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Everything posted by zeny

  1. dunno...i din check online but for malaysia airline, likely it will be from sin to KL to Tokyo then to osaka....abit too much right... did you try United Airline, * ? those long journey trip to USA usually transit in Tokyo and sometime these airline will offer cheaper price for those who alight at the transit city
  2. route to osaka is direct flight ? or involved transit ?
  3. i very exp one ok beside i only good in planning our own travel cos i /kon have control in making the decision......planning for others can die (tried before) cos others may have constraint..this cannot that cannot..... ) if others want to go trips with us...must in advance give up control and let us plan...they just pay and go can liao where best to search... i always started off with pple some online travel website to see for good package ... when i see one that i like then i go about searching major airline for their local promotion, and similar or same hotel for inhouse promo ...then i "package" it up and see which more worthwhile mah etc lor
  4. i'm a surfer traveller who always surf net to find cheap air tix etc i'm not sure whether they know we are taking the promo or not and I doubt the whole plane is reserved for that promo. what happened.... they are rude to my colleague, instead of telling her nicely to buckle the seat belt and putting her bag under the seat properly ( the top is all full with luggage so no room for her small backpack) they talk in a rather harsh tone to her as though she dun want to put it properly etc anyway it is different from the way SQ stewardess would have told us lor when in similar situation
  5. ever took advantage of this package...as a whole good...but i dun like the way the stewardess treat asian only
  6. for kuching take note of MAS and SILKAIR promotion currently SILK AIR is having promo there Kuching Booking period : 26 Feb - 18 Mar 07 from S$118 Condition : Travel from 28 Feb - 31 Mar 07 & 24 May - 23 Jun 07 Booking Period : 26 Feb - 18 Mar 07 from S$98 Condition : Travel from 01 Apr - 23 May 07 & 24 Jun - 31 Aug 07
  7. of course... less one day..cannot enjoy activities to fullest... stay extra day = extra day of accomodation + activities leh i know
  8. i noe can +/- one day but my trip is usually plan in certain pattern one mah so +/- one day...can result in increased in $$$ one
  9. tell you...alot of airline fly to HK one... so no need to tie your cash on LCC now
  10. not i slow,...but the trip timing and DAY is always not my preferred one.
  11. i get what you mean...usually after selecting the preferred date all the ++, by topping $50 to $100+ can get normal air tix already :P
  12. you take note... the natas fair always in-line with the 1 week school holiday one ie in the same month
  13. but hot dates are not available one
  14. maybe California i too agreed with your hubby for only 100+ , i will top up cos got TV to watch and got food served
  15. penang been there liao...... hanoi...not now err... fly to West malaysia like bo hua leh
  16. how old are you liao honeymoon now yah BKK...haiz... i think wait til they are politically stable liao then go better but then on the other hand... other than the south part, other areas still ok leh ... more like " paper arguement " no action one leh
  17. Natas fair haben start yet...end of the month...... so envy your parent going...y din you join them... now just in time for cherry blossom leh
  18. you are asking for promotion in the 2nd half of the year where got so early one
  19. nearer to singapore but must take plane that kind ...kekeke
  20. i see i see.......... aiyah...japan very exp leh...got other places newer one bo
  21. hmm.......which part of tokyo/japan is narato
  22. ok no need to explain we UNDERSTAND
  23. lucky you... unlike me and odie... hubby surf net/forum