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Posts posted by Snowiewhitey

  1. 1 hour ago, snoozee said:

    it is common for houses along a road to look the same since they are likely built by a developer.

    as long as the unit you are eyeing is a single landed title deed and not a deed where the land is shared among the houses along the street, you can do whatever you want with the building on your land. if the land title deed is shared, you may need to consult a lawyer or experts for more advice.

    with the shared roof, you can remove yours on your side and later on when you rebuilt the house, the neighbour roof is joined back to your house or just remained on their side but with proper water proofing done (at your cost). the shared car porch roof can also be demolished on your side. if there is no column to support their side of the car porch roof, you will likely need to see their permission to see how an additional column can be constructed to support their car porch roof on their side. again this is at your cost.

    For now, you should just get the property agent to check and confirm if the house is sitting on a single landed title deed by itself. the seller can download the information from SLA free of charge to proof it as well.

    after that, you can go to PUB website and purchase the SIP and DIP for the house to check if there's any public sewer running through the land and whether the land is subjected to drainage reserves as well. if there's sewer line running through the land, you may need to spend money to build a trench to protect the sewer when you rebuilt the house. any drainage reserves will mean you cannot built over that part of the land and it will need to be vested to the state for free as well.

    Hi snoozee, besides DIP & SIP, as well as title  deed, are they any other information we should check on before considering purchasing a landed property please? Thanks for your kind advice. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, snoozee said:

    it is common for houses along a road to look the same since they are likely built by a developer.

    as long as the unit you are eyeing is a single landed title deed and not a deed where the land is shared among the houses along the street, you can do whatever you want with the building on your land. if the land title deed is shared, you may need to consult a lawyer or experts for more advice.

    with the shared roof, you can remove yours on your side and later on when you rebuilt the house, the neighbour roof is joined back to your house or just remained on their side but with proper water proofing done (at your cost). the shared car porch roof can also be demolished on your side. if there is no column to support their side of the car porch roof, you will likely need to see their permission to see how an additional column can be constructed to support their car porch roof on their side. again this is at your cost.

    For now, you should just get the property agent to check and confirm if the house is sitting on a single landed title deed by itself. the seller can download the information from SLA free of charge to proof it as well.

    after that, you can go to PUB website and purchase the SIP and DIP for the house to check if there's any public sewer running through the land and whether the land is subjected to drainage reserves as well. if there's sewer line running through the land, you may need to spend money to build a trench to protect the sewer when you rebuilt the house. any drainage reserves will mean you cannot built over that part of the land and it will need to be vested to the state for free as well.

    Thanks so much for the advice, I didn’t consider all these points. Will have to check further before committing then. 

  3. Hello! We are currently looking for a semi detached home and have noticed one potential home whereby the car porch roof is shared with the neighbour (the two supporting pillars are on either side of the partition wall)

    are we allowed to demolish our side? What happens then. 

    also I noticed the entire street’s semi detached houses are symmetrical.  Can we demolish and rebuild/ change the exterior if we were to purchase this semi detached please? 

  4. thanks for your encouragement guys!

    i am now soldiering on with the entire reno process

    in order to ensure screw ups are identified early, i've taken to coming down everyday after work to inspect everthing in my place

    which kinda makes it

    1. real tiring (i do not drive, after enduring nearly an hour on the crowded bus, its close to 7 when i reach my new place; and there are no lights in my place cos the workers removed all the lights for electrical and painting works!! so i crawl around in semi-darkness holding a flashlight -- just like a burglar :o )

    2. real pointless (on certain days, hardly any work is done....)

    3. real monotonous (routine revolves arnd work - inspect - sleep - work - inspect - sleep)

    but its a way to keep an eye on the reno works.

    so... bottom line is.... it is difficult to find a good and reliable id, much effort is needed on the homeowner's part

    really envy those people who managed to find a responsible and RESPONSIVE id!

    p/s IDs really get hospitalised v freq hor? my id said he was hospitalised, darren said he was hospitalised, my fren's id said he was hospitalised, some renotalk forumer's id said he was hospitalised... really high rate of occupational hazard it seems... e.g. smoke inhalation? electrical burns? near drowning? chemical exposure? poor guys.

  5. also, before we signed, he said he would required 4-6 weeks to handover

    now he sends us the estimated date of completion (note, he only sent this to us cos we asked him to estimate when works can be done)

    and it is in END AUGUST!

    *jaw drops* that is like almost 3 months!


    when we question him, he always has a million and one reasons.... really fed up of dealing with him

    everyday i tink of my half destroyed flat and i feel like killing him.


    up to now NO 3D drawings

    h3ll, not even 2D drawings lah.

  6. im using PL too

    very unhappy with my id (none of the above mentioned)

    he appeared nice and helpful initally

    but once we paid him the deposit, everything changed (i expected this, but i didnt expect the service upon signing to be so exaggerately APPALLING)

    signed during late May, now almost end Jun, BARELY ANYTHING has been done

    he does not reply smses promptly

    but is PROMPT when it involves collecting MORE MONEY from us

    and i think he lied to me about some stuff

    the trust is broken but i've already paid up.

    really regretful.
