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Everything posted by Kobelala

  1. Yes emobebe I suggest you go and have a look , I think if they still offer 30% for Grohe, it's a very good discount Cos we bought ours for less discount.. ..
  2. Yes yes, you can save some $$$ if you go yourself, just remember what they recommend and go hunt for those items yourself
  3. Hi Adidaem, the hole size yes, can get some adapter, but those ToTo ones the hole connector is at the side, our EM hole is at the bottom (layman term-something like that) so they are not able to fit according to the salesperson... I'm checking with my plumber next week also and will also update on this here, as for wall hung WC, I'm not able to construct in my MBR due to the layout of the WC... My WC postition is sort of in the middle of my sqaurish MBR toilet, I already have problem building a shower area and table top basin....
  4. Adidaem, it's ok, not hijacking, I always welcome friends to post here and chit chat... the more the merrier Thanks Ely, for the valuable info Adidaem, wall hung WC is very nice Ok, can you check with your ID and share with us on the ToTo WC ? TIA
  5. Hi Adidem, thanks for popping by Wow your Grohe Kitchen Tap cost close to 1k already ! Haha, yes, I must say wife n me got totally no regrets with the Grohe Euphoria rainshower, the Thermostat is with their German technology called Turbo Stat, but I dunno for what, only know it's very good I had not get my Storage Tank, but IMHO, 50L is good enough, and u actually bought 2 Euphoria ! for us, we bought 1 for MBR only and for the Lvl 2 common toilet, we got the normal Grohe handshower n Grohe Mixer... Buy 2 too expensive la LOL. Yes I've seen some lower end ToTo and Bravat (taht we really liked) and Johnson suisee, but they are not all compatible to HDB leh(dunno what the base attachment is different, only condo can use ), still searching for toilet bowls. So where is your new place and have u start looking for quotations ?
  6. Oh Sleek, I think I know what u mean now... I'm heading to Jln besar and Balestier again tomorrow, I'll see if I can try to get some pics and prices for u... Best if you can let me know roughly what are the design u like, since u had not start your t-blog, u can post those pics here in my t-blog, I'm ok with it
  7. Hi Emobebe, thanks for dropping by I think your question are not silly at all but very technical and I do not really know how to answer This is the first time I'm using Grohe rainshower, so I'm not able to tell you the difference between those squares and this round that I bought. However, the Rain Shower is withe the Grohe Dreamspray system and its adjustable to number of different of spray patterns to suit individual needs and liking, for this system that I bought, there are 5 different spray pattern I can adjust and choose from. As for the adjustable hand shower, my main concren was i wanted a silverflex water hose rather than those conventional shower hose. For wife and me, another very important factor for handshower is the water pressure from the hand shower have to be very strong so that we'll have a good clean bath. I'm sorry if I did not really answer your questions and thanks again for popping by
  8. Wife n me also went to Molecue... ... as we're almost cetain that most of those stuffs are MIC.... we're shock that they actually are selling their items at such high prices...
  9. LOL, Sis Sleek, yes, I've noted down the retail prices of the items I want, if the Expo is not really cheap, then I'll be going to Mega to "squeeze" them It's true, 1 over k for a bathtub seems quite high leh
  10. Very good progress , waiting for your pics la Sis
  11. i just can't get to sleep tonight and kept hanging on to RT, is it because I know this is coming
  12. Sis Mae, your post on 9.47pm, thhe summary of your ID.... if I am an ID firm boss, I'll employ him straight away !!
  13. Reno : $50000 Furniture : $15000 Fridge : $2000 Movers : $500 Lying On King Bed admiring new bedroom : PRICELESS
  14. Hi Boyblunder, thanks, but I think we've given up the idea, glass railings really cannot match my "arch" doors on lvl 2.. ..ready to give up for the time being... thanks for the info though
  15. Sis Sleek ,when your boys grow up, they wont want to play in your bath tub anymore me too, no deep pockets , so when walk into Bath World, see the high end toilet bowls very nice(1 look and u'll know very expensvie kind) don't dare ask got discount or not, even got discount, most probably cannot afford LOL Oh, good that you've OTP your place and have you got your new place ? There's a Harvey Norman sale at Expo.... We going this Sunday to have a look as had not got our fridge, washer and dryer yet.
  16. Bro your kitchen tiles very "stylo"
  17. Oh good that I can get a good price ! Although I've bought some taps , I need a few more taps and this is excatly what I needed, I'll go to Jln Besar area to have a look first as I've completed going to IMM n Balestier area... Very sweet of u for taking the effort to post the pic , I'll PM u if I need to "use" your aunt's name
  18. Hi Sleek, haha... no worries, don't have to keep thanking me I'm jus glad that my info can help u a little... Yes, Bathworld at Balestier , they carry Hansa and Steingberg among other really "High End" designer brands I never heard of and yes, watertapz, i think their website is under construction as I did try google-ing their company using my BB where I was in the shop... (I'm that careful).. .. but after talking to the staffs there, I felt ok and also their pricing is pretty competitive compared to the other quotes I received for Grohe... Due to the funny layout of our MBR bathroom (toilet bowl in middle) we could not have the luxury to place a bathtub, and we are also not fans of bathtub... .. so our choice is very clear, we wanted a reliable rainshower... .. the only time we like bathtubs is when we go on our holidays and have a dip in the hotel bathtub also, if u need the address of watertapz, i'll let u know tomorrow as the invoice is with wife now and she's at her mom's place U can have a good rainshower and a bathtub Sleek, compromise on the other stuffs like capentry or lightings
  19. and we end our purchase with this Kitchen tap : we really like the simple yet "not so simple" design of this kitchen tap... lol what m I talking Broke, but happy (what contradiction) went to eat Bak Kut Teh before heading home
  20. Hi Sleek, it's ok, do feel free to post questions, I'm glad to be of any help Let me share more of how we've decided on Grohe : There's a Grohe boutique at IMM, we first saw Grohe there, then about 2 weeks ago... ... As it was the Grohe Boutique, we were impressed by the technology of their showers and taps, they even have cross section of their mixers on display in their boutique at IMM, very impressive... However, like all boutiques, they offer only 10% discount... wife and me got really interested and also at the same time did some research on the following German brands : 1) Grohe 2) Steingberg 3) Hansgrohe 4) Hansa Among these 4 German Faucet manufacture, Grohe have the best technology and quality in our opinion, so we opted for Grohe... If you are not in a rush, you can also look at Stiengberg, they pretty good as well and price wise very competitive... We got our Grohe earlier at Watertapz along Balestier, pay cash and they give u slightly better discount Hope it helps and do feel free to post more questions, I'm very free tonight, watching rallies on utube
  21. After we got the 2 shower sets, we literally went "beserk" and got this : for common toilet at kitchen this for MBR toilet : with this tall tap to be used together with the round basin :
  22. Hi Sleek, thanks for dropping by here, we paid $1270 with GST for the Rainshower Set I think it's a very good price considered it's Made In Germany
  23. Our common bathroom shower head and mixer set, got it on a promotional price we really only wanted a Grohe in our MBR, but wife cannot resit the promotional price and a tap to complete to the promotional set
  24. Wife n me went tap and shower shopping, we went to IMM Hoe Kee, Sim Siang Choon, Grohe and then Balestier Bathworld and some other shops selling taps and basin along Balestier... .. Over the past few days, we've did our research on taps and also got some helpful feedback from friends in RT... and we more or less had zoomed in on what are the taps we wanted... .. As it's both our off day today, we decided that we'll spend some of our hard earn money today So we bought these items today late in the evening, and I believe we've got them at a good price as we've done sufficient research and price comparison Our MBR Grohe rain shower that we've eyed since 2 weeks ago finally decided to buy it