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Everything posted by kor69

  1. Hi Hi Welcome When Posting pictures in the forum, Try using the IMG - link for your photos The <Insert Image> icon is below the font box - between two "+" signs So we can see the Pics Nice!!! Marsiling er.... I tink we viewed that flat before... *heheh* We were targeting Jumbo or EA And Marsiling had a few Jumbos Have a safe Reno-Journey
  2. Any Pics for the O-M-G slanted wall? I see some clever ideas for the ones in the Living Room Nice Congrats on a smooth reno-ride
  3. oh - its a 3-D effect laminate... I tot u mosaic'ed your cabinets U need SuperSimon's Camera? *heheh* er... is that a MIRROR for a back-splash??? WOW I cannot afford it... using normal tiles...
  4. Kool! hmm... ya... maybe I should push the Sink more to the wall on the Left to save the glass but the fridge is there for a reason... we did a built-in-with-cabinets fridge before... and had a nightmare when we had to change it. Since we like a B-I-G fridge *heheh* It has to stand-a-lone...
  5. yeah! I'm also sourcing around for Air-con specialists... I think I will have aircon headaches for my Reno
  6. Thanks BTW - Still LURVE your Kitchen... Definitely Top 3 in my List
  7. kor69


    WOOAH!! You buying THE Artichoke Lamp? Woo!! $$!!
  8. Wow! Online Birthday Present Wish Good Missile to Hubby...
  9. wooo! at least the cracked tile is replaced
  10. :o O-M-G :o Thanks will liaise with locksmith...
  11. Hi hi... was wondering if this floorplan is okie... I'm using my own judgment by eye... might not be accurate or feasible in reality... Original: Proposed: (hopefully with System 4 Aircon all the way to Toddler room) hmmm...? now it depends upon the budget... *ignores screaming wallet*
  12. ya exactly dat is one miserable storeroom hope to hack dat and balcony... and extending the MBR and opening a Kitchen wall... or half of it... ... oops... gotta stop... can u hear my wallet screamin? :P
  13. okie... thanks and... I want to build my wardrobe along the slanted wall (Bedroom 2)... ... ... sooo
  14. er.... Nice wall feature?? ow
  15. hmmm... actually the light shade is nice the prob is with "too much twinkly" effects... Which can be toned down with: Removing crystals - as you suggested... or maybe increase the amount of light inside... or increase lights outside... *sigh*
  16. :o WOAAAH! your house has Tree and Fountain I cannot afford it
  17. hmmm... must have had a nice lunch... Kopi Time
  18. For those who are looking... missing one more room - Bedroom 3 Reason - Even the owners could not open the door... seems to be stuck :o We will see on Friday when we collect the keys... Else - use a crowbar... That's it for now
  19. And... The Balcony (which will be hacked) Balcony pipe and drain (drain got stinkee poo smell ) Lotsa tiles to hack... er... more $$?
  20. ya... My Bro-in-law was over having a Rain-Shower... but now... :P Maybe just spend $$ to fix a rain for his MBR I can live with a normal instant heater
  21. The MBR... gee... Floorplan makes it look so big... One small Wardrobe, One King-sized Bed... One desk, TV, PC... no room to walk liao View From Window... nooo! got Main Beam... cannot hack... ID happy liao MBR Aircon - I think the entrance to the Toilet is below the aircon...
  22. Soon-to-be my Bedroom (aka Bedroom 2) Hanging Shelves cover a small square "window" on the Right Aircon on the Left... and Compressor outside my window!!! *Aaargh* need sound-proof windows
  23. Its... er... okay once you... Bleach the entire place and spray paint it White...