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Everything posted by Nonnie

  1. hi stray 801, do you mind to share with me your contractor no and name as well? Thank you! Nonnie
  2. Hi Ronald! How are you? I hope you still busy as usual , changes of plans...below is the link to the image of the current house and the reno plan layout Tampines house Let me explain in brief: 1. I will get the key on 18 Nov 2010 (will try to get the key earlier if possible) 2. I will need to move in some of my stuff to the new house (end of Nov) 3. Phase 1: Point no 1-2 is the most urgent one, and if possible I will need it to be done by end of Nov 2010? 4. Phase 2: Point no 3 onwards: can it be done at least on 15th January 2011 latest? 5. Painting the whole house in white Questions: 1. Big probably i will need to split the reno timing into 2 phase. As i will be not much in town from Dec onwards. To be advised. 1. may i know roughly how much is the renovation cost? (phase 1 and 2?) 2. is the lead time sufficient enough for you? if not please propose the lead time, and I see whether I can do something about that. 3. I will need your help to choose the bathroom bath tub + normal standard bathroom door for both master and kitchen (not folding) + fire rated door (not sure about this door)+ wall tiles for the bathroom is it possible? My personal email is: fangthieng@gmail.com. I am not sure whether I can put it in this forum. But i just try it for now Please let me know asap if possible ya. Sorry to rush you when you are already busy. thanks and take care! Nonnie
  3. Hi Ronald, I am very new here. In fact I am sign up this renotalk forum because I would like to reply your message. I like the way how you decsribe yourself with all the previous experience, background and how you manage to be together with Seng. I can see that you finally find the right partner to be with. A trust and QC is there, therefore RT business is expanding. Congratulations for you and your partner. I was quite skeptical actually when looking around for the contractor. Most of the contractors has been labelled as a 'killer shark' beside the 'loan shark' that we are aware . I myself was working closely with few ID previously. Unfortunately i didnt get to know your boss , therefore I left this industry, because i see that the 'sincerity' is not there. So i am surprise to 'see' your history and its good to read this. I am not really good in judging people. PLUS my 1st impression is always failed me. But I can feel your sincerities here. I hope I am not wrong I may need your help as well for my renovation somewhere around Nov, as i havent got the key yet and what I have is only a floor plan. By that time I guess, i will call you to get some quotation. I am headache with so many contractors in singapore, the more i see the more i feel like want to close my comp. Anyway, take care and good job!