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Everything posted by FDL

  1. just take out e light and dump e floral extensions into a pail of h2o Ive also been eyeing these lamps! You can ship them over through a USA to SG carrier like viaddress (viaddress.com). I used their services for amazon products and ebay and theyve been good so far.
  2. I used viaddress (viaddress.com) as a shipping carrier for some of my home furnishings b4, quite satisfied with their services. They gave me a US postal add then shipped to sg. btw how does your $180 dusbin look like *curious* I mean its ok if u dont put it outside, scully kena stolen hehe I founda butterfly dustbin, but apparently its decal stickers
  3. To shop from the United States, I've been using a free package forwarding service from Viaddress.com for a few months now, and I'm quite satisfied with them... I used them to shop on Amazon.com and Ebay.com and it works great! The registration is free and they provide you with a personal US address that you can use to shop from any US merchant and have Viaddress forward your packages to your country. If the US merchant does not accept international credit cards, Viaddress can buy the products for you, with no commission fees, and then forward the packages to you. Their prices are very competitive; u can log unto their website to see their price comparison chart.