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About stardust205

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  1. Hi all, I'm thinking of changing my old aircons Has anyone had experienc employing Natural Cool? Did they do a good job in installation? And as my house is an 30yrs old flat, we need to pay extra for the metal bracket to hold the compressor.. Is $150 the mkt price? Thanks!
  2. Hi All, We got a plumber (recommended by town council) to change the kitchen main pipe, prior to doing-up of the kitchen cabinets. However we suspected the pipe was not well-sealed with the floor and thus there was high moisture and the occassional smell.. The moisture is so bad that a few of the metal hinges in the kitchen cabinet have rusted. The plumber is agreeable to replace the pipe for us, but we have to arrange for contractor to dismantle the kitchen table-top n cabinets ourselves. The cost of dismantling will be bore by us too.. As the pipe was done months ago, it's really difficult for us to hold the plumber responsible. Another option is to open a hole in the cabinet, for the worker to apply sealant at the pipe bottom.. which we are unsure if that works. Any advice? Getting contractor to do a small job of cutting hole in the cabinet is tough.. while dismantling the whole kitchen-top is really too costly and troublesome.. Pls help! Thanks...
  3. Hi kaym, Did you manage to resolve the problem in the end? Was it easy applying the sealant urself? Thanks Geez... I had the same problems too whenever there is heavy rain..
  4. Hi, Anyone has a good contact for windows contractor to recommend? Looking to re-do all the windows for my 5I unit. Anyone encountered during thunderstorms, the rainfall is so heavy the (sliding) windows tracks got flooded with water, and overflowed to the floor?! Pls help. Thks!
  5. Hi Noble, Thanks for the advice. Will take note. Somehow the jamming problem is gone lately.. Perhaps due to contraction of the wooden door in recent colder temperatures. Hopefully it stays this way!
  6. we used Bez Balloons 2mths back fr our ROM. Prices are reasonable and wide variety of choices.
  7. Hi, Anyone changed HDB fire-rated door before? Any recommendation? My door tends to jam at the door-frame. Some of the rivets at the door frame are coming out.. Or anyone has a contact for fixing the door back? Thanks!
  8. Hi All, Anyone has a solution to our problems? A fire-rated door is so expensive.. won't want to change new unless it's the last resort.. Thanks in advance!
  9. Wah... ur Living hall is indeed very 3D!! Got the WOW factor! http://www.renotalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
  10. Hiya, My HDB main door has the same problem too. It tends to jam at the top corner of the door-frame, resulting in difficulty in closing the door. 7mths back, we had the edge of the door filed and the door-jamming problem disappeared. But the same issue came back recently.. We don't on the aircon in the living hall. And yes, I saw a long crack (abt 20cm) at the door too. Already had the cracked filled with putty.. Anything else we can do? Anyone changed their HDB fire-proof main door before?? Thanks!
  11. Hiya starbux, thks for the compliment! yes, our families helped out alot. It was ALOT of work! pm-ed ya. u a fan of starbucks? heh..
  12. Hi Toot, We got the chandelier from Chan Huat - 343/343A Balestier Road (the branch that is next to the famous Bak Ku Teh shop) Costs $360. But back then, that was only one left. They might have brought in new stocks though. pm-ed ya my contactor's contract. Good Luck!
  13. Hiya lalachong! Thanks alot for the compliment and so honoured & happy to know my t-blog has been followed thru It was my pleasure too to share my happiness, frustrations and contacts/lobangs with fellow RT members
  14. Hi Absolut, noted on the contact. thks