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Everything posted by Kobelala

  1. Wow, u have a beautiful staircase, can I know how much you spend for the glass staircase railings ? Really interested to build 1 like yours too... Really nice house
  2. Hi Pinkydot, my wife n I simply love your house.... We just bought 1 unit with similar layout, in North (Yishun Central) .... As we had spent half of reno our money on COV, we hope that at least our kitchen and staircase can look like yours too !! (hope you don't mind) Thanks for sharing and thanks for the inspiration and ideas ...
  3. hi u can check this forum under renovation sub forum...
  4. U check check on HDB previous sales record for that area. Offhand, I can tell u that IMHO, 250k is not possible to get a 3A there as my uncle just sold his for over 300K.
  5. Hi RenoGuru n Ms Chocobanana can you PM me the contact too ? Thanks thanks !!
  6. I really cannot understand why some company / people just cannot be truthful and sincere in their business dealings... They can be cheap (but always bear in mind they are doing business, they'll not be so cheap that they sell at a lost), but cheap doesn't mean lousy services or workmanship. It's a competitive industry where workmanship and services counts, it's really sad that such things still happening in 2011...
  7. The Location is pretty good, near to Yishun MRT, Northpoint, Interchange n a new Hospital.
  8. Cute cats n what a beautiful staircase, can I know how much you spend on the staircase ??
  9. Also, to all Bros and Sis that offered valuable advices and knowledge along the way, sincerely thank you !! Will update once my 1st Appt is smooth... ... keeping my fingers crossed, really hope all goes well.... (till today, I really do not know why the delay delay ; as stated in previous post , but am just happy that my (MyHDB page) page reflected all had been submitted and 1st Appt time is being processed, although I wasted a valuable 2 weeks in the transaction, am just happy now that I finally get my 1st Appt date anytime today )... ..
  10. Hi Lapetite, thanks for the well wishes. Yes, I think I've rushed into things and now am just led by both the agents in the process.. ... Nonetheless, today, I've checked my "MyHDBpage" and finally all are submitted after much pushing and delaying with the agents... I'm expecting a 1st appt date anytime... Hope the buyer will turn up in 1st Appt and all goes well for me then.... ...
  11. Dear Therat, Thanks alot. This morning I've spoken to the agen firmly, I demand a signed copy of seller's OTP and for them to exercise the case immediately otherwise, I'll withdraw the case (dunno whether if i can do it but sometimes cannot be too nice....). The agent request 2 days to collate all docs and so on.. ... ... and will scan all relavant docs n email them to me (I'm too tired to ask why but I agree on the deadline) ... ... Hope all goes well, will update on the progress once again on deadline day... Would like to thank all members on your valuable advise and sharing your knowledge with me once again !
  12. Joyousonline, congrats !!! I'm facing some problem with the seller and agents now even though i had placed the $5k for OTP, hope that everything goes smoothly
  13. Dear Members, Thanks for all your replies and advise, I was busy over the weekend and did not log in, you guys are just great, you had shared with me so much valuable knowledge. Thanks !! Mark ; I did not see the unit released in any listings on the internet (i did not read classified), and I made the offer immediately the night of viewing. Snowpear ; yes, I'm on a valid HLE and this had been submitted to the agent representing me. Till now, I did not see any updates on my "My HDB homepage".... Will be speaking to my agent again to ask for a copy of seller's signed OTP.... I believe I've rush myself into signing without think of the consequences.. .. Guess I'll have to wait and see what happens... Dear friends, thanks alot !!
  14. Dear Senior Members and Mod, really thanks for your kind assistance and reply. I had spoken to my agent and I understand what was being done : a) I issued a cheq of 1k n 4k and signed only my part of Checklist, OTP and also paid for the valuation report... As mentioned earlier that seller is using POA to transact and the POA was not present. b) Seller had submitted the Seller Checklist yesterday Morning. c) They had not banked in my cheq as they are only collecting the cheqs first and have me sign first since I'm firm and so that they don't need to meet me again. d) My Agent further inform that my docs will be submitted in 7 days and will update me again once there is a 1st appt date. I do not want to pin them down on the wrong procedures as yet and I can only assume that both agents are trying to secure my cheqs and signature first and thereafter proceed with the proper procedures. I am ok with the arrangement thus far so long there is nothing in between the lines and they pull thru the deal.. ... and I understand what they are doing now slightly better; but the forms in my posession now are ; a) My signed copy of CEA Prescribed Est Agency Agreement Form (2) b) The agent's company comm agreement form. c) 2 simple receipts of Valuation report n resale submission fee. Can i check with Senior Bros n Sis-s : a)What other forms should I request from my agent ?? b) What are the repercussion I may have in this case ? (can the agents play me out if they have a better offer or if the owner refuse to sell... ??) c) I intend to continue looking for other flats in case this case dosen't pull through, I will stand to lose ony 1k or all 5k if I cancel this transaction ?? (like I said I'm in need of a flat badly for my marriage) Really thankful for all your replies and advise.. .. (i am not revealing the name n sex of my agent as i am still giving the agen my benefit of doubt) .
  15. Bro Mark, thats also what I dont understand, I had signed OTP, I had written 2 cheqs, 1 @ 1k and the other 4k... I've signed all the forms like OTP and checklist... So have I actually exercised OTP ??? since I had paid the 5k, but according to HDB officer, i should have gotten a 1st appt date since all had been done.... However, the agent told me I need 1 week cooling and 2 week OTP, and that I can get my 1st appt date only 3 weeks later ... ... I asked the agent again but was informed that this is the proper procedure and it's better to follow the proper procedure so that the case will not be throw out... I intend to ask the agent out and print out the HDB procedures for further discussion, can you enlighten me of anything which i need to take note ?? I just hope that I don't lose precious time .. ...
  16. Hi Mark, thanks for your reply, I initially do not have an Agent, I view all the houses thru listings and intend to get a lwayer to do the paperworks for me and also run some of the errands myself, as the comm of agent works out to about 5k, i picture that I'm going to do this by myself and save some bucks.... But i realise most of the agents are very clever, once they know that you are a direct buyer viewing house , they'll bring along a co-broke agent and inform that this house is co-broke with his/her colleague... .. For this house that I OTP, the scenario is slightly different, I wanted to view another unit but the agent brought me to this unit after that, we love it and decided to OTP and pay 5k .... so the agent representing me can be said to be a complete stranger, but seems decent and trustworthy enough and is l licenced.
  17. Hi Bros and Sis-s, I did an OTP 3 days ago and paid a $5k deposit for a flat. During the signing, seller was not around as seller is oversea and represented by an authorise person under the POA. POA was also not around when signing but check was made payable to owner (local). Agent told me I need to wait 1 week (cooling period) and thereafter another 2 weeks (to excercise OTP), which means I'll only get 1st Appt date after 3 weeks of signing my OTP. Inputs from friends and colleagues on resale procedures told me otherwise, most are telling me that I can get a 1st Appt date right after signing OTP... I then read up HDB resale procedures but was not very clear of what they are actually saying, and I also called up HDB and the resale officer told me that once I paid a $5K deposit, agent can proceed to book for 1st Appt. As such I called up the agent last night and she informed me "her initial procedure" again and affirm that it is correct and said that seller had submitted their docs. I am at a lost now.... Can any member here enlighten me on whether what I'm going thru is right ??? Thanks in advance... Kinda worried now, not really because of the $5k (cos i don't think someone is so stupid enough to cheat $5k like this) but more of seller and agent trying to take me for a ride and I lose precious time..... I am in need of a house badly for my marrige and that's really giving me alot of headache... Thanks in advance for your time and assistance...
  18. Hi , ermm, the EM with the Square Balcony connecting kitchen n living... My agent told me it's 2nd Gen EM
  19. Hi Tiler Seng, Can u quote me the following for my Gen2 EM (waiting for 1st appt, can start reno immediately after 1st appt) : 1) Relay 1st floor living / dining / study with big Homogenuous tiles 2) Relay staircase with big parquet planks with acrylic railings 3) Polish 2nd floor parquet 4) replace kitchen current cabinet top with granite top and change kitchen sink 5) relay 3 toilets floor 6) painting whole house and touch up wall 6) change whole house windows to sliding powder coated blue glass windows and powder coated grills 7) light holder **** / dining n study (1st floor) 8) build parquet platform for king bed in masterbedroom 9) construct false wall in masterbedroom and living room Thanks, u can email me at : psdang@yahoo.com Hope to hear from u soon.
  20. Finally,..... I feel so excited to be able to post here ... Just did my OTP last night for a Gen2 EM... Now waiting for 1st appt date.... .. Hope all goes well
  21. Chinese Ratio Filled dosen't mean the current owners cannot be Chinese, the ratio is not based on the race of individual house owner but the entire block