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Everything posted by hafiizh

  1. I love the lighting effects on your cosy corner and entryway. Very good selection!
  2. Nicely done - can't wait to see the bathrooms and living photos
  3. I love the colours and the stainless steel look! Unfortunately my wife doesn't like wood or brown for some reason *shrug* Looking forward to more updates. Hope you can realize your vision for your home. I'm sure it would be beautiful!
  4. I know I'm a bit late to the party, been MIA the last few weeks. But congrats to your moving in! Also waiting pictures like the rest of us hahaha. C'mon ely your house would be one of the highlights of the Renotalk house tours 2011. We'd all like to visit to admire your purchases and tutorial on importing goods And RB and yours definitely would be an audio visual treat don't you think?
  5. Hi guys sorry been MIA - exam week and I've just got back from a short getaway to recharge. Ok back to business! Hpoo >> got my doors from yontat, can google. Details are also in my blog. Ccat >> the purple colour code you are envying is Nippon vinilex called purple angle 5045. Choice made by my wife. I'd have gone with darker (masculine) shades but what do I know?
  6. sng...i am not sure but it looks like one of those things they use to hold brooms or mops by the stick. *shrug*
  7. keep us updated! i'm also looking for a lock for the metal gate.
  8. congratulations! envious of your long island and the double double beds. cute light in the bathroom also enjoy your new home, i can understand the feeling after you move in. enjoying it myself
  9. sng >> no harm done abby >> yup but this 2 weeks are my exam weeks so have to be patient. prob would be doing most of the work on the vesak day holiday emobebe >> hahaha or just convince your contractor then when your husband ask say eh, i dunno leh why he do like that i know how much renotalk likes pictures so here are my newly installed blinds. I also had issues with the parquet. so i got them to resand and revarnish for me. after enduring the dust and the smell, i happily walked in the room today after leaving it alone for 2 days. yet there are still rough spots on some sections of the parquet! so much for my house warming on the 1st. looks like after july would be a better bet. *sigh*
  10. i always scroll and scroll through your purchases then when your house pictures came up i got a shock suddenly. then i remembered its a renoblog after all hahahaha. btw maybe the knob is for suctioning to the pot or glass to help you lift if its hot?
  11. agree layout is one of a kind. i can already feel the hacking itch - are you planning any major changes? nothing beats $0 COV! corner unit somemore is that right? i think with a little sprucing up, your place can be a real gem. best of wishes on your reno
  12. jaskel, emobebe, sng >> eh no worries. i actually don't mind you guys using my thread. easier for me to click on the link cos it's bumped up! and more importantly i also get to take notes e.g. pencilled down the companies for laminates for my tv console emobebe >> i hope you can manage to convince your husband. sure can one! i had to do a lot of convincing for my wife - i learnt for her it's easier if I show her pictures rather than tell her. she only approves if she sees other ppl doing it then she consider. you might want to google for apartment therapy and young house love. i use their blogs for inspiration. oh and renotalk la hahaha abby >> it's ok. no kitchen island can always use something else to be your trademark. trust me the kitchen is not yet complete for me. i have plans for that area still
  13. May >> your toilet is see through. Every time you need to do your business it's an adventure! Love jetty >> I can't find the paint catalogue. If it turns up I will let you know. Emo >> I was just like you when I started out. I think mine turned out ok - can't wait to see yours! Ely >> you are the online shopper queen! I am surprised you even need to go out of the house to buy things next stop for me is hommage and comfort furniture. Slegna >> small updates coming up. But stay tuned - after the blinds come up, I'll be starting my DIY stage. Marsh >> yup the one at eunos industrial estate. the address is on my wordpress. Fernvale >> yup I love sleeping in my extended bedroom. Yours looks great too - very quick progress! Ok pictures.
  14. Your schedule got make time to upload the pictured on Renotalk? Hehehehe cos that's what we're all waiting for! Welcome back btw
  15. I have a rabbit too! Trying to rabbit proof the house so that she can roam. Looking forward to see how your place turns out
  16. Can see...and it looks great! I like the console and the string curtain separation - very nice
  17. Wah may your house looks Swee - and it's not even completed yet! Everything seems to be going very well - I can't wait to see how your island turns out. You got style (and adventure lol). I really love the way you pay attention to the little things - like the main door and hiding beams etc. Brilliant! Just take care of yourself. Love the updates but your health comes first yeah?
  18. tell me about it... i am now hunting for a nice heat proof mat to lay on our counter top for worry free kitchen duties. i think those solid counter top should bundle in these mats man.
  19. tell me about it... i am not hunting for a nice heat proof mat to lay on our counter top for worry free kitchen duties. i think those solid counter top should bundle in these mats man.
  20. cool hoping to see some pictures! i happen to have been hunting for bar stools too - you might want to google gnee hong for their range of bar stools. I also budgeted $100 but in the end spent $200++ per chair hahaha. the vhive one looks cool and value for money! in the end, we didn't go for it because we didn't have any backing for guests to lean back. you might want to check the sale forum here - once I saw someone selling their used stools for $20 but they all were grabbed fast! best wishes on your journey!
  21. Hi there interesting use of space. Can i ask where your dining area is? I spy what seems to be a bar counter with two high chairs - is that right? Hope you make your choice soon so we can take a look at your progress pictures! Best of luck on your reno journey
  22. Hey there sng, looks to me that you've been get comments and replies! See, it just takes some time that's all As to your idea of doing a vanity top instead of a bathtub - why not? If you have the space should take inspiration from those hotel bathrooms and make use of the long counter space to put in a double vanity ie his and her sinks with a long mirror. Just go with the shower - save space and water bills too. Can't help you with the wall tiles though. Looking around at other people tiling their bathrooms seem to suggest it would give that lux feel. Looking forward to more updates, happy reno journey!
  23. Jaskel >> confirm? Double comfirm!! Emo >> with all your Renotalk research, I am eager to see your final product too! As I mentioned in my blog, we were so awe struck by the range we didn't even ask for discount. How un-Singaporean can we get right? Ely >> you sure or not? Won't you be laying a piece of cow on your floor? Cookie cutter - I think not! Getfuzzy >> 5th page and I still blush like some sec sch girl when ppl post nice things. (ps I am an old man in his thirties). Thks babe, are you a fan of Bucky?? May >> my adventurous may, unfortunately only have white or black.
  24. RB when you inviting us over for movie night? Hehehe I think all you are missing is a popcorn machine - which I think ely can find on eBay for you