I encountered exactly the same problem, german leather L-shape sofa + coffee table, around $3.6K (very X, now only i realised), peeling off after less than 2yrs. I called the service centre, Ms Ching, kept pestering them to get free upholstery. Finally i got it but after paying a few hundreds for transportation and labour cost (couldn't out talk the boss, sigh!). The process took 2 months of dingdonging on cost, collection & delivery dates and many more phone calls to press for delivery, very painful. Anyway, it was delivered few days ago, all done up brand new with thicker material (according to the boss it is of better quality, i wish i can trust him again...). Hopefully, it can last for at least 3 yrs or if i'm lucky, may be 5 yrs .... I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. Species is a definite a NO, NO.