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Everything posted by Kobelala

  1. Sis, it's very easy to identify me also as I look like the person in my Avatar Ermm, sorry did not log in for 2 days, backdated liao... so are we still on ?
  2. Bro, is your tile the "whitest" of all the white available ? I went to a few tiles shop and most of the sales people tell me no more stock for the "whitest" ones...
  3. Dear Bros n Sis, very sorry did not log in for 2 days as we went furniture , lights and electrical appliances hunting... Have listed out on what are the things we needed most upon moving in, and what are the lighting and furniture we wanted. (although Calypso is confirm) Also we will be closing in on the final negotiations with 3 contractors on pricing, tiles and the things to do... Hope to finalise and sign up by early next week. Also, HDB had cofirmed my completion date to be on 19th April at 3 pm ! Woohoooo Will update our blog accordingly... Meanwhile, I'll go and KayPoh at all your blogs
  4. LOL, eggroe, so remember try to keep the your noise lvl down
  5. Eggroe, seems to me the ex-owners are pretty difficult people, your neighbours will be happy to have you and your wtb moving in
  6. Yes, the frosted glass doors are very pretty
  7. Very nice view from your Balcony Ely sure a very cosy place to be when your reno is completed
  8. Wow, Sis, I did not log in for 2 days and realise your reno is non stop... very fast
  9. and yes Sis Lady_R, your Marble issue, can solve ?
  10. We also encounter the same feedback... but wife n me had had been eying EM many years ago.... and after 3 years of failed BTO n balance flat balloting, we finally got our EM and we're so happy with our decision... no regrets so far
  11. Sis Joyousonline, COV 35 is a good price IMHO, this unit when I view they were asking for 50K COV and thereafter VTO (something like that)... ... During that time, wife n me not really concern about the valuation as we're on HLE, but the 50K COV was too high for us U really got yourself a good unit
  12. Ok Sis, thanks thanks... Yes, I am looking at Bosh, Fisher also, Electrolux ex lahh,... cannot afford Hi Joyousonline, thanks but the arch doors really make me headache cos they're off my reno theme.... but to save cost, I'm keeping them and still cracking my head over how they'll blend into my reno Actually, if I were u, I'll choose only Parquet or Laminates for the bedrooms.... wood feel for bedrooms make the bedrooms more cosy
  13. Bro Csingeu, not door to door, but after LUP, the new life will be very near to my main door ...
  14. Wa Bro, Heng I come to your blog at the right time, wife n me had decided to choose wood tile for our kitchen.... hmmm now will re-think seriously
  15. wow, TV console n cabinets up liao ! wooohoooo !
  16. Sis May_dream, no her's is not in Yishun, just happen that I viewed her unit during my house hunting... Yes, her unit very big cos the owner join the recess area , the balcony to the livin room... look like can play badminton inside
  17. Hey, that's reasonable.... They look like those sink that cost over $500 bucks... Hmmm.... don't mind if I have the same sink Ely ?
  18. That's cool Marshy had been promoted to "House Visit Moderator"
  19. Bro Csingeu, so when is your reno going to start ? Next stop after Sis Mae29's place will most probably be yours or Boon Keng
  20. Right CutieCat, IMHO it's better to keep your service yard, good place for laundry n pails n mops.... ... I really like the "laundry bar" ?? in your service yard... clever design n system
  21. Talking bout plants, do you gals know where to cat "Bay Leaf Plant" ??? I'm think of keeping this plant as it is know to keep away cockroaches (just like pandan)
  22. Hi Cutiecat, yes, I'm definately getting a dryer... Had not research in depth but it will be a steam dryer and not a condense dryer.... I'll come into your blog once I do my homework on dryer.... currently for electronics, I only did my some homework on LED TVs...