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Everything posted by Kobelala

  1. Hey Sis Cutiecat, wife n me went to Harvey Roadshow at Expo yesterday and bought this dryer : and a washer, you may want to check it out, today is their last day... ..
  2. LOL, all the salesman really very good, if I never did research and got loads of money, will end up spending alot there cos they make the road show items sound sooooo cheap and the goods sooooo very good....
  3. Yes Sis, it's a nice blog u kept, I believe your place will be very nice too looking forward to u starting your reno, no worries u can update slowly as i am only reading the starting part Thanks for the link too
  4. We went to Harvey with the intention of buying a fridge, but end up buying our washer n dryer earlier as we feel that it's a good price, and with FOC Bosch Vacuum, Stacking Kit n delivery 7kg Bosch Air Vent Dryer , price indicated 7kg Bosch Washer, salesman talk until Washer can Cook (1 thing about Harvey salesman, they're all very good in selling).... but I think it's a good deal so we decided on them...
  5. Yes, MHI, Mae29 recommend me MHI, but the salesman at Gain City told us MHI no local support or dunno what stories (i sledom buy their stories anyway) .... and also told us Daikin he got no stock, and it's when he recommend the Sharp n wife was impress by the Ioniser... Yes Adidem, do update your Grohe want to see your kitchen tap, and the Bishan penthouse u posted in the blog, very impressive, I was told last time they only sell those to RC chairman and MPs.... dunno how true, anyway didn't know CCK have penthouse also, nice wordpress u have, very informative
  6. all the bathroom shops at Jln Besar is closed so wife n me had our dinner there and went to Harvey Roadshow at Sg Expo...
  7. Hi Sis Sleek, haha, Tuesday ok, will PM u, anyway today I reach there about 5pm leh, all close liao... so expensive ?? where is the showroom ?? I go touch touch feel feel seesee look look when I'm free expensive nevermind, touch n see is FOC !
  8. Adidaem, what brands had u narrow down ?? We actually narrowed down on Daikin n Mitsubishi, but there's a new Sharp with Ioniser (dunno is this the spelling) that's good for my sensitive nose, wife said we should get the Sharp due to the Ioniser, but Sharp Aircon (Gain City Salesman kept saying very good, say until aircon can fly ) ?? Never really read of, so we're also undecided yet but contractor is telling me that I can prepare to deliver the aircon in 2 weeks.... so we'll need to buy aircon by next.. .. LOL
  9. Sis Emobebe, it's ok la, I've all of them in my lappy, just upload it's only few clicks, very good returns for me if u buy me coffee LOL, but really no worries about Grohe, wife n me read n googled n compared before we made our purchase I'm pretty sure it'll be good , anyway I went Jln besar today to ToTo showroom, but they're close, so going again on Tuesday
  10. was rushing out earlier and realised I had not post those pics of our kitchen : wood feel tiles for kitchen, i feel like mopping the kitchen floor just now hollow blocks build as cabinet base, as we're having suspended cabinets, contractor advies it's necessary to build thses base to strengthen the cabinet storage load... ... washing machine base under construction kitchen toilet floor tiles also almost done, although cannot tell they're new from pic LOL
  11. Yes, I just told some friends that I'm broke but the funny thing is I'm a happy broke man Adidaem, over 100k plus your Queenstown EM, hmmmm, you'll be spending over (i know the figure) hehe happy for u that you can have all these Adidaem
  12. Nice Big Wardrobe, and your have a very good layout for your toilet
  13. Sis Sleek, very sorry today when we went to Jln Besar, the whole stretch of shops are closed, including all those bathroom accessories shop, maybe due to Mayday ?? Only Hoe Kee is open, but nothing there, we're going again on Tuesday, will check for u again then...
  14. Hi Emobebe, Grohe offers 5 yrs on site warranty, that's also one of the reason we went for it
  15. Sis, no choice, cos thight budget, need to look for good bargain Sis your Mattress alone n can buy my whole bedroom set still got change SIS MAE !!!!!!!!! u remind me of my doors again !!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Hi Adidaem, ya, sometimes wrong timing luckily we really love the Euphoria Shower, so not so haha June is only 1 month from now Adidaem, looking forward to your t-blog
  17. our dining area had been tiled , skirting also up living area tiles also up, the entrance area is still not done as we've building a foyer area using Black Galaxy Granite, hope the final product will look good
  18. To add some comments to the above pics, noticed that the shower area have a "cut" angle at one of its corner, it's not a design aesthetic, but actually a functional construction... As mentioned many times in previous post that our MBR WC being in the middle of the squarish layout, it's almost impossible to build a decent size shower area and also table top basin, the "cut square" design actually provide a slightly more maneuverable area for us to move around in the MBR toilet... from toilet entrance to toilet bowl and to table top basin area... Kudos to my contractor, a small design modification of my shower area actually solve the problem of moving around the MBR toilet without compromising too much of shower area space
  19. Happy that MBR toilet is almost completed.... noticed our small shower area due to the odd position of our WC pipe...
  20. Lazy Sunday for wife n me, it's very rare that we both got our offdays on Sunday being in the retail industry, so we woke up late and had our lunch, went up to new place and are happy to see some further reno progress (as no reno will be done for today and tomorrow) and also lazing at home now watching GE rallies on youtube and decided to log into RT again, dunno why had became addicted to RT (like never log in feel very uncomfortable).... anyway, we'll be heading to Jln Besar soon to look at Taps and WC and Kitchen Sinks, thereafter going down to Expo to have a look Harvey Norman fair... ...