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Everything posted by Jgal

  1. I find buying car can be life changing leh. If no car , some ppl wont have have went into sale line If no car , some may not have stayed in their current job. Aniway, everything is abt timing. Upgrade our car to an german coupe in late 2008 @$yyy,000 cos' think that there is no better time leh. Got to experience life before children come. Downgrade our car to a 4-dr japanese in early 2010, sold german coupe @$yyy,000 + profit. Mthly repayment is just rental for the german coupe No choice got to sell because 2nd baby born in Feb 2010 and save "rental" for new house. Aniway.. after the german coupe will think twice abt buying other luxury goods liao. Cos' realise that ppl only care abt what you drive and where you stay.
  2. Aiya.. You have to go back to your fundermentals. First of all , when you buy your house, you muz stay there for at least 5 yrs. So there will sure to be policy changes and price will be affected. So you muz know why you buy the house for ? what is impt is what is the policy when you try to sell your flat, not at this point liao. If the only reason for you to buy the house is because it's cheaper. Then I think you better walk away. Cos' for such a ordinary flat to fetch a better price is small since it ages. You will probably breakeven only if hdb continue to rise in the next 5-10 yrs. If you want to get a flat that will preserve captial , then you shld have look for those in prime location but smaller units to fit your budget. Cos' prime location still demand >34K cov even now. I think you simply got to be realistic and practical lor.
  3. Similar story.. but now i am moving on to property #2. Got a WIS flat. Take the 5 yrs to buy car , marry , have children. Now moving because of the kids. Then, they will re-consider buying a unit even if they need to sell/transfer their home unit because of the increasing rent. Then they will realise that can appeal to government buy producing some document that proof the intention to sell their hometown property. Aniway, COV will moderate for a while cos' there some resale-hdb seller are caught by the new measure where the buyer backout, afterall, deposit is only $5k. They on the other hand may have committed at least 1% i.e. 30-100k in their condo purchase. So there will be some fire-sale of hdb.
  4. black for kitchen is okay. black is the color of still water. not ideal but still okay. Blue is out, cos' it will dampen the "fire". Best color is brown or wood colors.
  5. Reasons for drop out for dawson bto 1. left only < 4 flr 2. high price for non-ideal units. if your friends pays $560k for 8th flr.. 2 flr is probably going for $530k ... duh.. dun think i will take also. Resale units also going ard that price , downside is that its older but.. it's ready. 3. chinese quota closed
  6. Last time wis for redhill 4:1 already consider ver hot Liao. Now 3:1 at yishun . Demand still very high despite many people wait and see.
  7. Rental goes up, more viable to invest. Purchase price will go up. They are dependent on each other. Not only 1 way. Original OneAmber buyers paid only 700psf but they rent the same as the new buyers. Why? because there is demand. New buyer come in because ? rental is high/good returns.
  8. 1.Valuation is current price i.e. 350k. COV is the cash over valuation (i.e. Current price) If in Q1 , transaction price for similar unit is $350k. Then valuation is 350k in Q2 So in Q2, seller demands 50k cov and sells at 400k..then valuation in Q3 is 400k So no drop in price, just less cov i.e. increase slower. 2. Price drop when. COV is -ve. If in Q1 , transaction price for similar unit is $350k. Then valuation is 350k in Q2 So in Q2, seller demands -50k cov and sells at 300k.. then valuation in Q3 is 300k. then , price drop to 300k in Q3
  9. COV is less , just means that the increase in prices is slower. Only when COV is negative , then prices decreases. Correct me if i am wrong there. http://business.asiaone.com/Business/My%2B...2-235201/2.html I find it quite strange why he say that based of past and current trends that price will drop 10-20%. What are the trends that he is talking about ? Is it when there was a asia-crisis ? If he say that demand for rental is still strong , then why buy/sell price will drop ? Since rental is always pegged to purchase price. when rental is good, purchase price increase. When rental is bad, purchase price goes down?
  10. Zero COV .. can try haunt flats.. Owner dun want to stay there 1 more day.
  11. as i mentioned in the other thread, it's not the actual outcome that the government is looking for. Cos' i think the scholars shld know that the demand outstrip the supply. They probably looking at the following :- 1. want to shut up the ppl that say that pte owner shld not be allowed to own a hbd. 2. Curb speculators that holds empty units. Make them hold for at least 3 yrs.(pte) , 5 yrs (hdb) , thus, these speculators will need to "rent" out during these period. So you have less empty units. 3. Buy time.... they shld be able to meet the demand in 3 yrs time.. ... what i think in 3-5 yrs time ... prices will really stop raising because demand/supply shld match.
  12. Hmm don't think u should remove tiling frm him. Tile is easily damaged in the process of renovation. Thus, u would want him to that responsible when that occurs and change the tiles for u . Else may end up having damage with no one wanting to help. You could remove the following from him :- 1. Aircon installation , do that before any work is done in your house. 2. Painting 3. Electricial. 4. Pumbler
  13. yes.. i think it's in 10 year cycle. Determined by bazi. That's why i think its more important for parents to look at bazi when giving birth. aniway.. you can try the free tool here to see http://www.geomancy.net/ but of course, its still better to engage a fs master to do this for you cos; i heard got hidden stems etc.
  14. when i buy my first house, i also went to get a fs master. Beside his recom, i also bought some books to "counter" check his advise. We are quite okay with the guy we engaged. However, same is not true with one of my neighbour who engaged a famous guy. Can you imagine the fs master actualy, ask them to have a writing table behind their masterbed!! super kok. And the same time, the light was right above their bed. aniway, neighbour's luck got worse after that. Also another thing, i realised that luck goes with the person. FS is only supplementary. If your cycle of luck is good for that period, you will get a good house and everything you place is good. If you are in your cycle of bad luck, you will get the wrong house and did everything wrong. The FS master we engage also mentioned, if your cycle is bad, you may do everything right at the moment. but years later... everything will still come back to you. All you doing is just push back the "bad lucks" from coming at you. So FS master is kind of "waste" $$. But then again.. ha haha .. i will be engaging one for my new house.. ha haha .. just for peace of mind i guess.
  15. Renovating a new house is very exciting . Although it may seem logical that to get small furnitures will make room looks bigger , I begged to differ. Sometimes big sofa placed in the right place will make room bigger. All that can only comments after seeing the actual unit. Many of my neighbors commented that my place looks bigger than theirs. I think it because of my 3m x 1.2 m sofa
  16. anywa.. depends on when the valuation is made. if 2+ mth back, then probably by now only 50k cov if valuation is done again now. Prices has raised significately over the last few mths esp those popular estate. Import is that you are able to service fully your flat using your cpf afterwards.
  17. i think the problem is the process of sale for current hdb. Seller want to secure sale price before hunting for a new place. However, because handover and completion has to be on the same day. Seller thus, has to "delay" the completion because they cannot find a suitable flat. Most seller has not done any homework in looking for a new place. They didnt realise that it's very difficult to find a good flat now or is not prepared to pay the cov of the current prices. E.g. 2 mths back, seller thought units in a given area is going for 300k. Seller took 1 mth to sell their current flat.. then realise that the same area is going for 350k now .. So seller realise they are getting less profit, and want to hunt for house with zero cov because ppl say there is.. 2 mths past, seller cannot find flat.. force agent to delay buyer purchase /ask for more.
  18. prixies@ anyway, it's dun think you can sue her for fraud and such. Given the situation now, i think the judge will give leeway to such cases. Jcase@ can backout if mutual agreement. as said.. dun thinkk they will very strict during this messy time.
  19. pixie.. singaporean are allowed to invest oversea given that it complies with oversea laws. Only after 30 aug, if she buys another public housing in singapore then she need to dispose of her property in australia. However, hdb being public housing meant for the gov to provide affordable housing for singaporean or pr only. Thus, hdb flats are "controlled" and subject rules. The recent rule change in principal stop pr/singaporean to use hdb as a "investment" tool. This may not lower the price rising trend, but it in itself , shows the government determination in making hdb a affordable housing. It may not be the result that the government is gunning for , but the "impression" that they want to make, in guarding the interest of singaporean in majority.
  20. i have raise this thread to the press and feedback.gov.sg.. Cos' its very interesting.. singaporean before pr , pr before foreigner... let them decide where they categories born singaporean that are pr elsewhere.. hope the government will look into your case. Good luck.
  21. yeah.. i think there resale price might go the opp direction. I observed that since the new policies , there is no new units in my area put on sale. And the only 2 on sale is still asking for 100+ cov. hiak hiak.... we may be into a new exciting time.. where seller ask for sky high cov and buyers no choice has to buy because limited supply. If this is true , Thanks MBT.
  22. If ur combined income is more than 10k, and u are not rich then others are really really poor. Anyway , u can continue to feel sorry for yourself. P/s what makes u think that I earn less than u. Ha ha ha.anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  23. Anyway, I do feel sorry for those who intend to make Singapore home and are affected my these new rules . My statement are solely meant for u. I am also affected by the policies but I know they are to help my fellow Singaporean so I don't complaint , just work around it. Unlike u who take loopholes in the policies to benefit yourself. If u are not wrong why cannot tell hdb.
  24. Why should I be empathetic to u and pr who has house oversea when my fellow Singaporean who does not earn as much as you can't have a house. U know the true victims of this rising housing cost are those that household income is less than 3k a month. They can't migrate like u and is struck in Singapore. Unlike other countries even in hongkong, people can chose to move to the countryside where cost of lving is lower. But these people are struck here.
  25. Anyway, one thing for sure . Rental is going up up and away. Those that have property to rent out will be making the $$. Eventually rental yield justify cost , foreigner that don't even stay here will pick up the slacks.