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Everything posted by Kobelala

  1. Thanks for visiting Noobsea Congrats ! Wish u a smooth Reno Journey and yes, do upload all your pics, starting from "War Zone" period
  2. was up at our place earlier are glad to see progress underlying pipes in placed, the area marked with red marker will be our shower area. The contractor had also started to lay our floor tiles :
  3. Hi Potatoes, my stairs will be Parquet on the steps and on the rise will be painted white or other colours, my contractor advised that the rise of the stairs if not covered by parquet will get stain easily due to usage... but we wanted this design and are prepared to keep the staircase well maintained. As for my railings, I'm still undecided
  4. Ya, IMHO MII is more reliable than MIC Going Hoe Kee later
  5. Hi Fernvalevista2, ya, 18th posts are all gone, but I was also not able to see the pics u uploaded when I visit your t-blog... maybe it'd my PC problem, it's ok now that I get to see your nice place Also, I noticed your kitchen tap, can I check where you got the tap, it is those expandable ones correct ? TIA
  6. I am glad to hear that... at least only 1 limping man managed to climb outta toilet in a detention centre... Imagine if they are paid like Barak Obama, the whole Guantanamo Bay also will escape without much hassle ... .. I feel really safe now, thanks for sharing the info
  7. Thanks Sis, I'll go have a look as I intend to get my WC also from Hoe Kee
  8. Sis Mae, very impressive Your boy's talent n interest is here, with your good guidance and also reading his stars , should be ok de la no need to worry cannot survive in SG, he can always venture overseas
  9. Hi Footprints, can I know what is the brand of the tall tap you chose ? Cos I understand that certain brand tall tap leaks easily ... TIA
  10. Both are just as nice, if you can get the table as well, that be really nice
  11. Yep, I agree that the one at iwannagohome do not really have the effect, I'll be visiting some light shops tomorrow, will let u know if I can find something similar .... group buy is a headache to organise.. ..
  12. Sis Marshy, cannot hide the doors cos too prominent thinking of white but also exploring some fun colours like lime or yellow or some other bright n fun colours
  13. Yes, ask for their maximum discount, anyway they have a discount cap, u can go and have a look first and feel free to PM me if you're not sure if they give u a good price LOL, Sis Marshy sometimes will be "stone" in the middle of the day thinking of her Hubby and her Cellini Calypso
  14. Hi Fernvalevista2, finally get to upload your pics, can't see the pics past few days when I visit your t-blog .. .. Nice black n red theme kitchen n dining ! Refreshing
  15. SIS MAE !!!!! hahahahahaha dust will roll down the "curve" yes I think white is the only colour to paint, can't think of a better colour for now
  16. ok then I look forward to your pics, am sure will be very nice ! ya, the starirs is quite a headache, worse thing is very expensice.. .. ....
  17. Sis Mae, thanks hope he like it ! Wow Management convention ! very good to know your son is doing well in his career
  18. I agree with u Bro Ne0, your wounderful t-blog escaped my radar for awhile too
  19. No prob noobsea, Cellini wife n me quite expert cos we go "disturb" them many times before buying Oh yes, Sis Mae got a point there !
  20. Wow Sis mae, u not even know how to plot stars and read FS, u also know who's talking behind your back kekekekekeke
  21. Hi Sis Lady_R, long time never see u upload pics of your reno ! Do upload when you're free ok , otherwise Hmmm, I really like glass railings, and I think boyblunder got a quite reasonable quote for it... but my problem is my "Arch" doors on the 2nd lvl... If the railings is glass, it'll be a total design clash with those "arch doors" LOL so wife n me still thinking of best way to do the railings