Hello everyone!
Been reading RenoTalk for a while now. Getting a 4NG model in Bedok Reservoir Road, estimated 2nd Appt around 20th October. Now waiting for 1st Appt on the 25th August! Been sourcing around for IDs and also furniture window shopping. Realized this is a pretty good time to get things! Courts got sale, Comex is coming, and end of year general sale going on everywhere! Sourcing for furniture is fun, but also very tiring. Can't wait to move into a new place, away from this old, conventional 3NG we have at the moment. Want to upgrade and create a dream home for 4 of us.
Anyway, here is the floorplan! (Picture taken with iPhone wakkakaka, no scanner is like that one)
This is the floorplan I have planned.
Going to get a few quotes from IDs in my next few off days. Wish me luck! Meanwhile, I have already ordered a glass dining table. (kan chiong mah...) and set of 4 dining chairs. Will tag those in my signature. Here's the table...
That's about it for now. Will update as things happen!