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Everything posted by Jgal

  1. its quite consistent .. if you live in quarters provided by employer , you could apply to rent out hbd. Refer : - http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10323p.nsf/w/...at?OpenDocument In TS's case, of course, seller agent work for seller.. He's paid to do that, friend or not friend. Agents are to act in flavour of the party they representing/employed by, just like any other another employee. So dun expect him to speak / act in flavour of .. justices? However, do hint to him that he is faciliting something illegal and if found out he will be in bigger problem than you. No more license to practice.
  2. yeah.. i find this amusing. What if items is lost or damage after the tenancy expires ? normally, damages are deducted from the security deposit, which in this case means that you need to give back less the tenant. *fullstop* Dun think seller can lay claim to the items given that they dun intent to pass you the security deposit. Anyway, i may chose to keep the inventory as ambiguous as possible dealing with this kind of ppl. 1. seller have no access to the house after the house is sold to you. So you determine when the seller get back their things. 2. if seller claim a fridge , you just need to give him a any fridge... you have no obligation to give back the same model if model is not specified. Not forgetting that, e.g. if he place a bosch fridge in there now, in june 2011 and it damaged/lost.. you shld not need to give him back a brand new bosch fridge. Anyway, go to court also no need to give him back the same model if not specified. 3. BTW, i just realized that after you sign the agreement and if the house is not yet yours. That seller still can change the items to cheaper models So no point specify also. just my 2 cents worth
  3. This kind of structural bad fengshui cannot be remedied, just like staying a house which door faces a upward staircase. Or the cai wei in the house is at the toilet. There is nothing much you can do except to sell and move out. Normally, if you are "struck" with this kind of house.. it may also means that your current "fate" is no good, that's why will have such thing.. I believed everything is destined. If you are having good luck also very difficult for you to end up buying/staying in this kind of house.
  4. Ground flr is okay.. cos' on solid ground.. it;s 2nd flr with void deck below that is bad fengshui. Same goes to house where the lower floor unit is smaller than the upper flr unit. Some condo are build in that way.
  5. 2nd flr is no good.. if ground flr is void deck. No solid foundation ie. floating above ground. Super bad FS.
  6. i dun think so .. since seller purposely deleted the clause and add in his clause.. I tot as in any legal agreement, terms are to be agreed and signed before $$ is handed over. Aniway.. for pte pty, you need to seek legal advise, dun think authority will get involve in such cases. Check with your agent what is happening? did he agree anything on your behalf with the seller.
  7. hmm... how come you pass the deposit to him without getting the opt at the same time or settling the terms. Terms shld be negotiated and agreed before the deposit is handover. Is there any witness /agent that was aware of the agreed terms before the change.
  8. aiyo.. you are appealing for an exception. If they grant you, it out of good wil. If they dun grant you, they are going by the books and being fair to others that are not eligible for the grant. why shld you be rude to them or *F* them ? they dun owe you an exception in the first place. *sigh* shld have done your homework in the first place. Anyway, with > 8k a mth, why shld "taxpayer" give you the 40k grant..ha ha ha... maybe shld shoot a letter to the press to review their exception process.. why so loose.
  9. orh... izzit.. hee hee.. maybe cos' i am not commissioned based.
  10. err... from what i understand.. hle is normally alot higher than bank loan amt as it does not take into consideration your credit rating.. unless you have 50-100k cash to deposit in the bank. only then they may give you aother excess 100-300k more to your loan amt. aniway.. if seriously the required loan amt is > than your hle by just a few dollar.. just pay the few dollars in cash lor.. or postpone your transaction by 1-2 mths.. cos' in the meantime, there will be cpf deposit into your account.. hmmm.. maybe you want to mention how much is a few dollar ? $1-100 ? or 1k-100k ?
  11. aniway.. its still a seller's mkt. The way i see it most HDB seller are moving out to make $$ that they dont really have urgent need for. If they dont get the price they wanted, they will stay put.
  12. Sorry bro.. I missed something ... The 2nd selling price is $680k. Thus, the valuation is probably be ard $650k and never 630k as you mention.. Thus, it wont happened. ... i know that the similar units in the same area is now asking for 720k...
  13. Errr... sorry to burst your bubble. but prices are not going south since the announcement.. Thus, 1st buyer that bought before 31 aug still can smile !
  14. Sorry. Just checking . did you overpaid in term of COV or in term of the full amt paid for the flats? The way i see it , prices continue to climb.. 2 mths ago a flat similiar to mine sold for $638k , 80k cov.. Last mth, another unit was sold at $680k with only 50k cov.. But again, the guy that bought 2mths ago saved cos' he paid 638k.. I dun see how you could have overpaid earlier and save now ?
  15. Sound like you have a point.. but do you have the $$ ? and could you find $800k x 2 units that give good rental now ? Frankly $800k will get you only <600 sf units at not excellence but good enuff for rental. You can talk until the cow come home.. and still dun have the 1.6mil that you are talking abt.. But ... our friend is showing you what he has done with his REAL $$ and real property ... not forgetting he is really staying in 1 . All the plans you have does not include the real cost in purchasing pty. e.g. stamp fee / legal fee / agent fee / property tax / maintenance fee/reno and time required to setup. The renovation for 3 units, bare min will require 40k.
  16. I think everyone has they own way of making their investment according to their risk appetite and experience. I know salaried individual that bought a few properties in 1997 and run up big debts.. in the end need to borrow hundreds thousands else will be declared bankrupt. Do you know that selling pte properties is different from hdb? the listing time generally may take longer. In 2000-2005, there were developer units still on sale after the development has top for a few years. Meaning that, if you want to sell away, you probably need to sell @20-30% lose. The only way you can cash out fast is auction.. which potentially make you lose 50% of the value. Aniway, what happen then may not happen now.. And our friend is just sharing his successful story and valuable views.. You will be silly to take the advise here.. word for word and not adjust to your situation. Aniway.. i dun think you can get any landed at $1.6mil now.. and 800k condos cant really get good rental yield now.
  17. 仁孝忠义 is theme for almost all the religions. maybe along the way , worshipers put religious ritual above them..because they dont understand their religion well enuff. Chirstianity , teaches LOVE .. an - love your parents is after loving God - love your neighbours is next "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves." -- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 As for taoism , Buddhism , Islam .. I believe they also promotes these virtues.
  18. Ha ha ha .. at this age.. I think it’s more important to teach them 仁孝忠义So that they will know how to use their $$ for the right purpose. Let wealth work for your ambition, not make wealth your ambition.
  19. why the seller giving your problem?.. issit because they know that the valuation went up by 23k ?
  20. This is how the subprime starts... When people buys with loan/credit, thinking that property will appreciate over time. BUY within your mean.
  21. are you staying with your parents? or your in-laws? Are they in your plan for your future house ? Sad to say, i spoken to a few of colleagues(40s,50s), when i told them that i plan to eventually stay with my in-laws when they gets older and need more help. They were very surprised. Personally, i thought that's the eventual but apparently most singaporean dont think so. on the other hand, i see some newly weds (20s) staying with their parents after their marriage. And have the notion that the hdb is eventually going to be theirs.
  22. Actually, the reason for condo to be more popular now is because family nuclue in singapore generally smaller. Husband,wife and children. Children grow up and have their own family and stay in their own place. Landed is abit too big for such a such small family . Generally, the less educated grandparents and,thus, less wealthy, are not able to keep wealthier children under the same roof as they have different living standard. And wealthier children are less tolerant of their old ways. Given a choice, i dun think many ppl want to stay with their in-laws/parents, if they going to pay the bills. However, this is beginning to change as these "wealthier" children gets older. They will now buy bigger house and keep their married children staying with them. Married children are more willing to stay with them since.. these "wealthier" ones are footing the bills or will be sharing what they have accumulated later with them. My prediction in the next 10-20 yrs, landed or bigger house will be in higher demands.
  23. Assuming, what you say is true. Do you think the seller can "walk" out of the deal citing prolong delay in completion of transaction, resulting in changing the mkt value of the property?
  24. Seller can block you from using the new valuation by stopping you from altering the otp date. Any case, good luck.