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Everything posted by zeny

  1. i only tell you my method to get hdb to replace the tiles, i have no idea how not get the hdb to replace his tiles so you have to ask him and beside i have no idea what you writing here too :P wah... reno + AD + honeymoon + F&F siong sia noted
  2. you want to save money then hardwork abit lor and knock every tiles in the house with a coin and find which is hollow lor then HDB will change for you if alot of hollow tiles you go Reno-T-chat and find MIST lor hmmm think likely to be sept cos then can quick quick reno and stay in new house for Christmas /newyear
  3. yours also not easy too next month not high leh...but alot of delivery man or sub-contractors come they will ask me you do platform to sing Karaoke izzt sound system... no plan to get new one now then change lor if dun like ...you see mist's vanity top nice nice and stylo milo leh why so long haben get key ?
  4. u also from sk.com hehe...i dun follow all the thread there one ...me anti-selection one
  5. I reckon you haben got your keys or open the door yet Vanity top = MBR toilet that sink thingy ...the peach color one *yucks* and only kitchen wall tiles (no floor tiles) and toilet wall and floor tiles provided kitchen wall tiles include a few of those printed design tiles (flower if not wrong) u just image you go Karaoke room ...those platform stage lor
  6. he also kena pank one meh ? same same...i also cant stand the decorative tiles i see i see mis-interpreted your post my mistake well...your ID wanted to charge me 2K++ for hack and replaced with glass and so we opt to hack totally and do platform instead ...still cheaper than hack + glass (budget contraint )
  7. you sure it is only a couple of hundred diff initially we wanted to do something like that ie half glass but our ID aka contractor tell us they cant just hack the wall half then do glass,they have to hack the whole thing away then re-construct half wall then add glass on top to the ceiling...and guess what the amount is in thousand lor.. so in the end we hack everything =)) and enlarge the living room instead
  8. yah agreed... one aircon contractor gong gong one go drill hole on the wall to put the piping /trunking and sort of caused some damage to the concealled wire and we have to pay some $$ to get the electrician to fix it before our ID can patch up the hole to cover it so be careful when you drill the wall dun lah...if NOT can reno his house until sui sui one... you also can...so conceal no conceal is not an issue liao
  9. of course i'm good lah......no salang...i'm the BEST
  10. huh? why bad... remove shower screen = more room for you to dance around in the toilet wat
  11. everything got good and bad
  12. zeny

    Nice Clocks ?

    saw this at molecule
  13. you din tell us which block you are staying how to answer leh
  14. Wtg's unit is all concealed wiring even before wtg start renovation
  15. well you are not the only one that think that way... check out hardwarezone forum and you will see alot of comments there that's wat i saw from other forums too... not only that their sub-titles lousy too !!
  16. cannot imagine lor...so exp also got pple buy during that time even the amount we are paying now i also find it exp already let alone that price during that time
  17. lucky us, our parents allow correct it is the company that counts err...my colleagues flat is in SK it is a HDB flat ... i only wondering is it a EA , Five room or 4 room according to her, she is making a loss cos she bought it at near 500K
  18. no dinner smart choice... cos that's wat we do too instead of wasting money on dinner, go for a nice nice honeymoon instead afterall since it is the beginning of you guys's life together pamper yourself is better than pampering other's mouth no harm trying to recover when selling it wat sentosa cannot lah......at most postpone honeymoon only mah no fixed rule must go honeymoon immediately after ROM/wedding so good.... hearsay my colleagues sold at a loss @ 400K ...wonder wat type of flat she selling and still at a loss
  19. i'm referring to after 5 years lah... dun think anyone of us can sell within 5 years ....unless you different lah
  20. make sure that you recover these amount when you sell your flat in future then still nto so bad at least you got most of the stuff already btw you officially married liao ? got through customary ? honeymoon etc liao ?
  21. not scaring pple lah... just tell him to get use to spending alot of money on weekend mah... he just started only leh and he sound heartache over the money spent last weekend mah ...he haben get to appliances/ furnitures etc leh
  22. get used to that... you are just starting only... wait til you see the final figures you have incurred at the end of the renovation and moving in stage
  23. somewhere in this forum someone ever posted the news need sometime to find it