recall, it used to be round and now, it's OCTAGONAL and it is DISPLAYED. Maybe now, you think this explains the many years of booming economy Singapore had been experiencing. However, with the recent turmoil in the region and now that the Venerable* is no longer around, what shall we do next? Know any feng shui experts? *By the way, the monk mentioned is the ex-head of a temple. When he passed away several years ago, Bishan Park was born because his temple was not allowed to be blocked by any HDB flats. Anyone know how far this is true? I know abit old but my friend just pass it to me again Ahnah & Mace & Devilaz & Phantom - know anything about this?
  10. hello everyone lets cool it... Fifi, relax, breathe in breath out... relax.. dont stress dont stress.. dont want to see u like that.. relax.. try not to think so much about it right now.. whether have kids next time, let the future take care of it.. no point worry about what is tomorrow.. today have enuff worries to take care about relax... anyone knows about singapore history? dont know how far this email is true but interesting to know about our singapore.. Part 1.. will attach part 2 later... Ever wonder why Singapore is known as a Garden City. Why would Singapore go around planting trees? After all, maintaining a Garden City is very expensive. Well, here's the answer --if you were to look at Singapore from the top, Singapore resembles a crab, with its mouth the Singapore river and its back facing Malaysia. We all know that cooked crabs (that means dead crabs) are red, the colour of barren ground. But a live crab is basically a dark shade of green. So,by planting trees, you make Singapore look green and not red, and therefore alive. KALLANG RIVER CLEAN-UP Why clean up a river that spells different memories for many Singaporeans and was one of the reasons for our prosperity in the early years? During the 80's recession, we had just completed the Benjamin Sheares Bridge... which happens to suspend over the Singapore river, the mouth of the crab. This is as good as tying the mouth of the crab, thus choking it ... which explains the recession. In order to get out of it, one way was to clean up the river so that the mouth is clean and wealth can flow in without obstruction. Sounds unbelievable? But it seems logical, doesn't it?
  11. i think only can edit post for a certain period of time.. anyway, fifi, cool down for awhile... when things get tough the tough gets going.. i had a bad week too but it will pass *hugs*
  12. good morning... erh.. zeny.. maybe odie too innocent liao! no worries fifi, u are welcome to vent here erh babies can be quite noisy at night.... especially new borns.... erh...
  13. quite common... dont worry too much.. try what bluberi says lors.. maybe can help abit hee hee maybe i should try to ask for hacking FOC... wasted !! erh we inital budget only 20k went up to 35k.. that is not including furnitures ... sigh but guess after everything we feel its worth it as results turn out well
  14. 40k including lights and everything?
  15. bear for their?? !! blur... anyway off to bed again.. dont feel so good tonight
  16. that is my ID signature idea.. his style.. not many would dare to do it for their place.. we like his refreshing ideas beside he being able to give us a good price.. well i know OC is quite big so sometimes hard to say for them lor.. but dont worry lor.. they lose out on u as a customer is their lost hee hee yeah they used do to show flats for HBD but later no more liao.. they are more focus on commerical buildings from what i know...
  17. LBB - Coris Da Jie !! erh Little Blue Bear.. she is seldom around now but she lives around there.. i think u would be able to know some of the reno talk forumers.. quite a few from coris too hee hee thanks! th dining table from furniture mall.. cant afford the mondi lifestyle got the cheaper version
  18. 3 hrs is quite short time already.. sometimes can last for a long time erh depends lor.. sometimes if the ID can recommend good tiles combo, and u can accept it, its can be fast. this depends on individual.. if both of u not too fussy.. aircon - usually about the trunking how it goes from room to room and try to get thicker trunking and insulation to prevent condensation.. electrical guy might be a separate charge if the ID didnt including the lighting points into the quotation. they will charge accordingly to what u shift away etc (power point), additional power point), additional light points, storage heater point . gas electrical point for ur hod/hood.. etc.. alot .. so depends on what u do the additional cost can come from there. every light or false ceiling u put up can be counted in the electrical fee and not forgetting the workmanship too.. hope it will help u abit to understand
  19. i cant forgot those discovery channel on the chinese resturants who sell dog meat, or any "weird" type of food.. how they cage those animals.. not really animal lover but cant stand how they treat them.. dont say about see real life ones.. i remember last time (back in 80s) i see the wet markets who kill the live chickens still fresh in my memory.. though i still eat chicken hee hee feels like the memory never fade away... even its so long ago.. i think we better not gross anyone out here.. hahahaha
  20. well one thing for sure.. cheap things easy to change for HDB but those more costly stuff is... anyway just try lor... hmm dont advise to use illegal means but if u can budget abit for the hacking of walls, i think it may make ur life happier... some things can dont have so now its better to do those items that are more a hassle.. hacking is one of them so just think about it lor.. if u can live with the wall there.. then can forgo first lor.. after that get used to it then its ok liao.. beside looking for the final price, u need to know what is necessary to be done.. especially hacking works changing of tiles, those wet works try to do all at one shot beside saving cost in the long run and u dont really need to worry next time. hope i did make sense hope pat will be able to suit ur budget.. if he cant, just squeeze him lor..
  21. eeee... i see those shows about china resturants .... eeeeeeeeeee *odie hide liao* dont eat me.. please dont eat me... *mace look so fierce* ahhhhhhhh *poof*
  22. wah! that rose tile is nice!! i didnt see that in my tiler shop... swee swee good leh.. getting a place near orchard can all day n night !!
  23. Not - so lucky.. i also want to go... odie tag along as a soft toy... kidding... yeah they are strict with food stuff and medicines... if not u have to do a lot of explainations... Zeny - Odie help to also if he dont bring her along! 8| hee hee Ahnah - Now not so windy? hmmm ur side got sunlight coming in? Mace - i saw quite a number pple getting the ARISTON one or the Joven one for storage heater.. I forgot who using storage heater.. but i do believe branded ones are quite ok lor.. though i still find it weird to have the big tank over the head while showering... hee hee (that is me lar.. dont take my word for that) Fifi - i also got those calls recently.. saying i won 3 prizes - a trip to china, free spa voucher, free something else, another one is won a trip to thailand but yet to win any cash.. i didnt bother to entertain them as they want u to go down to see see the place spent at least one hr or so... :P are u going down to collect ur prize?
  24. good morning.. erh... dont really like to grow plants... morning sun not really leh.. it comes through the school there... so i dont get morning sun.. (always got excuses to sleep until much later) erh ahnah ur place very windy leh.. mine not really unless open main door... my living/ dinning area quite hot.. some more dinning area in the morning afternoon looks like night time one.. Zeny - kidding mine also depends on the customers too.. sometimes free means free lor.. not free, cant even go toilet for the whole morning or afternoon... yesterday was terrible!! my account details all screw up!! phone non stop... glad today much easier to breathe Not - ur company trip can bring ur missy along?
  25. passing through~ weee envy! so nice toilets... wish i have the money to change the whole toilet look! maybe 10 or 20 years down the road.. reno going well! will be back to see more pictures weeeeeeeeeee passing by~~ weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee