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Everything posted by godloveyou

  1. Why jawdrop? Simply doesn't mean easy.
  2. OTP allows max 8 wk after 1st appt. Only HDB has discretion to extend >8wk. In this situation, approach way is to ask HDB to make the "discretion" decision.
  3. Look at HK's recent fire tragedy. "Narrow" foyer, narrow corridor....
  4. House's your, you got right to deny access, isn't it?. Tell him directly, instead of "stabbing" him at sides.
  5. Wealth "spot" needs heat & light, to make hotter & brighter? Layman thinking, logic? Like that everywhere put flood light the best, including main entrance.? Remember to electric bill hor. Some suggested water, really patterns liao liao. FS is supposed to be explained and work in logical terms, except for supernatural stuff which have "no logic".
  6. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/torrential-downpour-triggers-flash-floods-across-pore-040951911.html Vivian and PUB must be very busy again liao. Spent $ to "lift up" Orchard rd to create "natural" rain water fall within Tanglin Mall. Who pays for the damages?
  7. You have 5% chance. 95% of BTOs are reserved for 1st timers. 2nd timer means either: 1.present's resale received some kind of grant from gov. Or 2.Has sold away your 1st new "sudsidised" flat. Under 2. You need to pay back the levy if were to get a 2nd new flat. Under 1. Also need to pay back levy. HDB's web very informative, take yr time to browse and understand.
  8. Beside seller & buyer, you need a "3rd party" as witness to sign on the otp. Same lawyer to process everything. http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10321p.nsf/w/BuyResaleFlatDIYvsAgents?OpenDocument
  9. 1. Best 2 wks before mop. Ask for valuer, wait for a few days to come. Report takes a wk to be generated. 2. Can do everything on your(U & yr friend)own, just ask HDB for a lawyer.
  10. Open discussion. Ancient ppls choose place near rivers(water) to stay, built houses faced south to avoid north wind yet windy enought, big open space in front of house, so form of guards at back, left & right to have sense of security. Front/back/side doors, windows to allow wind & light to get into house. At times rivers flooded, so good to stay at slopes. At times drought attacked, no food to eat, so digged ground to get underground water. As such, land formation observation for residence was developed. In S'pore, more than 70% population stay in HDB flats. Water(tap heads), forced wind(table/wall/ceiling/standing fans), air-con, lighting, etc are just a finger away(within control) but at expenses of resources (electricity,coal, fuel etc). Doors, windows are plenty. All these vital environmental "features" are easily within reach and manipulation of the owners, however, quite some insist need of so called feng shui masters to do "house audit", why? From the threads, noticed fsms mostly commented on position of stove/sink in kitchen, tiolet door, main door, mbr door/bed position, partition, water feature, salt, screen, to put this & that here & there, etc. Why never highlight the important of flow of wind within house, so to recommend whether ceiling or wall or standing fans? Why never show concern the brightness of lighting, whether sufficient or not? White light or yellow light? Why never suggest the source of water availability (put tap head her & there) We all know environmental objects around us(within a house) influent our mood (mental state)in term of conveniency, visual effect, practicality, etc etc. Why to hang/place fs objects here & there instead??? What's house fs audit??? What do the owners expect? What can fsms do & do not? "Professional" service/advises are alway better?
  11. Fs feverishs like to make/pass stories on those man-made structures. STPB loves to make $$$ and explore more "new" places to be visited. Visitors want to satisfy curiousity.
  12. A classic typical "good" entrance is always a big round abount with water feature at centre, not only chinese, see france, & rome's building & parks. Entrance always has to be "giant/big" enough to have good impression/faith of visitors/passer-by. Same applies for shops, warehouse, office, home...
  13. HDB flats, whether new or resale still very affordable to general public. Question is youngerster nowaday's demands set too high at YOUNG year. They want to POSSESS everything in YOUNG age, completely intended to ignor the TIME, love ENJOYING life, don't know what is "PATIENCE" & "WAITING". They prefer pte pty than HDB, to enjoy the "status". They like to possess car than taking public transport. Must be branded 1st hand car. Prefer to have pets than children. Restaurants than hawker centers........ So....with this life style, they can only RENT, rent & rent...
  14. PAP has made the fine country's residents very inflexible. Kiasu & Kiasi, defensive, protective, only own interest, draw circle.....sigh
  15. For those who are planning to do business whether solo or in partnership, be reminded: Before "jumping into" operation: - Do cost(M.O.L)(direct & variable) and breakeven analysis first for first 12 months. - Wise to allot "reserve"$ for at least 12 months. - Prepare first 3 months for teething problems. Prepare to work hard yet mentally sound. - Study human traffic flow, if do retail. - Study and implement feasible ways & means for promotions, allocae some $ for this. - Establishing contacs. - If business not as good as expect(3,6,9,12 month), implement changes - Draft black & white and sign for partnership, otherwise friends ebded no friend. Relatives become enemies. - Sound $ and cents minds, operation, actions & behaviours. - Recommend to study 陶朱公理財十二則 and ‧孙子兵法十三篇.
  16. That goes without saying for parents to save $ for children's edu up to U. After U, children have earning power can "swim on their own" liao at same time kick parents to old folk home if parents were to financially completely depend on them. So .....
  17. Users got "power" to shift anothers'posts here & there meh? If so, this forum very messy liao.
  18. Visual & psychological discomfort is part of fs's tactics. Remove the source of discomfort, if possible instead of applying "cure". Remember Joo chiat case?. One with spot light, another with mirror to reflect light, eventual both kena "injuried".
  19. Best denki have. Use DC brushless motor at bottom with high rpm, blow air upwards through the "ring". Ring with airfoil to "magnify" the air ??? Air out sure got "air in". "Air in" at lourve cutlets at bottom, after sometime, all dust collected within the "base", then good luck liao.
  20. As buyer, best to do "homework" first then walk-in, pay commission to agent recommend by seller's agent. - With buyer agent presence, seller agent "not cooperative", display all sorts of tectics, as no "extra juice" to drink. The "extra juice" reserves for seller agent's buddies. - If no "juice" to be given by buyer, buyer can't get units of choice. Only those "unwanted" left. Simply logic right?
  21. TC responsible for "main stacker" only. Those "U" sub-stackers or pipes is users' problem. If no sign showing the leakage due to main stacker, TC mostly will recommend both to bear 50% of the cost. Experience shows that the leakages mostly happen at circumfence around floor traps and well, around main stacker, WC's "neck". Water sips along the pipes/stackers, spread to cement around them.
  22. Commoners care only house, office fs. Who care if earth is sick or not. Because of the "shake", Japan has more eastward and the earth slef-rotate slightly faster. Latitude/longtitude, time all kena affected. Divination methodologies all affected. The "SHA" kena carried into clouds and move by wind(feng), and finally "drop down" onto earth by rain (shui). Radiation tramsmits through vacuum too, close the door/window won't help. The earth is sick, venting its anger, seeking revenge.....no place on earth is safe, except heaven. ake
  23. Great men think alike, coffeeman.