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About Passionfruit

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  1. can somebody imagine together with me how singapore will look like in 50years times. An island called "chimney"
  2. More and more tall buildings are built, won't it affect some of the landed prices if too near?
  3. Kids surely got sickness, nvr tot much abt it.
  4. Heard from salesman, 3M got 15 yr warranty
  5. Finally, tot we were imagining things ourselves. My prev hse also hav such sounds exactly at 3am evryday. We tot the neighbour was doing shift and one day went up to confront them. To our surprised, they were all sleeping. Logically we also find that its funny how can children play marble evryday and around 3am. In fact before the confrontation, we were so used to the sounds that we had ignored it until our kid was abt 3 year old. That was when he kept coming out of his room pointed to the ceiling and asked me to see "ko ko" flying. So creepy, we sold our house. Talking to those pple r pointless. We stopped when pple comment 'u crazy, where got such thing'.
  6. Some of them mentioned right, whatever heaven's will, nails on headboard, real life and movies....sorry see you quite poor thing. Like Miap said, maybe didn't follow instructions completely caused some problems or something we did unknowingly. For me, I will definitely asked him what happen, any reason, any related or whether any remedy rather than keeping to myself. In the end, I found out the problem came about from the worker doing dong tu. Unless master chang doesn't want to help you or can't solve your problem, no point hanging on it, might as well seek another fsm to solve it.
  7. Which of the instruction you didn't follow? After my hubby's experience, we followed all his advice.
  8. You can give a try if you want Movie is real life and real life is movie! Maybe disney magic will dawn on you Only my FIL hit, not everyone in family. Nothing magical to me as even if I got the luck I also didn't buy...who knows?
  9. Hmmm...now you set me thinking
  10. Heard that close to the door no good, in front door also not good.
  11. Hi, so have you feedback to him and find out what happened? My hubby also have followed his instructions right from the start. Not long after the renovation completed, he developed a dry cough that didn't go away even after seeing doctor. At first we thought that it was from his office of virus transfer but as weeks passed, we were wondering if has anything to do with our house. We emailed and told him about it. Returned was quite some questions that he asked us to give in details. In the end we realised the Dong Tu instructions was messed up by the worker. We were also told not to do further knockings after the renovation completed and handover but we also forgot about it. I think there were a few other issues that he brought up, if I'm not wrong should be the water feature and aircon position. My hubby should be more clear on this as he corresponded with him most of the time. My hubby followed some of his further instructions and 'bingo', cough disappear totally, never even say any goodbye to my hubby...just disappeared like that...rite just like that you know. Moreover, after we change to another water feature that he said should be the correct type and adjusted the position exactly to his drawing, my FIL hit a few consolations. I think you should check with him what's going on. Maybe something went unnoticed. If I buy a diamond and it doesn't sparkle, I will ask until I am satisfied. I think you should too.
  12. Hehe....so funny, I can imagine the pineapple marching...hehe
  13. How long will the UV radiation remains in the water? Safe to drink immediately? What happen if filters not change on time? Will bacteria build up and cause sickness after drinking?
  14. News reports talked about Japan may be heading into another recession. Will the local property market be badly affected?