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Everything posted by hafiizh

  1. cutiecat >> innovative? i think you mean cheapskate! lol foorprint >> hahah the price also very chio leh... ely >> see comment i gave to cutiecat above btw i am following your reno too, though I am more inclined to see how your decor will turn out. hoping to steal some stylish decor ideas from you kobelala >> yup, pictures below! carisella >> it's ok - think of the cost savings. but yeah, i am more of a design first, practicality second (eg no grilles at my place). but you can't be too careful around the young ones. ok anyway as promised, pictures! first up, here are my bar stools. we can finally sit at our kitchen island! They cost $214 a piece, from Gnee Hong. Paid for the stability and back rest which we thought would be important for us and our guests. And we got the movers from Helping Hands. All those great comments you may have read? Let me add to them - they were efficient, polite and value for money. I will definitely recommend them for your moving needs. So here's our staged bedroom (our bedsheets are usually left unmade one). Still lacking side tables as you see. We will be adding them as we go along. Lots to do next week. Blinds and bedroom doors. I have to set up my lighting for the kitchen island. Not to mention the laundry, vacuum (lucky got the Navi robot to do it for me) and mop, wiping down our cupboards and putting everything behind the wardrobe doors away from sight. Until then my wife has banned me from posting any 'unstaged' photos here. But we are nearing the 125 day mark and that's when we will be having our official housewarming (hopefully). Thanks for reading - more details in my blog or just post them here and I promise I will try and answer them to the best of my ability. Hope you're enjoying the long Easter weekend.
  2. My wallet is like those in the cartoons - when I open it moths fly out. Worse when my wife opens her wallet, her credit card flies out....to the gleeful arms of the sales person.
  3. Wah Chris your study/entertainment room can easily be mistaken for the living. I had to do a double take lol
  4. Great progress! Especially like the cable management system for the tv
  5. Good progress! Like the cute little hidden stool
  6. Eh? Think my reply was deleted. Nex is a shopping mall in serangoon, just above serangoon mrt. King & king Wong has an entrance on the dog park floor. Happy shopping!
  7. I think this reno blog will (temporarily) turn into a wedding portfolio picture blog! I blame ely lol
  8. I wish my wife was as adventurous as you! Can't wait to see how the island (yay) and the open concept toilet turns out
  9. There are two types - the always on (my kitchen) and the plug in type (think overly expensive extension cords). As to the always on, I tried jamming my fingers in but no shocks so far. Supposed to have a failsafe but just remember japan's nuclear plant also supposed to be earthquake proof. So I take guarantees with a pinch of salt.
  10. I am a bug admirer of huge spaces! Nothing wrong with keeping things simple - best wishes on your reno
  11. personally i prefer the old living design with the criss crossing sections. in the end though, most important is which ones you and your wife like! best of luck, the place looks nice pre-reno, i'm sure it'll be even nicer after
  12. wow neo, i think you and I really got similar taste. my house is like the poor cousin version of your place. you know why I say that? because I bought a similar clock from that little clock shop in park mall. it's got the same double sided face and hung from the wall like so. only difference is it's not kartell and the look is more metallic-antique than silvery-modern. Still. Spooky. It's still in its little box until I can get my drill and start drilling and fixing things up. I'll update then and share.
  13. rickoveron >> hahaha i wish. should have labelled "Price does not include iPad" in my writeup huh? brood >> it's about 60mm by 200mm estimated. I'll check and update here. thks for the compliments!
  14. the frameless windows look sweet! sigh sorry to hear about your aircon experience though. i read the replies the installer guy made I also got angry - cannot imagine how you must have felt. but focus on the positives, at least that part is done. you can move on to happier parts of your renovation
  15. hi there sheela, thought I recommend this for you. definitely a much cheaper (and more practical) option
  16. Gimz, soulfire >> I think looks wise all very subjective. Like my wife and I have very different concepts of nice and not nice, form vs function etc. In the end, it all boils down to your taste. You like it, who cares what other people think Vjcs >> it's de dietrich, got it from arclinear in park mall. We splurged on this and the oven. Sheela >> Hahaha my wife is the same, during mealtime she needs to watch something eg friends/simpsons/big bang theory
  17. So many things I love about your house, if I list tem all this would be a very long post. Glad you resized the post reno pictures - they were worth viewing full-sized! Congratulations on your wonderful reno. Envious leh
  18. Hehehe I can see that you are enjoying the pre-reno shopping a lot. The blu ray sound bar looks cool man! Checking out your purchases makes my credit card finger (hand? Wallet slot?) very the itchy
  19. hi sheela, i picked it up for $18 at one of those IT shows at the Expo last year. I like it because the connection is firm and the holder is adjustable for almost any tablet - so no worries if upgrading or changing brands of tablets. Like I mentioned, it was actually one of those ipad holders meant to be attached on the inside of the windscreen which is not really that effective. But it works great on the kitchen counter! this is not the exact same thing but you can get something similar from places such as gmarket
  20. arghhh elly! ebay, my credit card company, paypal - all should take commission from you. i clicked on your link and now I am hooked. but thanks for the links - good things must share hor? btw in return, i saw that you are chair shopping. I saw similar (but not the same i assume hehehe) chairs at gnee hong at eunos ind estate. you can google or go to my blog - might want to check it out if you are looking for chairs not the cheapest but the range is good.
  21. hehe like i said it's more of an impulse buy. oh hindsight I perhaps should have gone with ala carte but I did the back of the envelope math and the track for the kitchen plus the tower and the tabletop strip i wanted and the number of plugs would be about the same amount give or take. so i chose to take the package. but definitely perfect for my kitchen since if there are no appliances, it will just be the strip and its hidden below the island. as i mentioned it doubles up as my kitchen counter so when the missus is using an appiance she can plug it in anywhere along the strip so she can maximise the space. already she's planning a group baking session with her cousins this coming few weeks! my tv console is also at the back of my mind right now. I've seen some innovative solutions to hiding the messy wires so I am brainstorming on my own solution. Prob have to DIY and prob will turn out not-so-nice but for now I kind of like the bare wall look for my tv wall! hahaha
  22. oh! i love the way you mirrored the household shelter - simple but the effect looks great! congratulations on your reno completion i hope mine will turn out half as nice as yours.
  23. i like your mirror counter and the customized doggie doors! you must have put a lot of thought into the planning of your new home, esp with the incorporation of IKEA stuff with a mix of customization. Good job! will be eagerly watching for more updates
  24. Heh to me it just looks nicer