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Everything posted by zeny

  1. totally agreed. best is they build a wet market cum food court....i dun ask much something like tiong bahru can already WLL lor...singapore Land is scarce leh... with the property boom now...more HDB will be built the next few years ...you think they will let the grassy patches just sitting there
  2. huh? why on earth you go tell the RC pple for wat ? you are obligated to go meh ? how come they din come and ask us or odie or roy or not
  3. Good neighbour confirmed not me and kon... if we want we would have stalk you guys months ago hmm....see what time we wake up on sunday
  4. cheh...i thought u got better way to tell... mist eat up part of the living room to extend the balcony mah of course bigger than usual... you alos can do that alot meh ? stalkers...that is for us and the stalkers to know and for you to find out
  5. today on leave that's the problem with blocked out curtain or blind...you dunno what time is it outside unless we look at clocks or watches
  6. haha...i only go kovan during chinese new year period to look for new year auspicious plants hmm...maybe i should take some from my mother too :P :P i dont think they dare to sleep on your day bed too risky to climb in
  7. scully kaylee noe where you stay leh
  8. i din take note how far the rain can come in so you got all those plant from kovan... i got my limited plant there too.. i thought you have better and near receommendation bad gal , how can you pull the plants from MIL's backyard.
  9. you have been stalking all the residents izzt you seem to know who stay where and which units how to see who got the biggest balcony Balcony hot ...not really leh... fan there ? dun see the need..... yes, I agreed MIST's balcony is very inspiring... i need to find time to go shop for plants already...my balcony is too bare btw MIST where do you or hubby shop for plants and one question, aint you afraid that during rain and storm your daybed cum mattress will be wet
  10. did i see wrongly ... did you mentioned TREE hahaha.... i know already
  11. then you must show them who's the boss and that you are not the kind that can easily be taken advantage of lor don't avoid answering my question so are you in the same block then when you opening your house for the sengkanger
  12. think we are the utimate carrot liao your EA 32K only already so nice ..... of course can take blog out lah... dun want to post cos my house did not turned out to be banyan tree so cannot make it Btw are you in the same block as us ? your balcony look very familar to me :D
  13. love letters can eat or cannot eat that kind
  14. you sure i din invite when we free others not free so not our fault hehe...NOT, what's your email har
  15. me too... we got EA cos no more 5room for us...and my parent also 3-room but me law abiding citizen so change add accordingly your ID tell you that does thatmeans you got special price one my blog...taken out liao......house is now only open to invited guest and not for public viewing that should be the way ...ask them to quote lower price one and if you like the exp tiles then you top up cos if quote at higher price tile and in the end the tile you like is not even close to the price they quote they wont refund you the balance one leh...... *sob* learnt from painful mistake
  16. i guess so...they will tell you your floor area big need more material etc bah well the moment we all get EA we should have know better... our benefits from govt is going to be less or none. our bill is going to be more than others etc....... we are SLAVE to the house
  17. find one that is nearer to your office and on the way one mah we used to wanting to do alot too and in the end cut this and that until what it look like now but still very exp your ID has his own thread here wtg good news !! our block is almost fully occupied liao
  18. that explains why every weekend they are selling LCD so cheap
  19. huh? who tell you i engaged Baroque to do my renovation ? due to some reasons we didnt engaged them in the end so you are in the block where HDB did a showflat sometime ago har 29X that's where my sis is staying, what color theme did they use har that kind then got to go laundry shop liao dun think can do it yourself so cheap must go my contractor liao show us the blue print leh
  20. that's what we did too turn it off when going away for vacation
  21. wtg seem that you din hack alot of things or replace alot of things.. just curious how much did A&D charge you for renovation
  22. the fact that you are asking this question makes you a diver too