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Everything posted by csingeu

  1. Yes.. I'm doing it together... but only doing grilles for the side facing the access balcony aka corridor (ie. dining area, bedroom 2 bedroom 3), and no grilles for kitchen and MBR lor... yah.. think a few hundred dollars more... likely to replace la... coz going to do new doors and new floor... no pt leave the old door frames behind..
  2. I think so too. I went to my friend's place b4. He did the roller blinds without window grilles and mentioned that he would consider doing the grilles next time, when got kid... but looking at the windows, if need to do grilles, it will be inside the windows, meaning the roller blinds have to later be re-installed, somehow... i guess...
  3. eh! i also into modern resort theme. can share design ideas ah? hehehe yah... the dust and mess... and also the fact that i'll be installing maybe curtains and roller blinds then... and maybe need to redo them... if i'm going to include the window grilles later... (not too sure abt this... but likely, in some cases...) if this sun, i check the door frame, ok... then will just paint over lor... BUT i still think they are fugly la... think after the arco lamp... i'm not buying anymore "cool" stuffs... until i confirm the renovator... think WTB not going to be very happy if i keep buying my "toys"... ... Those who really wants to save money on renovation can consider the raw industrial look... Aiyoh... maybe tmr or wat, i take pic of my current door frame for you to see la... anyway, i hope my door frames at the new place are "chui" one... then i got very gd reasons to replace them... (really think it's ugly... )
  4. yeah... i did some research.. and went to buy the paint and tools... and it was after my NS and b4 my uni enrolment, I was feeling a little free and thought of doing up the room a bit, so that I have a comfortable room to stay in and study (after 2.5 of **** in my camp... bunker beds, filmsy mattress and cement screed floor... LOL...)... i didn't go BMT @ Tekong (some says it's better than chalet... LOL...)... but spent 2.5 yrs in hendon camp... Yah... more ppl can do things faster... some yrs ago, i went to help out at a friend's place to do some painting too, after she's gotten her resale unit. back-breaking man... after that, NO MORE DIY PAINTING... plastering ah... like i said... depends lor... if you going for the raw industrial look... then can dun bother to plaster smooth la... and no need to hide all the pipes and wires... and also no need to tile floor and wall... just use cement screed with a touch of "artistic stroke"... can look great too...
  5. Actually some of my friends do without the grilles for now too, as they not having kids in the next 1-2 yrs. BUT i rather get them done up now... as my unit is a corridor (actually most EMs are corridor units, i guess, unless it's a corner unit or a walk-up kind)... so the dining area windows definitely need window grilles... and i'm prob looking at wrought iron kind... as for bedroom 2 and 3, which are just above the dining area, also along the side of the access balcony, I'll install aluminium window grilles lor... but no grilles for kitchen (don't know will regret or not), MBR... as for doors... have to check lor... i suspect it's chui one... as for door frames... i initially also no intention to change... coz i didn't really check la... but i think i most likely will change too... the original hdb iron door frame... is ... ermmm... esp after 26 yrs...
  6. Wah... really ebay queen! got so many lobang... how ebay works ah? auction? or wat? The security light seems useful to put at my mini-foyer area... but it runs on battery ah? hmmm...
  7. Yeah... i stay at old HDB flat also... no piped gas... and non-upgraded electrical loading... sian lor... use gas... must get gas cylinder... use induction... also scared power trip... aircon cannot use more than system-3 (i think...) not too sure abt oven though (but i think it also uses high power?)...
  8. If the "slope" not done properly (since i suppose it's harder to do with 60x30), the water will not flow off properly... and may result in puddles... and hence longer time to dry => possibility of it getting dirty and harder to clean increases, as maybe the soapy water cannot drain off properly...
  9. LOL... you are making the generalization that the wife is tidier than the husband... BUT that can be exceptions...
  10. Maybe... think the tiles are laid slightly slanted to direct the water to the outlet pipe. so if it's 30x60, maybe harder to control the gradual angular differences...
  11. Hey RimBlock! Will you be around during CNY period? Can I go and visit you? I'll bring along some mandarin oranges and CNY goodies.
  12. ya ya! think >10-15 yrs ago, my parents did renovation to the living room... they only plastered the living room walls, coz they wanted to spray-paint it. 7 yrs ago, after my NS, i decided to paint my own room... (but with all the furniture still ard). Took me 3 days... First day - shifting the furniture ard, and cleaning the walls and windows, and putty-fill some of the cracked areas. Second day - painted 2 white base coats and leave to dry Third day - painted 2 coats of colour paint nearly died... quite shagged out... and the walls still have that brick pattern... and with the crude uneven "paint stripes" (or is it "artistic" cement stroke?). think quite difficult to do plastering without the proper tools too. And I think they use some electric grinder to grind smooth the wall after plastering too... if don't do plastering, no matter how you paint also can see the "ugliness"... if already going to spend on beautifying the house, don't skim on plastering... I feel... if not, later 美中不足, you'll feel even more sian... esp after the painting works are done...
  13. That's true. Some IDs also asked me to consider whether want to plaster or not, coz going to cost a lot. And usually they know it's > 20 yrs old... they would recommend plastering lor... Unless it's a "young" flat la... if not, no matter how you paint, also look CMI one... OR if you are going for the raw industrial look... then maybe can leave it alone la. If i intending to use my wall as my projector screen, then i'll definitely need it even (but most likely going to get projector screen la...)... Mine sama-sama la... think 1985 or 1986... I'm getting my keys next Monday! 5 more days! Next Mon is a busy day; 2nd appt at HDB Hub in the afternoon, then at night, going to meet FSM on the "bazi" for the customary/wedding dinner in 2012... WTB suggested to go to the unit on 1 Feb (maybe i'll take 1 more day leave)... to look-see and take pics... I'm still thinking whether to bring and roll the "ong-lai" in or not... LOL... WTB rolled her eyes...
  14. OOPS... I was wrong... just went to fish out some other quotations which I've gotten Id**l H*u*e Supply labour and material to plaster whole unit wall and ceiling.(except main balcony w/o roffing) - $3,100.00 Supply material and labour to apply sealant coating to whole unit wall and ceiling. - $380.00 *Br*dg* Plastering of whole house (internal walls & ceiling only) for whole unit) - $2600 (no mention of applying sealant) R**mF*rId**s Plaster smooth whole house - $3200 (no mention of applying sealant) D*c*r W*rkz Pt* Ltd Supply & do whole house wall & ceiling plastering include 'L' corner protection covering ( exclude balcony ) - $2,850.00 Apply whole house sealer for after plastering - $350.00
  15. I remembered in my later discussions with other IDs... they charged abt $1.8K to $2.2K for plastering of whole place... (can't remember if it includes the ceiling...) And after plastering, I think will need to apply sealant to the wall, before painting... not too sure if this cost is already factored in... or counted separately...
  16. Hey Soichiro! Thanks for your advice and pointers!
  17. Was talking with my WTB over the weekend, and we both agreed that we'll leave the evaluation/review of the IDs/contractors we've met (Part 2) to some other time; likely after we have confirmed our ID... So for now... I'll go on to the next topic, which is closely related... I've been complaining abt high renovation costs... but high cost is subjective.... $50K for a new BTO 4-rm flat... that sounds steep.... $50K for a 25 yr old resale EM unit (requiring major rehaul)... that sounds reasonable... The cost is relative... and it's only meaningful when viewed in context of the work to be done... So the next topic is... Quotation, quotation, quotation...... (Part 1) This quotation of the work to be done is provided by JGH, the first renovator I've met after I've gotten my floor plan. Personally, WTB and I like the way he goes thru systemically over each area and noting down the items to be done. As it was based on our first meet-up, in which our requirements were still a little fuzzy, the items might not be very updated, but nevertheless, it felt the most complete, in my opinion. Hacking works ($3,970) 1 To dismantle existing kitchen cabinet top & bottom 2 To dismantle 2 x toilet bowls & 2 x wash basins at upper floor 2 toilets 3 To dismantle existing glass sliding door at balcony 4 To dismantle existing railing at staircase area 5 To dismantle 1 set of wardrobe at upper floor bedroom 2 6 To hack off existing sink & stove support at kitchen 7 To hack off existing wall tiles at kitchen & 3 toilets { 1055 sq ft }. 8 To hack off existing floor tiles at living,dining,balcony,utility room,kitchen & 3 toilets { 955 sq ft }. 9 Supply sand for wall tiles & floor tiles use at living,dining,balcony,kitchen & 3 toilets. 10 Loading & unloading + haulage fee. Wets works / L box / False ceiling / False wall works ($15,605) 11 Supply & lay ceramic wall tiles to ceiling hts excludeborder & decor at kitchen & 3 toilets { 1060 sq ft / Tiles price use $ 2.20 to $ 2.40 per sq ft }. 12 Supply & lat 60x60 gloss finish homogenous floor tiles with cut skirting at living,dining, balcony & main foyer & utility room { 700 sq ft / tiles price use $2.80 per sq ft }. 13 Supply & lay 30x30 cm non slip homogenous floor tiles at kitchen { tiles use $ 2.20 }. 14 Supply & lay 30x30 cm non slip homogenous floor tiles at 3 toilets { tiles use $ 2.20 }. 15 Supply & lay water proofing for balcony,kitchen & 3 toilets floor. 16 Supply labour to touch up cement after glass sliding dismantle at balcony. 17 To construct 50mm hts cabinet,washing machine base only. 18 To construct 50mm hts shower kerb at 2 toilets.. 19 Supply & construct platform at wash area { L1000 x W1000 x H120 to 150 }. 20 Supply & construct W12"x H6"L box at living & dining room { 97 ft run }. 21 Supply & construct false ceiling at main foyer,living & living passage area { 125 sq ft }. 22 Supply & construct false wall L shape with gypsum board at staircase below { L2500 x H1100 x T75 }. 23 Replacement 1 no. of S/steel debris chute with ladge. Railing / Varnish parquet flooring works ($4,105) 24 Supply & install wrought iron railing with wooden handrail at staircase area { 29'5 ft run }. 25 Supply labour to re-varnish parquet staircase. 26 Supply labour to re-varnish parquet flooring at upper floor corridor & 3 bedrooms. Plumbing / Painting works ($4,495) 27 Replacement of cold supply S/steel water piping for kitchen,& 3 toilets. 28 Supply & run hot S/steel water piping for upper floor 2 toilets. 29 Supply & run pvc outlet piping for sink,washing machine & wash basins use. 30 Supply & connection big sewage piping at wash area { without apply MOE }. 31 Supply labour to install 1 nos of store heater at master toilet {Heater provide by owner}. 32 Supply labour to install 1 nos of basin with cabinet at master toilet { Basin with cabinet provide by owner }. 33 Supply labour to install 2 nos standard wash basin at WC 1 & wash area.{ Basin & tap provide by owner }. 34 Supply labour to install Supply labour install 3 nos of toilets bowl at 3 toilets. { Bowl provide by owner }. 35 Supply labour to install accessories for 3 toilets { Accessories by owner }. 36 Supply labour to wash whole unit flooring c/w chemical wash. 37 Whole unit painting wall & ceiling + door & frame & piping 2 coating c/w 1 to 7 colour] choose { ICI or NIPPON Emulsion paint }. 38 Supply & paint sealer for kitchen & 3 toilets ceiling only. Windows / Grilles / Shower screen / Bi-fold door / Timber door works ($11,470) 39 Replacement of sliding windows with tinted glass & bronze or silver colour frame at dining,balcony & upper floor 3 bedrooms { 205 sq ft }. 40 Supply & install 3 way track sliding windows with tinted glass & bronze or silver colour kitchen { 24 sq ft }. 41 Supply & install casement windows with tinted glass & bronze or silver colour frame at utility room { 8 sq ft }. 42 Replacement 2 sets of adjustment louver windows with wire mesh glass at upper floor 2 toilets. 43 Supply & install normal design windows grilles at balcony,dining,kitchen,utility room & upper floor 3 bedrooms { 235 sq ft }. 44 Supply & install 1 pcs swing panel & 2 pcs fix panel 10mm clear tempered glass shower screen L shape with S/steel bar at master toilet { L1200 x W900 x H1800 }. 45 Supply & install 1 pcs of swing door with wall to glass 10mm clear tempered glass shower screen at common { W900 x H1800 }. 46 Supply & install 3 nos of 3' x 7' top & bottom track alum & acrylic bi-fold door at 3 toilets entrance { Top track use rollers }. 47 Supply & install 1 nos of nyatoh ply door & frame at staircase new store room area { W850 x H1000 to 1100 }. 48 Supply & install 7 ft hts solid wooden door with full clear glass bi-fold door at balcony { L4800 x H2100 = 112 sq ft }. Carpentry works ($8,555) 49 Supply & install kitchen cabinet top & bottom with laminated finish & door a.b.s trimming inclusive aewage pipe & 1 full hts cabinet area at sink & hobs area {26 ft run}. 50 Supply & install kitchen bottom with laminated finish & door a.b.s.trimming to cover debris chute area { 3' 6 run }. 51 Supply & install solid surface worktop brand L.G. acrylic finish at sink,hobs,debris chute area { 13' 5 run / per ft run $110 }. 52 Supply & install full hts sliding door wardrobe with laminated finish & door a.b.s. trimming at master bedroom { L2700 x H2550 x D600 }. 53 Supply & install full hts sliding door wardrobe with laminated finish & door a.b.s. trimming at bedroom 2 { L2300 x H2550 x D600 }. 54 Supply & install study table or dressing table with laminated finish & door a.b.s. trimming at master bedroom { L1800 x H820 x W550 }. Electrical & Rewiring work { All Casing & Standard socket Inclusive } ($3370) 55 1 nos of 16 to 18 way E.L.C.B. 56 Submission PUB inspection. 57 To change main wire at acces area to living room. 58 Supply & install 15 nos of W4" round design PLC light & lighting point at living & dining. 59 12 nos of lighting point. 60 Supply labour to install 12 nos of ceiling light { Light by owner }. 61 12 nos of 13A x2 power socket. 62 3 nos of 13A x1 power socket. 63 1 nos of 15mp air-con point & 1 nos of heater point. 64 2 nos of fan point only. 65 3 nos of SVC point. 66 2 nos of tel: point. 67 Earth cable wire at living room to kitchen. FOC 68 Supply & install 1 x 4' x 7' wrought iron main gate Total Amount: $51,570.00 (There's a remark - NO GST; I wonder if it means they don't charge GST, or the amount stated is without GST, which will be added later.) Items to be removed from quotation: 26 Supply & install wrought iron railing with wooden handrail at staircase area { 29'5 ft run }. ($2,655) - Likely to retain and paint wrought iron railing matte black and replace wooden handrail; maybe $1,600 46 Supply & install 3 nos of 3' x 7' top & bottom track alum & acrylic bi-fold door at 3 toilets entrance { Top track use rollers }. ($780) - Likely to have bi-fold door for level 1 toilet; but full swing glass doors for level 2 toilets; maybe $260 48 Supply & install 7 ft hts solid wooden door with full clear glass bi-fold door at balcony { L4800 x H2100 = 112 sq ft }. ($4,030) - Likely to do WPC sliding doors instead; maybe half price 50 Supply & install kitchen bottom with laminated finish & door a.b.s.trimming to cover debris chute area { 3' 6 run }. ($340) - Don't intend to install cabinet to hide debris chute 54 Supply & install study table or dressing table with laminated finish & door a.b.s. trimming at master bedroom { L1800 x H820 x W550 }. ($630) - Intend to get off-the-shelf from V-Hive or Ikea (unless cheaper to fabricate) Savings: ~$4575 Items to be added to quotation: 1. Supply and install 2 x full swing glass doors for level 2 toilets (2 x $600 = $1,200?) 2. Supply and install vanity top & cabinet for level 2 toilets ($???) 3. Hack and rebuild wash area entrance ($???) 4. Hack kitchen entrance ($???) 5. Supply and install kitchen island (breakfast counter) with solid surface ($???) Optional items (if i'm feeling rich... LOL): 1. Supply & install Chengal outdoor wood decking for balcony (100sqft) 2. Supply & install 3 x KDK bathroom ventilation fans at 3 toilets 3. Supply & lay slate wall tiles for balcony 4. Supply & construct W12"x H6"L box at MBR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- electrical works is likely to increase too, due to more lighting and power points... and I'm also intending to lay cat6 lan cables... plus minus a bit... I'm expecting my final renovation cost to be ard $55K. and i'm being very optimistic here. Is my budget realistic?
  18. Quick Updates! 1. Spy cam! Managed to read from reglxt's t-blog that she has installed an indoor wireless ip cam. I've been thinking of installing a wireless ip cam at my new place too, so that I can view thru my iPhone, or laptop, if there's someone at the door, without having to go downstairs, if i'm at the MBR upstairs. The motion detection feature would be a plus too to find out who pop by my place in the day, when I'm not ard. I'll prob get an outdoor unit, since I'll be installing in the recess area (which is likely to be unsheltered and may be subjected to rain, during bad weather). Would be a plus, if the unit has infrared, so that it can function at low lighting conditions too. My preferred location is at the red spot, shown below: 2. $35K Quotation?? Believe it or not?? Dun believe? See attached quotation from H** L*. (sensitive info cropped) Btw, the requirements was anyhow ham-tam by my mum. Her strategy was to ask for the sky at impossible budget ($35K). I didn't really look thru the whole quotation, but I feel some things are missing... Seriously, this looks very fishy. I'm not sure if I'm paranoid, but quotations, that are way below the norm, are signs of potential problems (either low quality material, poor workmanship, or hidden costs). And my Arco Lamp is in SG already. I'll be collecting it this Sat. And it's cheaper than I've initially expected.
  19. Ya! I saw those at Giants too... I saw the outlet pipe too... a bit zzz... likely to get air coolers (but also a bit zzz, coz need to top up water) and I also scared the mist will cause furniture to go mouldy. Yeah! think choosing a unit with minimal afternoon sun is impt to overall "cooling" solution and potentially energy and cost savings. My new unit is pretty much N-S... think more NW-SE though... Can't remember whether it's breezy or not, but I think if the windows of the dining area is open and the balcony door is open, should be quite breezy... Mum commented that it was a little dark though oh well, already bought... think after I get the keys next Mon, will go up for a better assessment or situation.
  20. The lamp is supposed to be tall, so that it overhangs and people will not knock into it when walking under it. Think of it as movable ceiling lights. I also think standing fans are cooler. Maybe because my ceiling fan is not KDK or mounted directly above the sofa area. Can't really feel the wind. But when it's on, can definitely feel the air circulating... Another reason why I'm not into ceiling fans, because I'm intending to install projector (either ceiling-mounted or back wall-mounted), the ceiling fan will definitely be in the way, somehow. And I don't want to sleep with the fan spinning above me. LOL I got couple friends; the wife grew up with ceiling fans and insisted for ceiling fans to be installed (2 for living room, 1 each for the bedroom), but the husband feels "unsafe" sleeping under the ceiling fan at night, esp when it's at high speed. Actually I was thinking of doing room divider for my living room so that I can install aircon, BUT 1. WTB thinks it's a waste of money, since most of the time, we'll be in the MBR; and if got aircon in living room, tendency to use it frivolously is high. 2. Living rm a bit big; need higher BTU fan - may exceed total BTU allowable, plus a lot of "lobang" (ie. Void areas at the stair case); hard to confine. 3. If need aircon for living rm = a system-4 or system 3+1 and room partition = high costs. 4. Old resale unit cannot support the higher powered AC unit like system-4. Conclusion: no aircon for living rm. Likely to consider portable aircon or air coolers. BUT some units require water intake; not too sure if the mist that get blown out will cost wood furniture to go mouldy. LOL... my gf *s-w-e-a-r* by KDK fans for being long-lasting too. Seems like a lot of ceiling fans supporters here...
  21. hai... i'm in same fate as you... getting my resale EM next Mon... it's in pretty original condition... needs major rehaul... still searching for renovators... all very costly... those who quoted too low, I also scared...
  22. Dun believe? See attached quotation from H** L*. (sensitive info cropped) Btw, the requirements was anyhow ham-tam by my mum. Her strategy was to ask for the sky at impossible budget ($35K). I didn't really look thru the whole quotation, but I feel some things are missing...
  23. OH MY GOD... you're so online shopping savvy. you're like ebay queen. LOL... managed to get so many gd deals online... the last time, I've checked, wireless ip cam costs in the hundreds... to get it for $80... seems like a gd lobang (or maybe such products have become cheaper, since the last time i've checked)... Anyway, I intend to install my surveillance cam at the red spot. Likely to get an outdoor set... hmmm... I'm new to online shopping
  24. btw, your spycam - is it wireless ip cam? how much did you get it for? I'm thinking of installing a wireless ip cam at my main door pointing towards the access corridor. So that next time, if got people knock on door or press door bell, if I'm upstairs, i don't need to come down to peek thru peekhole, can just use ipad, iphone, or laptop to view to see if it's friends/relatives or salesman...