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Everything posted by Jgal

  1. but dun forget.. alot of family are consolidating because the high price/cov. i heard alot of my colleague now stay with the in-laws after marrying/having children. So instead of 1 family 1 flat, you get 2-3 "family units" in 1 flat. Personally, think unless salary increases soon, more and more ppl will chose to stay in more crowded environment. e.g. if a PR earns $3k a mth, they cant be renting a place > half his salary. Thus, she/he instead of taking 1 rm, will share room. At the rate, it's going.. i think there will be oversupply. Also hor, ppl that ballot normally, only take the good units... some of them rather wait for the next ballot than to take up low flr / west sun units.
  2. I believe next year, there will be WIS for mature estate. There are 1 set of hdb flats almost ready at holland , 1 set at buona vista , 1 set at dover another set at havelock road. Dawson is completing also.. So the leftover will also be out in the mkt. I believe the price wont be cheap.. ard Dawson price or more. In any case, good luck to those that bought their flat at those faraway estates.. Once there is oversupply, it may go back to 2005 scenerio whereby alot of leftover from hdb. And the flat price in those estate drop below buying price.
  3. Yo.. the hawker centre will be closed by then.. saw the papers the other day. Anyway, found the location quite weird, neither here nor there.. Not near mrt, have to walk at least 10-15 mins / take bus. No good primary school nearby. Limited buses to places. Got super mkt but no wet market. Would still prefer boon tiong or redhill if want a centralise location. At least, no need to drive to work. Save on transport to "pay" for the house. just to make you jealous.. i remember boon tiong and redhill were selling like <300k for 100sqm 4-rm in 2005.
  4. will you pay $100k COV for house opps the mrt.. but shield from noise?
  5. aniway.. i think that bigger flat will enjoy higher increase as more parents cash out their current flat and buy bigger flat to stay with their newly married children.
  6. Fourspring : If you are taking small amt , short loan. Yes bank loan is lower. But nowadays, loan amt easily 400-500k. Most paid over 30 yrs. Out of this 5 yrs..if bank loan is at 4%., you already pay 30k more. e.g. 400k x 2.6% = 10k , 400k x 4% = 16k , for 5 yrs 30k different. HDB loan definite cheaper and safer.
  7. Although, HDB bring in better yield esp those rental for less than 2k per unit. They also cater to diff mkt from condo tenants. Ah long , default of payment etc are more likely in this grp of tenants as they ,generally, earn less and rental is out of their own pkt instead of the company. Also not forgetting HDB are subject to government changing rules. Now say can.. tomorrow say cannot. The government does not restrict the private property as much as alot of them are own by oversea buyers and companies. Setting rules on will in turn affect our country image if not reasonable. HDB , CPF they are put in all kind of funny rules since they only affect poor Singaporean.
  8. personally, i think some of the EM are overpriced because their lease is shorter and location aint that great. Remember during the downturn , 4rm flats would be the more sell-able type. Thus, when the downturn come, the bigger units will be first to be hit.
  9. bepgof : could you pm me how you get $894 psf ? Went down 2 wks back and the price i got is 1.2k psf. Actually we are very keen on the development
  10. Just to add... Not very honest too.. If i am the agent, i also will sue you..Cos' exclusive already, then dun want to sell with me. What is wrong with you?
  11. Frankly.. near to mrts , but far away from town are not good locations to me.. and if you need to travel CTE to go work in town, worse. I think those flats refers to those at Bishan, AMK. These flat basically does not command any good rental at all. Ppl buy those area last time because of the primary school. Just to add.. like i say before.. you got to be sharp when you chose a flat. If you buy those 20-30 yr old flats, no matter how good is the location. The price may not hold.. those are the units you got to be careful. Actually, i feel that this price surge is partly caused by the fact that there are limited flats in the central area. When owner of those units in the outskirt area, see that those central flats fetch 500k / 600k.. then they started to raised their price. Then fuelled by the reports of younger buyers unable to get a flat.. all the want-to-buyers panick and started this crazy price hike. Not to add, the booming asia property mkt.
  12. dun think it's high risk leh. No matter what. Property is abt location, location and location. Good time bad times, these property will fetch a decent price because they are rare. Property that are near the mrt and near central are always hot. Even with > 100k , not many ppl are selling their flat. Orh.. just to add.. Of course there are sheeps that buy flats with high COV, without looking at the age of the flat. Some flats in the central are already 20-30 yrs olds.. meaning that once they cross the 40 mark.. they are quite worthless unless there is plan to SER.
  13. maybe not as high.. but the rental will still be quite good.. at least 2.5k. In any case, rental for these flat with excellence location are hard to come by.
  14. Just to highlite one reason why some flats are sold so very very high.. i was told that the rental for a 4-rm flat at a good location such as kim tian , redhill can fetch as much as 4k a mth if rent out totally..This rental yield is even better than any 1 mil condo. With such high returns, I dun mind buying and leave it empty for 3 yrs.
  15. actually.. i pity the agent. Paid for the valuation.. and got the buyer.. then wah la.. the seller refused to sell and dun want to pay for even the valuation.. not say the effort , time and transport.
  16. If you are concern abt childcare, i know that Lorna Whiston is going to have another pre-school in the East @ Rainbow Cove starting this August. Because, they just starting, i think their waiting list will not be as long as Chiltern house. Their 1 and only Pre-school now at Telok Blangah is excellence
  17. Just to add.. maybe the seller already hit the problem with CPF.. and is just passing on the "lemon" to you cos' he does not want to forfeit his deposit.
  18. maybe you shld check again with other lawyers if you are liable for any charges. Calculate how much is the potential lost if you walk out of the deal or delay payment. Now there is something wrong with the developer , it is best that you dun pay them cos' what if the property never complete. Since potentially, some of the other buyers may also have problem paying the developer using cpf, and may not have cash to pay. Now the "lemon" still belong to seller, he needs to have a "house" to sell you. If potentially, there is no "house" at all because the developer cant deliver. Then i guess your sale will thus be nullify. If you pay, then the lemon belongs to you, that put seller out of the pic. The house/transaction then belongs to you and the developer... if the worst happen, you may never see your cash/house.
  19. Thanks .. but i can only request for valuation from hdb after Mar2011 right ? There are neighbours and agent approaching us to sell and willing to wait till Mar .. but we dont want to commit to a price without valuation.