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About frederica

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  1. Hyflux's UF Drinking Water System HF1P cost only $525 at www.hyfluxshop.com, about 15% cheaper than retails. Yearly maintenance (ultrafiltration + carbon filter) costs about $200 for an average household size. If you want alkaline water, you can use HF1P-3AA which has an extra Antioxidant Alkaline Cartridge. Filter costs $700+ and maintenance costs about $450.
  2. Hi! I would recommend Hyflux's HF1P which uses ultrafiltration and carbon filter. Its UF membrane pore size is 0.01 micrometer allowing it block off bacteria and viruses. Carbon filter removes chlorine from the water.
  3. Hi! fortunately, mine has not leaked so far. but yes, you will see some black sludge when you wash the filter, to me it simply means the filter is doing its job great. i feel glad that this sludge did not get into my body
  4. Hi! you guys can now purchase Hyflux's consumer products at www.HyfluxShop.com, with free delivery, and cheaper than retail.
  5. i'm however aware that RO may not be a good idea because it removes all the essential minerals which keep us healthy. water treatment plant, Newater plant and desalination plant actually added in minerals like fluoride and sodium to the treated water to protect us. an RO system at home will just remove them again.
  6. I'm using Hyflux's e-Life which gives me micro-clustered water. I believe it is the most cost-efficient water filter which produces micro-clustered water. Hyflux's filters use ultrafiltration (UF), which ensures very clean and safe water. Somemore, it is a Singapore brand, simply good and cheap! For alkaline water, I don't have any concern over it, as I'm sure that we are getting enough alkali from our food everyday, like milk and many veggie which has a high pH. I think having an alkali water filter is a waste of money (they cost unreasonably so much) if you have the right food.
  7. hi, do u guys have any feedback on this online store Cosy Pavilion? its URL is www.cosypavilion.com how are the prices and quality? thanks!