sorry abt the little details.
i'm noob to buying a hse.
the whole situation is...
i register online to buy bto hse at buangkok together with both my bankrupt parents in jan. in may, hdb send me a letter telling me i can go select a unit with queue number n everything.
went down to select a flat, then ask to pay 2k deposit.
all they tell me is to get a loan.
but definitely bank loan cannot cos my parents bankrupt.
so only way is hdb loan. i need a guide on how to appeal successfully for a hdb loan.
if loan too little, i will have to find other source for money to top up right?
my english poor, need help to actually write an appeal letter.
sorry pple if u all need more details so u can help me just let me know.
cos i really dunno what to provide.
thanks so much for all your response..
i appreciate so much!