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Everything posted by lhock98

  1. you want to save more money yet still feel that 麻烦 so better replace the full LED lor...
  2. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg4ODQ2Mjg0.html
  3. LED bulb able to last you for min 5-8 yrs, replacement can be done if you know solidering..
  4. i have been using 淘宝 since 2 yrs back till now i am still buying things from there, i buy those chapalang stuffs from china then ship to 广州 which is my shipping company in china. after shopping finished from there ship to Singapore (take about 10-14days) charge is 550rmb for 1 CM/3 (cubic square) need to declare 7% gst to custom also. for cooking ware you need ava license to claim the items. things like induction cook, 高压锅,rice cooker...blabla...as long those stuffs using in kitchen need this license...radio communcation devices is more tough to bring in.