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About tuteee

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  1. Hi Homebuddy, I face the exact same problem with this company. I signed a year contract with them, everytime they come, they mentioned certain things need to fix, and creating the fear that you must fix it. After they come and service, my aircon got more parts, and seems like part is damage faster. And the cost is expensive. My experience is same as yours very bad. Im blacklisting them.
  2. Hi there, Anyone knows where can I buy replacement to fix my door latch, Or replace the whole door body, cause i want to change the key opening system?
  3. tuteee

    Parquet Floor,

    My is an old old house, honestly doenst want to spend too much.
  4. Not bad I used them before, lately i used another company, where I found the the pamphlets from my mailbox. Guess what during the servicing, they screwup my compressor. And now I have to change the whole UNIT. And when I spoke to their operational Manager and company directory, I thought they would charge me cheaper for new aircon, but their prices is more expensive then other company. Actually thought of reporting to case, but doesn't want to waste my time on them. But for sure Im going to blacklist them in my mind.
  5. Me too want to install, to monitor my maid and aging parents. The other day, my mum felt down, luckily nothing happen to her.
  6. Some tips 1) If ants are found on tables. Wrap all the tables’ legs with rubber band, and the ant’s wont able to climb across those bands and up to the table. 2) You have to make sure all joins within the house there is no gap. I realized ants like to hide in gaps. Example if you titles are not properly join and have gaps, especially deep gaps, the ants tend to hide inside this joins. Worst if the joins are made of wood; example door frame. Cause the ants tend to hide there and at the same time they start to eat the wood slowly. By and by, you realized your door has little small holes. 3) Ants like to hide in place, where there is a minimum activity or no activity of human being. I remember once my sis when oversea for a few weeks and her toilet is not use. The ants starts hiding in those title joins and start to build their colony their. I also discovered ants hiding in my bookshelf, where I just house the books but never read When you see ants, don't just clean them away, but trace and follow them back to their colony and destroy its colony. So far I have destroyed a few colony, but surprisingly they rebuild a new ones very fast.
  7. tuteee

    Parquet Floor,

    Hi there, Some part of my parquet floor is wearing off, anyone knows where I can buy the waxing paint ?
  8. Hi Im interested in the YDM4109, please contact me at 81216147. I read your earlier thread, its selling at lower price, anyway to get cheaper