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Everything posted by zeny

  1. dun think fernvale is anywhere near there leh
  2. take BUS 27 or take cab lor btw it is usually over the weekend there is SALES or OFFER
  3. i think u can find more neighbour and friends at sk.com
  4. if she/he can survive the sk of 2000, sure can survive fernvale...cos back in 2000 , SK is no diff from the fernvale of today
  5. yah lor... you can choose not to have these accessories
  6. zeny


    provided your missy ALLOW you to go there for honeymoon 1st
  7. Legs are given since birth. it is FOC one
  8. someone told me car maintainence very high leh... beside china car just intro not long ago.... no one know how good they are scullly require regular maintenance how !!
  9. you all stay in the same area right ask him to drop you and missy at giant while on his way to their friend's place and then meet you guys at giant when they are done this sunday... stock not in yet leh
  10. then when are you going to be along the way to ikea (tampines/alexandra) can ask you to get stuff
  11. yah lor...but some time people pay more for convienent
  12. i wonder how HL make profit...thing they sell is cheaper than others
  13. no wonder lah... KDK dun usually at that kind of price one somemore yours got remote... a non- remote at normal major electrical store can cost > $100 already
  14. depends for small items sometime it just aint worth it to travel far just to get that $10 discount etc.......
  15. accidentally touch what ? you mean the hot water pipe ? of course it will scald if hold long enuff but then given that we have reflex reaction so unlikely we will really get scald
  16. cannot say you din use it ....you did put your aircon condenser unit there right
  17. that's the funny thing, if condo can install it outside why can't HDB flat
  18. yours = EA right ? that is why you have the luxury of putting it in Service balcony for those who are not...then they have no choice but to put it in kitchen cos they cant install outside the flat
  19. i guess that is the last piece lor... normally it is nicely packed in boxes and you go home assemble one
  20. KDK good brand leh ........and $85 only standing or table ? what is HL tot most standing fan need to assemble ourselve
  21. :D standing one.........brand : Rowenta ...those unknown German brand
  22. :P maybe apple think you guys too slim
  23. zero bought it from Courts, compasspoint wahahaha..........
  24. NOT maintain Missy who Maintain car NOT -> Missy -> CAR see the chain !! overall NOT maintain both missy and car we bought a new household stuff on sat the remote controlled Fan original price is $109 but cashier charged me $99.90only
  25. this lazy method look like claypot chicken, except that in this case, a rice cooker is used instead of claypot